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1998.09–2002. 06 西安交通大学/建筑工程与力学学院 工程力学 本科 

2002.09–2005. 03 西安交通大学/航天航空学院 固体力学  硕士 

2005.03–2008. 03 西安交通大学/航天航空学院 固体力学  博士 


2008.7-2010.8,德国TU Freiberg“洪堡”学者,合作教授:Meinhard Kuna;

2010.9-2011.7,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学Postdoc Fellow,合作教授:Long-Qing Chen;

2014.6-2014.9,德国锡根大学洪堡高级访问学者,合作教授:ChuanZeng Zhang;




[1]非均质材料断裂问题的构型力理论(11772245), 2018.1-2021.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目

[2]基于构型力学描述材料损伤和失效的新准则(11472205), 2015.1-2018.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目;


[4]考虑壁厚效应、温度效应的三维弹塑性断裂韧度研究(GC-WT-2016-15), 2016.1-2016.12, 中国石油集团石油管工程技术研究院



[7]页岩气储层水力压裂技术的优化设计(2014K10-16),2014.1-2015.12, 陕西省教育厅,工业攻关;

[8]某扫描平台分析与仿真研究(2014XT-08),2014.1-2015.12, 陕西省教育厅,协同创新;






[1] 李群, 欧卓成, 陈宜亨.《高等断裂力学》, 科学出版社, 2016

[2] Qun Li, JunNan Lv, Yuli Guo, XinPeng Tian. A consistent framework of material configurational mechanics in piezoelectric materials. Acta Mechanical, DOI: 10.1007/s00707-017-1966-5

[3] Q. Li*, Y.L. Guo, J.L. Hou, W.J. Zhu, The M-Integral based failure description on elasto-plastic materials with defects under biaxial loading, Mechanics of Materials 112 (2017) 163-171. IF=2.651

[4] YuLi Guo, Qun Li*, Material configurational forces applied to mixed mode crack propagation, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2017, 89::147-157 IF=2.025

[5] Qun Li*, Junnan Lv, Invariant integrals of crack interaction with an inhomogeneity, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 171 (2017) 76-84 IF=2.195

[6] Rong Wang, Hong Zuo, Yi-Min Yang, Bo Yang, Qun Li*. Finite element simulation and optimization of radial resistive force for shape memory alloy vertebral body stent, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2016, DOI: 10.1177/1045389X16685442, IF=2.255

[7] Junnan Lv, XueLing Fan, Qun Li*, The impact of the growth of thermally grown oxide layer on the propagation of surface cracks within thermal barrier coatings, Surface & Coatings Technology, 309 (2017) 1033-1044 IF:2.139 IDS 号: EN7LN

[8] Suxin Pan, Qida Liu, Qun Li*, Ferroelectric creep associated with domain switching emission in the cracked ferroelectrics, Computational Materials Science, DOI information: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.08.048

[9] JunNanLv, Qun Li*, Equivalent configurational stress to predict material yielding and crack propagation, 2016, Acta Mechanica, 227 (10): 3055-3065 IDS 号: DY5JV IF=1.694

[10]Qun Li, Linyun Liang, Kirk Gerdes and Long-Qing Chen, Phase-field modeling of three-phase electrode microstructures in solid oxide fuel cells, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 033909, 2012.

[11]Yifeng Hu, Qun Li Junping Shi, and Yiheng Chen, Surface/interface effect and size/configuration dependence on the energy release in nanoporous membrane, Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 034302, 2012

[12]Qun Li, Yi-Feng Hu and Yi-Heng Chen, On the Physical Interpretation of the M-integral in Nonlinear Elastic Defect Mechanics, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, DOI: 10.1177/1056789512456860,2012

[13]Ning-Yu Yu. Qun Li and Yi-Heng Chen, Experimental evaluation of the M-integral in an elastic-plastic material containing multiple defects, J. Appl. Mech. 80, 011021 (2013)

[14]JianJun Wang, Saswata Bhattacharyya, Qun  Li, Tae Wook Heo, XingQiao. Ma and Long-Qing Chen, Elastic solutions with arbitrary elastic inhomogeneity and anisotropy, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2012, 1–9, iFirst

[15] Qun Li and Meinhard Kuna, Evaluation of electromechanical fracture behavior by configurational forces in cracked ferroelectric polycrystals, Computational Materials Science, 2012, 57, 94–101.

[16] Ningyu Yu and Qun Li, Yiheng Chen, Measurement of the M-integral for a Hole in an Aluminum Plate or Strip, Experimental Mechanics,52(7),855-863, 2012.
