李刚 |
供应链管理与电子商务; 制造与服务战略及运营管理
1. 麻省理工学院(MIT)斯隆管理学院高级访问学者(International Faculty Fellow) 2011.9-2011.12
2. 香港理工大学物流与航运学系 高级研究员(Research Fellow) 2010.1~2010.3
3. 西安交通大学管理学院 教授,博导 2014.12~
4. 西安交通大学管理学院 副教授,博导 2010.1~2014.12
5. 西安交通大学管理学院 助理教授 2005.2~2009.12
6. 香港理工大学工业与系统工程学系 助理研究员(RA) 2005.7-2006.8
7. 西安电子科技大学计算机学院 助教 1996.7~1998.9
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目:网络环境下的多渠道供应链的竞争与协调的决策机制研究(项目批准号:61174171),2012.1-2015.12, 46万元;
2.国家自然科学基金青年基金课题:横向竞争供应链的产能协调研究(项目批准号:70701029),2008.1-2010.12, 17万元;
3.国家社会科学基金课题:发展服务型制造,促进中国装备制造业增长模式转型研究(项目批准号:08XJY016),2008.7-2010.12, 9万元。
12.西安交通大学学科交项目:跨组织服务网络协调机制研究 (项目编号:2010JBK)2010.11-2012.6:经费4万元;
17.香港理工大学研究基金The Buyer-Seller Collaboration Mechanism with Real-time Information Sharing (Project No. A-PG64)2005.7~2006.8,经费15.6万元港币;
34.2004.1~2005.12:IBM 大学共享合作研究项目——The Influence of RFID on Supply Chain Collaboration(经费40万元,已结题)
1. Best Paper Award, "Controlling the returns: How to disclose product information online", 7th Global Supply Chain Management Conference, 2015.4.
2. 领跑者5000,中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文(Frontrunner, Top Articles in Outstanding S&T Journals of China),“21世纪的先进制造模式——服务型制造,中国机械工程,18(19): 2307~2312”,中国科学技术信息研究所,2013.12.
3. 基于北斗/GPS的透明运输过程管理云服务平台,中国物流采购联合会科技进步二等奖(排名2),2012.12.
4. 中国制造业发展战略的管理研究,陕西省科学技术二等奖(排名3),2010.12
5. 基于网络制造联盟的客户化生产组织与管理奖,陕西省科学技术二等奖(排名8),2007.12.
6. 发展服务型制造,促进陕西制造业发展,2011年陕西省优秀决策咨询奖,2011.12
7. 物流供应链管理系统,2007年陕西省科学技术二等奖(排名8),2006.12。
8. 基于B/S的供应链管理系统,2002年西安市科技进步二等奖(排名5),2002.12
9. 虚拟制造与陕西工业企业重组和配送战略研究,陕西省"十五"优秀软科学学论文;
10. 西安交通大学,汪应洛管理奖教金一等奖,2012年。
11. 西安交通大学,李秀恒管理发展基金一等奖,2008年。
1. Gang Li*, Feng Feng Huang, T.C.E. Cheng, Quan Zheng, Ping Ji, 2014. Make-or-buy service capacity decision in a supply chain providing after-sales service. European Journal of Operational Research; 239(2):377-388.
2. Ting Kong, Gang Li, Taiwen Feng* & Linyan Sun (2015): Effects of marketing–manufacturing integration across stages of new product development on performance, International Journal of Production Research, 53(8), 2269-2284.
3. Donghan Liang, Gang Li*, Linyan Sun, and Yubao Chen. The role of rebates in the hybrid competition between a national brand and a private label with present-biased consumers[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2013, 145(2013)208–219.
4. Gang Li*, Hongjiao Yang, Linyan Sun, Ping Ji, Lei Feng: The evolutionary complexity of complex adaptive supply networks: A simulation and case study. International Journal of Production Economics 124(2010), 310-330.
5. Gang Li*, Hongjiao Yang, Linyan Sun, Amrik S. Sohal: The impact of IT implementation on supply chain integration and performance. International Journal of Production Economics; 120(1):125-138.
6. Gang Li*, Luo ML, Zhang WJ, Wang XY. Single-machine due-window assignment scheduling based on common flow allowance, learning effect and resource allocation[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 53(4): 1228-1241.
7. Gang Li*, Xiao-Yuan Wang, Ji-Bo Wang, Lin-Yan Sun: Worst case analysis of flow shop scheduling problems with a time-dependent learning effect. International Journal of Production Economics 142(1):98-104.
8. Donghan Liang, Gang Li*, Linyan Sun, Jie Gao, Xinyu Sun, 2013. The Effect of Risk Aversion on Manufacturer Advertising in a Two-Stage Supply Chain. Transportation Journal; 51(1)59-79.
9. Gang Li*, Feng Feng Huang, T.C.E. Cheng., 2015. Competition Between Manufacturer’s Online Customization Channel and Conventional Retailer, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 62(2): 150-157.
10. Gang Li*, Huan Fan, Peter K.C. Lee, T.C.E, 2015. Cheng. Joint supply chain risk management: An agency and collaboration perspective, Accepted by International Journal of Production Economics, 164, 83–94..
11. Meiling Luo, Gang Li*, Wan C.L.J, Qu R, Ji P. Supply Chain coordination with dual procurement sources via real-option contract [J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering 80 (2015) 274-283.
12. Ji, P. *, Xin Ma, Gang Li., Developing green purchasing relationships for the manufacturing industry: An evolutionary game theory perspective. International Journal of Production Economics (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe. 2014.10.009i.
13. Yi Li, Gang Li*. Effects of suppliers’ trust, transaction-specific investment and suppliers’ commitment on customer involvement: The moderating role of switching cost, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 115(6), 1041 – 1066
14. Gang Li*, P.JI, Linyan Sun, W.B.Lee, 2009. Modeling and simulation of supply network evolution based on complex adaptive system and fitness landscape. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol.56(3),839-853.
15. Meiling Luo, Gang Li*, Cheng T.C.E. Free Riding and Coordination in a Dual-channel Supply Chain in E-commerce[J]. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, Accepted, 2015.2.
16. Yongqiang Li*, Gang Li, Linyan Sun, Zhiyong Xu: Single machine scheduling of deteriorating jobs to minimize total absolute differences in completion times. International Journal of Production Economics118 (2009) 424-429.
17. Yuan-Yuan Lu, Gang Li, Yu-Bin Wu, Ping Ji: Optimal due-date assignment problem with learning effect and resource-dependent processing times. Optimization Letters (2014) 8:113-127.
18. Ping Ji*, Gang Li, Yunzhang Huo, Ji-Bo Wang: Single-machine common flow allowance scheduling with job-dependent aging effects and a deteriorating maintenance activity. Optimization Letters(2014) 8:1389-1400.
19. Xue Huang*, Gang Li, Yunzhang Huo, Ping Ji: Single machine scheduling with general time-dependent deterioration, position-dependent learning and past-sequence-dependent setup times. Optimization Letters (2013) 7:1793- 1804.
20. Xuesong Guo, Gang Li, 2008. A Hybrid Wavelet Analysis and Support Vector Machines in Forecasting Development of Manufacturing. Expert Systems with Applications 35: 415-422.
21. Yi Wang, Linyan Sun, Rong Qu,Gang Li*, 2015.Price and Service Competition With maintenance Service Building, Journal of Systems Sciences & Systems Engineering DOI: 10.1007/s11518-015-5267-z.
22. Li Gang*, Sun Linyan. Self-Organization Evolution of Supply Networks: System Modeling and Simulation Based on Multi-agent. Lecture notes in artificial intelligence 3801: 405-409, 2005 (SCI Index ID : BDQ19)
23. 李刚,孙林岩等,2008. 高新技术产品供应链的产能协调研究,预测,Vol.27(3):69~74. 2008.
24. 李刚,罗美玲.2010. 风险规避供应商参与下基于实物期权的供应链协调,运筹与管理,2012, 1: 75-87.
25. 罗美玲,李刚.2010. 具有服务溢出效应的双渠道供应链竞争, 系统管理学报,2012, 20(6): 648-657.
26. 罗美玲,李刚,张文杰. 双渠道供应链中双向搭便车研究, 系统管理学报, 2014, 23(3),314-324.
27. 罗美玲,李刚,孙林岩. 基于实物期权的双源供应链柔性采购协调策略. 运筹与管理, 2012, 21(4): 124-136.
28. 罗美玲,李刚,孙林岩. 基于增值服务的双渠道供应链竞争, 工业工程与管理,2011. No.3,37-44.
29. 李刚,白影波,许德惠. 客户参与与新产品上市速度: 基于中国制造业的实证研究, 科研管理,2014, 35(2),94-103.
30. 梁冬寒,李刚. 2010. 基于确定性价格效应的推式和拉式促销研究,运筹与管理,2012,No.2,126-132。
31. 赵丽,孙林岩,李刚. 中国制造企业供应链整合与企业绩效的关系研究, 管理工程学报,2011, No.3, 1-9.
32. 许德惠,李刚. 环境不确定性, 供应链整合与企业绩效关系的实证研究. 科研管理, 2012, 33(12), 40-49.
33. 许德惠,李刚. 供应链运作风险对企业竞争能力及绩效影响的实证研究,科研管理, 2013,34(6), 129-137.
34. 吴安波, 李刚, 孙林岩, 孙荣庭. 基于CVaR 风险测度标准的价格补贴策略下的协调研究, 运筹与管理,2013, 22(2),44-56.
35. Dehui, Xu, Gang Li. The effect of environmental uncertainty on supply chain integration in Chinese manufacturing industry,2010 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Proceedings of ICSSSM' 10, 623-628. EI Index: 20103513191183.
36. 孙林岩,李刚(通讯作者)等,2007. 21世纪的先进制造模式——服务型制造,中国机械工程,18(19): 2307~2312, 2007 (EI Index: 074510910308).
37. 李刚,孙林岩等,2009. 服务型制造的起源、概念与价值创造机理, 科技进步与对策,Vol.26(7),68-23,2009. CSSCI期刊.
38. 李刚,孙林岩等,2009.服务型制造的理论体系与实施模式, 科技进步与对策,科技进步与对策, 27(7),23-28,2010.。
39. 孙荣庭, 孙林岩, 李刚, 不确定需求下多零售商竞争的供应链协调研究,工业工程与管理, 49-52,2010.
40. 梁冬寒,丰雷,李刚. 基于信号博弈的公立医院利益补偿机制,管理学报,Vol. 6(2), 182~186. 国家自然基金委管理学部B类期刊.
41. 李晓宏,孙林岩,李刚. 需求信息更新条件下零售商间调货策略研究, 系统工程学报,Vol.23(6):689~675., 2008. 国家自然基金委管理学部A类期刊
42. 李晓宏,孙林岩,李刚. 订货期信息更新条件下不确定性市场需求易逝品零售商横向调货策略研究,运筹与管理, 2009:18(5)76-80。国家自然基金委管理学部A类期刊
43. 李晓宏,孙林岩,孙荣庭,李刚. 销售期有效市场需求下零售商利润分配研究,管理工程学报,24(3), 19-23, 2010. 国家自然基金委管理学部A类期刊
44. 汪翼,孙林岩,李刚,杨洪焦. 闭环供应链的回收责任分担决策,系统管理学报, Vol.18(4):378~384. 2009.国家自然基金委管理学部A类期刊
45. 宫俊涛,孙林岩,李刚,2009.中国制造业省际全要素生产率变动分析——基于非参数Malmquist指数方法,数量经济技术经济研究, Vol.15(4):97~110. 国家自然基金委管理学部A类期刊
46. 汪翼,孙林岩,李刚.集装箱车辆调度问题的变邻域禁忌搜索算法, 工业工程与管理,2008(5).:6-11。
47. 孙林岩,李刚,孙新宇. 关中高新技术产业开发带CIMS. 中国机械工程 [J]. 2004.Vol.15(4):303~307.( EI检索,ID: 04178136361)
48. 李刚,孙林岩,李海泉. 敏捷企业建模框架研究. 中国机械工程 [J],2003, Vol.14(21): 1867~1871. (Inspec 检索, ID: 7901008)
49. 孙新宇,李刚,孙林岩. 基于蚂蚁算法的工件排序优化,系统工程理论与实践 [J]. 2003,Vol.23 (11): 20~25. (EI检索,ID:04027814753)
50. 张涛,孙林岩,孙海虹,李刚. 供应链的系统运作模式分析与建模——基于复杂适应系统范式的研究.系统工程理论与实践 [J]. 2003,Vol.23 (11): 8~14. (EI检索,ID:04027814751)
51. 高杰,孙林岩,李刚.业务流程外包的概念化分析.管理学报 [J]. 2004, Vol.1 (2) :217~220..
52. 李刚,孙林岩. 基于多Agent 的柔性企业资源计划体系结构研究. 计算机工程 [J]. 2002,Vol.28(9):42~45.
53. Li Gang, Yongqiang Li, Sun Linyan. Multi-agent Coordination Schemas in Decentralized Production Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2007. (EI Index: 20080411055387)
54. Li Gang, Sun Linyan. Self-organization evolution of distributed supply networks: a theoretical and empirical study in China. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. Vol.10(2/3):142~160,2007. (EI Index: 70810436426)
55. Li Gang, Sun Linyan. A study of the self-organization modeling for distributed manufacturing network. Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on e-Commerce Technology for Dynamic E-Business [C]. U.S.A.:IEEE Computer Society. 2004,114:118(EI Core检索, ID: 051088725 17; ISTP检索,ID: BBA97; Inspec: 8303260)
56. Li Gang, Sun Linyan. The self-organization of distributed manufacturing network. Proceeding of International Conference on Manufacturing Automation[C].Bury St Edmunds and London, UK: Professional Engineering Publishing Limited. 2004:469~476. (EI Core检索, ID: 05389374151)
57. 李刚,孙林岩. 自组织柔性ERP研究.计算机工程与应用 [J]. 2004,Vol.40 (24): 61~64.
58. Li Gang, Sun Linyan. A study of the architecture of enterprise modeling for agile supply chain management, Proceeding of IMCC2002 [C]. XiMen, China: XiMen University Press.2002: 121~125.
59. Li Gang, Sun Linyan. A study on the architecture of flexible ERP multi-agent based. Proceeding of IE&IE’2002&IceCE’2002 [C]. Spring, Germany.2002:102~106.
60. Wenjie Zhang, Gang Li* and Huan Fan, 2013. The Impact of Enterprise Information System on Customer Service and Firm Performance, Proceeding of 43th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering.
61. Huan Fan, Gang Li*, Wenjie Zhang and Li Zhao, 2013. Supply Chain Risk, and Firm Performance. Proceeding of 43th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering.