严群 |
1995.1-1997.6 助理研究员 美国 橡树林国家实验室
1997.6-2009.2 资深研究员 美国 美国松下等离子显示研究所
2009.3-2015.7 首席科学家 中国四川长虹电子集团;虹欧显示器件有限公司
2015.8-至今 首席技术顾问 中国 四川长虹电器集团
2016.6-至今 国际显示学会(SID)中国区总裁,国际显示学会全球显示培训学校(DTS)主席
2011.3-2014.12 PDP国家工程实验室 国家发改委(1500万) 第1负责人
2012.3-2014.12 PDP新型介质保护膜技术研发及产业化 四川省经信委(1300万)第1负责人
2011.5-2012.12 PDP国际合作交流平台 商务部(600万)第1负责人
2010.3-2012.12 高光效PDP屏量产工艺及高效驱动技术的研发及产业化 工信部(1500万)第1负责人
2009.8-2012.10 PDP共性技术研究和测试平台 工信部(1200万)第1负责人
2009.5-2011.12 PDP低功耗高发光效率模组研究及产业化 工信部(800万) 第1负责人
2007.1-2008.6 Ultra fast PDP addressing using inkjet printing carbon nanotube(采用喷墨打印碳纳米管的超快速PDP寻址) 松下等离子显示技术研究所Plasmaco 公司内部项目 (100万美元) 第1负责人
2003.1-2007.12 Low voltage protective layer for high luminous efficacy PDP(低电压高发光效率PDP介质保护膜开发) 松下等离子显示技术研究所Plasmaco 公司内部项目(500万美元) 第1负责人
2001.1-2002.12 PDP Fast addressing driving waveform technology(等离子显示屏快速寻址驱动波形技术) 松下等离子显示技术研究所Plasmaco 公司内部项目(50万美元) 第1负责人
1997.8-1998.12 Low energy ion (<50eV) induced secondary electron emission measurement system(低能量(<50eV)离子激发介质层的二次电子测试系统) Plasmaco 公司内部项目(200万美元) 第1负责人
1999.1-2000.12 Technology of measuring exo-electron emission from PDP protective layer (等离子显示介质保护层滞后电子发射测试技术) Plasmaco 公司内部项目(100万美元) 第1负责人
1. Qun Yan, Koichi Kotera Koichi Kotera, Hailong Zhao, Hui Liu, Hui Zhou, Yang Tang, Xingqun Deng, “Calcium Magnesium Oxide Nano-crystal (Nano-CMO) for Improving Uniformity of High Xe Content PDP” SID Symposium Digest, 45/1, pp. 208 (2014)
2. Qun (Frank) Yan, Koichi Kotera, Hui Liu, Hui Zhou, Hailong Zhao, Xingqun Deng, Pengnian Wang, "Development of the Second Generation Calcium Magnesium Oxide Protective Layer for High Luminous Efficacy PDP", Proc. IDW ‘13, pp. 669(2013)
3. Wen-Jian Kuang, Qing Li, Yu-Xiang Chen, Kai Hu, Ning-Hui Wang, Fang-Li Xing, Qun Yan, Shuai-Shuai Sun, Yan Huang, Ye Tao and Harm Tolner,“Surface exciton emission of MgO crystals” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 pp.365501(2013)
4. Qun Yan, Koichi Kotera, Zhengxiang Lu, Fangli Xing, Guizheng Tang, Liguo Chen, Dalaoqi Xue, Masataka Uchidoi, “New Improvement of Luminous Efficacy by Applying CaxMg1-xO Protecting Layer with High Xe-Content Discharge Gas” SID Symposium Digest, 44/1, pp. 127 (2013)
5. Qun (Frank) Yan, Koichi Kotera, Pengnian Wang,Zhengxian Lu, Fangli Xing, Cuizhen Tang, Liguo Chen, Daoqi Xue, and Xingqun Deng,“Manufacture Issues of Implementing CaxMg1-xO protecting layer for High Efficiency AC PDP”,Proc. IDW /AD ‘12, 1021, (2012)
6. Fangli Xing and Daoqi Xue,Zhengxian Lu, Xianghui Luo, Nan Ji, and Qun Yan, “ CaMgO(CMO) Film Properties Study”, SID Symposium Digest, 43/1, pp. 157 (2012)
7. Qun (Frank) Yan,etc , Invited Paper “Processing Issues of CaxMg1-xO(CMO) Protecting Layer for High Luminous Efficacy PDP” , Proc. IDW ‘11, 229-230, (2011)
8. Qun (Frank) Yan, Zhengxian Lu, Fangli Xing, Xin Zhang, Cuizhen Tang, Liguo Chen, and Xinqun Deng, Invited Paper: “Developing CaxMg1-xO(CMO) Protecting Layer for High Luminous Efficacy PDP”, IMID Digest 2011, pp.365-366
9. Qun Yan, Xinqun Deng , Zhegxian Lu, Fangli Xing, Xin Zhang, Cuizhen Tang, Haicheng Wei, Invited Paper: “High Luminous Efficacy PDP Using Ca(x)Mg(1-x)O Protecting Layer”, SID Symposium Digest, 42/2, pp. 633 (2011)
10.Larry F. Weber and Qun (Frank) Yan, “Very-sensitive direct measurement of plasma-display exoemission” JSID, 19/2, pages 212-220 (2011)
11.Qun (Frank) Yan, Invited Paper “PDP Research and Development in China,” Proc. IDW ‘10, 1929–1932, (2010)
12.Mitsuhiro Murata, Yasuyuki Noguchi, Ryuichi Murai, Masatoshi Kitagawa, Qun Yan and Benjamin L. Ballard “Effect of Carbon Nanotubes in a PDP Back Plate on Addressing Discharge Time Lag”, SID Symposium Digest, 41/1, pp. 611-614 (2010)
13. Qun (Frank) Yan, “Exo-electron Emission Measurement in AC PDP” PDP workshop, IMID 2008 (Invited Talk)
14.Qun (Frank) Yan , Naoki Kosugi2 , Yoshinao Oe , Hiroyuki Tachibana2, and Larry F. Weber, “Analysis of priming source for addressing discharge of AC PDP”, (Invited Talk) Proc. IDW, pp. 359-362, 2006
15.F.W. Meyer, M.E. Bannister, C. C. Havener, H. F. Krause, P. Krstic, D. R. Schultz, A. Agarwal, D. Swenson, and F. Yan, “ Ion-Implantation-Related Atomic Collision Studies at the ORNL Multicharged Ion Research Facility”, AIP Conf. Proc. 635, 125 (2002)
16.H. Wang and F. Q. Yan, “Color Plasma Display Panel”, Nature, Vol. 20(4), p208, 1998. (in Chinese)
17.Q. Yan, J. Burgdšrfer, and F. W. Meyer, "Grazing ion-surface interactions as probe of surface states", Phys. Rev. B 56, 1589 (1997)
18.Q. Yan, R. Albridge, A. Barnes, N. Seifert, and N. Tolk, “Anomalous Behavior of the Desorption of Excited Sodium Atoms Induced by Ion bombardment of Sodium-Fluoride Crystals”, Phys. Rev. B 55, 2854 (1997).
19.F. W. Meyer, Q.Yan, P. Zeijlmans van Emmichoven, I. G. Hughes, and G. Spierings, "On the neutralization of singly and multicharged projectiles during grazing interactions with LiF(100)", Invited paper for IISC11, Wangerooge, Germany, Sept. 22-27, 1996, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, Volume 125, Issues 1–4, 3 April 1997, Pages 138–145
20.Q.Yan and F. W. Meyer, "Projectile neutralization during grazing interactions of multicharged ions with LiF(100)", Contributed paper to ICDIM 96, Wake Forest University, July 15-19, 1996, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 239-241, pp. 629-632, 1997.
21.Q.Yan, F. W. Meyer, amd S. Schipper, "Projectile velocity and target temperature dependence of charge state distributions of multicharged ions scattered during grazing interactions with a Au(110) surface", Phys. Rev. A 54, 641, (1996).
22.Q. Yan, F. W. Meyer, "Scattered Projectile Angular and Charge State Distributions for Grazing Collisions of Multicharged Ions With Metal and Insulator Single Crystal Targets", The proceedings of 16th Werner Brandt Workshop on Charged Particle Penetration Phenomena, Jan 9-10, 1996, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
23.Q. Yan, A.V. Barnes, B. Barnes, N. Seifert, R. Albridge, and N. Tolk, "Optical Studies of Defects Induced by Ion Bombardment of Alkali Halide Crystals", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, Vol.115, 415-420, (1996)
24.Q. Yan, P. A. Zeijlmans van Emmichoven, S. Schippers, G. Spierings, I. G. Hughes, Marc Pieksma, C. C. Havener, and F. W. Meyer, "ECR Source-Based Low-Energy Multicharged Ion Collision Studies at Oak Ridge National Laboratory", The proceedings of 1995 DOE/BES Atomic Physics Program Workshop, Nov. 3-4, 1995, San Antonio, Texas.
25.Q. Yan, A. V. Barnes, N. Seifert, R. Albridge, and N. Tolk, "Defect Formation Under Ion Bombardment of Alkali Halide Crystals", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 30, No. 1, P227 (March 1995)
26.Q. Yan, R. Albridge, A. Barnes, N. Seifert, and N. Tolk, “Defects Induced by Ion bombardment of Alkali-halides”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 100, 224-227 (1995)
27.N. Seifert, Q. Yan, A.V. Barnes, N. Tolk, T. Neidhart, P. Varga, W. Husinsky, and G. Betz, "Defect mediated sputtering of amorphous LiF induced by low-energy ion bombardment", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 101, 131-136, (1995)
28.N. Seifert, Q. Yan, N. Tolk, W. Husinsky, and G. Betz, "Sputtering of LiF films induced by low-energy Ar+ bombardment", Physical Review B, Vol 51, No. 18, 202-208 (May 1, 1995)
29.N. Seifert, S. Vijayalakshmi, Q.Yan, J. Allen, A.V.Barnes, R.G. Albridge, T.A. Green, and N.H. Tolk,"Spatial distribution of defects in LiF induced by low-energy electron bombardment, Evidence for rapid hot-hole diffusion", Physical Review B, Vol 51, No. 22, 403 (Brief Reports) (June 1, 1995-II)
30.N. Seifert, S. Vijayalakshmi, Q. Yan, A.Barnes, R. Albridge, H. Ye, N. Tolk, and W. Husinsky, "Optical absorption spectroscopy of defects in Alkali-halides", Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 128, 15(1994)
31.Q. Yan , A. Barnes, R. Albridge, L.Crews, N.Seifert, and N. Tolk, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 39, No. 1, P781(March 1994)
32.N.Seifert, D.Liu, A. Barnes, R. Albridge, Q. Yan, and N. Tolk, “Simultaneous laser-induced fluorescence and quadruapole-mass-spectroscopy studies of electron-stimulated desorption of ground-state lithium atoms from lithium fluoride crystals,” Physical Review B, Vol.47, No. 14(1993).
33.Q. Yan , A. Barnes, R. Albridge, L.Crews, N.Seifert, and N. Tolk, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 38, No. 1, P281(March 1993)
34.N. Seifert, H. Ye, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, Q. Yan, S. Vijayalakshmi, and N.H. Tolk, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 38, No. 1, P740(March 1993)
35.J.T. Mckinley, R.G. Albridge, D.J. Mcclure, G.A. Mensing, C. Neal, H.B. Nielsen, N.H. Tolk, A. Ueda, Q. Yan, G. Margaritondo, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 37, No. 1, P170(March 1992)