赵银亮 |
3.线程级推测的不可预测性分析模型及自适应线程激发方法,教育部博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20130201110012), 2014年1月-2016年12月
1.Wang Zhoukai, Zhao Yinliang, Wang Zhaorong and Li Yuxiang. A speculative parallel intrusion prevention system based on Apache Spark.
2.15th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (IEEE ISPA 2017), Guangzhou, China, December 12-15, 2017
3.Zhoukai Wang,Yinliang Zhao, Yang Liu, Zhong Chen, Cuocuo Lv, Yuxiang Li. A speculative parallel decompression algorithm on Apache Spark, The Journal of Supercomputing, Published online (2017) 73:4082–4111, (SCI)
4.Li YX, Zhao YL, Sun LY, Shi JQ, et al. A Hybrid Sample Generation Approach in Speculative Multithreading[J].The Journal of Supercomputing,2017.(SCI,已录用)
5.Li YX, Zhao YL, Wu QS. GbA:A Graph-Based Thread Partition Approach in Speculative Multithreading[J]. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,2017.(SCI,已录用)
6.Li YX, Zhao YL, Liu B, et al. Optimization of Thread Partitioning Parameters in Speculative Multithreading Based on Artificial Immune Algorithm[J].Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering,2015,16(3):205-216.(SCI: CD0VS, EI:20153801297725).
7.Liu Yanzhao, Zhao Yinliang, Zhang Lei and Liu Kai. Subgraph Isomorphism based Intrinsic Function Reduction in Decomplition[J]. Journal of Software Engineering and Application (JSEA), 2016.09 (3) :80-90
8.李远成, 阴培培, 赵银亮. 基于模糊聚类的推测多线程划分算法. 计算机学报, 37(3):580-592,2014 EI
9.Meirong Li, Yinliang Zhao, You Tao, Qi-Ming Wang. A Static Greedy and Dynamic Adaptive Thread Spawning Approach for
10.Loop-Level Parallelism. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 29(6):962-975, 2014, SCI
11.Changpeng Zhu, Yinliang Zhao, Bo Han, Qinghua Zeng, Ying Ma. Runtime support for type-safe and context-based behavior adaptation.
12.Frontiers of Computer Science, 8(1):17-32, 2014, SCI
13.Bin Liu, Yinliang Zhao, Yuxiang Li, Yanjun Sun, Boqin Feng. A thread partitioning approach for speculative multithreading.
14.The Journal of Supercomputing, 67 (3), 778-805, 2014, SCI
15.一种面向粒的移动终端代码更新方法。2016.08.24,中国发明专利 ZL2013.10426198.5
16.一种面向粒的程序构造方法。2012.11.28,中国发明专利 ZL201010172831.9
17.一种面向粒的编程集成开发系统。 2012.11.28,中国发明专利 ZL201010172797.5