姜全保 |
2002.09-2006.11 西安交通大学管理学院,管理学博士
1999.09-2002.05 西北工业大学飞行器制造工程系,工学硕士
1995.09-1999.07 西北工业大学飞行器制造工程系,工学学士
2014.01- 西安交通大学人口与发展研究所,教授,博导
2011.09- 西安交通大学人口与发展研究所,博士生导师
2011.01-2013.12 西安交通大学人口与发展研究所,副教授
2007.06-2010.12 西安交通大学人口与发展研究所,讲师
2017.09-2018.08 美国普林斯顿大学当代中国研究中心,访问学者
2014.03-2015.02 英国牛津大学社会政策与干预系,访问学者
2011.02-2012.02 美国斯坦福大学莫里森人口与资源研究所,博士后研究人员
2022.01- 教育部青年长江学者
2020.05- 陕西省哲学社会科学和文化艺术领域领军人才
1.Jiang, Quanbao*, Cuiling Zhang, Yaer Zhuang, Yu Jiang, Xuying Zhang. 2023. Rising trend of childlessness in China: Analysis of social and regional disparities with 2010 and 2020 census data. BMJ Open 13(5): e070553. 2023年6月6号《红星新闻》推介(相关报道一度登上百度、微博等热搜)、6月6号《BMJ医学》公众号推介、6月29号《知识分子》公众号推介、6月30号《环球时报》英文版Global Times推介。
2.Li, Xiaomin, Tingshuai Ge, Qing Dong, Quanbao Jiang*. 2023.Social participation, psychological resilience and depression among widowed older adults in China. BMC Geriatrics. 23: 454. Nature Reviews Psychology作为research highlights推介。
3.Wang, Xinhong, Yujin Liu, Shupeng LYU, Tingshuai Ge, Quanbao Jiang*. 2023. School bullying victimization and suicidal tendency among Chinese adolescents: The mediating role of internalizing problems and non-suicidal self-injury. Journal of School Violence. Accepted.
4.Li, Xiaomin, Xinyu Gu, Tolulope Ariyo, Quanbao Jiang*. 2023. Understanding, experience, and response strategies to sexual harassment among Chinese college students. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 38 (3-4): 2337-2359.
5.Li, Xiaomin, Quanbao Jiang, Tingshuai Ge, Xinfeng Cheng. 2023. Remarriage after divorce and health in later life: Findings from China. Journal of Family Issues 44(2): 560-582.
6.Wang, Juan, You He, and Quanbao Jiang*. 2023. The river chief system and the total factor productivity in China: Evidence from the industrial enterprises database. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30(17): 50319-50331.
7.姜全保、梅丽、王丽娜、刘雪昭. 2022. 人口死亡水平研究. 社会科学文献出版社.
8.Jiang, Quanbao, Qiushi Feng. (eds). 2022. Aging and Health in China. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.
9.Jiang, Quanbao, Qiushi Feng. 2022. Editorial: Aging and health in China. Frontiers in Public Health
10:998769. 10.Yang, Shucai, Quanbao Jiang*, Jesús J Sánchez-Barricarte. 2022. China's fertility change: An analysis with multiple measures. Population Health Metrics 20:12. (Highly cited paper)
11.AKBARY, Mohammad Fazel, Tolulope Ariyo, Quanbao Jiang*. 2022. Socio-cultural determinants of attitudes towards domestic violence among women and men in Afghanistan: Evidence from Afghanistan Demographic and Health Survey 2015. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 37(11-12): NP9320-9344.
12.ARIYO, Tolulope, Quanbao Jiang*. 2022. Maternal autonomy and childhood undernutrition: Analysis of the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey. Journal of Child Health Care
13.Guo, Yu, Tian Wang, Tingshuai Ge, Quanbao Jiang*. 2022. Prevalence of self-care disability among older adults in China. BMC Geriatrics 22:775.
14.姜全保,杨淑彩. 2021. 中国生育水平研究. 社会科学文献出版社.
15.Jiang, Quanbao*, Cuiling Zhang. 2021. Recent sex ratio at birth in China. BMJ Global Health 6(5): e005438.
16.Ge,Tingshuai, Quanbao Jiang*. 2021. Sibling relationships of older adults in China: The role of gender composition and birth order. Current Psychology.
17.ARIYO, Tolulope, Quanbao Jiang*. 2021. Intimate partner violence and exclusive breastfeeding of infants: Analysis of the 2013 Nigeria demographic and health survey. International Breastfeeding Journal 16: 15.
18.Liu, Yixiao, Quanbao Jiang*. 2021. Who benefits from being an only child? A study of parent-child relationship among Chinese junior high school students. Frontiers in Psychology 11:608995.
19.李晓敏,姜全保. 2020. 生命历程事件与中老年健康. 社会科学文献出版社.
20.姜全保,淡静怡. 2020. 中国女性婚姻的推迟与补偿. 中国人口科学34 (5): 53-65.
21.姜全保,刘雪昭,杨淑彩. 2020. 中国生育水平的间接估计. 人口与经济41(4):43-52.
22.Jiang, Quanbao*, Tingshuai Ge, Xiujun Tai. 2020. Change in China’s sex ratio at birth since 2000-A decomposition at the provincial level. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 13(3): 547-574.
23.Liu, Yixiao, Quanbao Jiang, and Feinian Chen. 2020. Children’s gender and family educational strategies: the moderating effects of family resources. Chinese Sociological Review 52(3): 239-268.
24.Liu Yixiao, Tingshuai Ge, Quanbao Jiang*. 2020. Changing family relationships and mental health of Chinese adolescents: The role of living arrangements. Public Health 186: 110-115.
25.姜全保,李树茁. 2019. 性别失衡与婚姻挤压. 社会科学文献出版社. 2021年入选经典中国国际出版工程,获得第三届“王金玲性别研究优秀著作奖”三等奖,2022年获得第八届中国人口科学优秀成果奖二等奖.
26.姜全保,梅丽,邰秀军. 2019. 中国出生性别比的区间估计. 中国人口科学33(2):53-62。
27.Jiang, Quanbao*, Shucai Yang, Shuzhuo Li, and Marcus W. Feldman. 2019. The decline in China’s fertility level: A decomposition analysis. Journal of Biosocial Science 51(6): 785-798.
28.Li, Ying, Quanbao Jiang*. 2019. Women's gender role attitudes and fertility intentions of having a second child: Survey findings from Shaanxi Province of China. Asian Population Studies 15(1): 66-96.