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先后负责国家基金委“杰出青年科学基金”, “优秀青年科学家群体”,“重点项目”,973(二级),科技部基础研究的前期专项和中科院重要方向项目等重要课题;获“首届全国百篇优秀博士学位论文奖”,作为主持和主要参加者获五项省部级一等奖,一项国家级二等奖、三等奖和一项专利。此外,获多项荣誉称号。共发表论文近百篇。

2002年度陕西省科技进步一等奖 2007-11-13   

2008年度国家自然科学奖二等奖 2008-12-24


1.Zhou Weijian, Zhou Mingfu, and M.J. Head, 14C Chronology of Beizhuangcun sedimentation sequence since 30,000 years B.P. Chinese Science Bulletin, 35(7) (1990), 567-572.

2.Zhou Weijian, M.J.Head, and L. Kaiholas, Small sample dating in China. Radiocarbon 34(3) (1994), 47-49.

3.Zhou Weijian, D.J.Donahue, S.C.Porter, T.A.Jull, Li Xiaoqiang, M.Stuiver, An Zhisheng, Eiji Matsumoto and Dong Guangrong, Variability of monsoon climate in East Asia at the end of the last glaciation. Quaternary Research 46(3) (1996), 219-229.

4.Zhou Weijian, D.J. Donahue and J.T. Jull, Radiocarbon AMS dating of pollen concentrated from eolian sand and paleosol: Implications for the monsoon climate change since the late Quaternary. Radiocarbon, 39(1) (1997), 19-26.  

5.Zhou Weijian, Head, M.J., Lu Xuefeng, A.J.T. Jull and D.J.Donahue, Teleconnection of climatic events between east Asia and ploar high latitude areas during the last deglaciation. Palaeo. Palaeo. Palaeo. 152 (1999), 163-172.  

6.Weijian Zhou, M. John Head Zhisheng An Patrick De Deckker Zhengyu Liu, Xiaodong Liu, Xuefeng Lu Douglas Donahue, A. J. Timothy Jull, & J. Warren Beck, Terrestrial Evidence for a Spatial Structure of Tropical-Polar Interconnections During the Younger Dryas Episode. Earth and Planetary Science Letter, (2001), 191: 231-239.   

7.Zhou Weijian J.Dodson, M. John Head, B.S Li, Y.J.Hou, X.F. Lu, D. D. Donahue,, A. J. T. Jull, Environmental variability within the Chinese desert-loess transition zone over the last 20,000 yrs. Holocene 12 (1) ( 2002), 107-112.  

8.Weijian Zhou, Xuefeng Yu, A. J. Timothy Jull, G. Burr, J. Y. Xiao, Xuefeng Lu, & Feng Xian, High-resolution evidence of an early Holocene optimum and a mid-Holocene dry event from southern China during the last 18,000 years. Quaternary Research 62 (2004), 39-48.  

9.Weijian Zhou, Shucheng Xie, Philip A. Meyers, and Yanhong Zheng, Reconstruction of Late-Glacial and Holocene Climate Evolution in Southern China from Geolipids and Pollen in the Dingnan Peat Sequence. Organic Geochemistry, 36 (2005), 1272-1284.   

10.Zhou Weijian, Zhao Xiaolei, Lu Xuefeng, Liu Lin, Wu Zhengkun, Cheng Peng Zhao Wengnian and Huang Chunhai, 2006 , 3MV multi-element AMS in Xian China: Peculiar features and preliminary tests. Radiocarbon 48 (2) (2006), 285-293  

11.Zhou, W., P. Alfred, et al. Disentangling geomagnetic and precipitation signals in an 80-kyr Chinese loess record of 10Be. Radiocarbon 49(1) (2007), 139–160.
