王沣浩 |
1. 横向:麟游县城区“煤改电”供热项目一期工程,麟游环诺清洁能源热力有限公司,2.8万元,2019.04
2. 横向:陕西省工程建设标准《中深层无干扰地热供热系统应用技术规程》编制合同,中陕核宜威新能源有限公司,10万元,2019.03
3. 横向:中深层无干扰地热供热系统应用技术规程,陕西省煤田地质集团有限公司,10万元,2018.12
4. 横向:鱼化寨村区域能源规划方案,陕西北方人居环境科技有限公司,8万元,2018.04
5. 纵向:陕西省住房和城乡建设厅项目,中深层地热能建筑供暖关键技术研究及应用示范,2017-K01,50万元,2018.01
6. 横向:低温环境下CO2热泵系统原理样机设计与性能测试及软件开发,江苏康泰热交换设备工程有限公司,30万元,2017.01
7. 横向:常宁生态体育训练比赛基地冷热源方案,陕西省统建管理办公室,3万元,2017.03
8. 横向:天鹅堡小区(五期)太阳能热水系统利用条件论证,西安曲江华侨城投资发展有限公司,8万元,2017.04
9. 横向:天鹅堡小区(五期)绿色建筑与节能设计阶段专家评审,西安曲江华侨城投资发展有限公司,6万元,2017.03
10. 横向:天鹅堡小区(五期)绿色建筑设计阶段自评报告编制,西安曲江华侨城投资发展有限公司,9万元,2017.04
11. 横向:EVI HEAT公司地源热泵系统技术论证项目,中陕核工业集团公司,8万元,2017.07
12. 横向:天鹅堡小区(三期)绿色建筑竣工核查咨询,西安曲江华侨城投资发展有限公司,9.5万元,2017.03
13. 横向:天鹅堡小区(四期)绿色建筑竣工核查咨询,西安曲江华侨城投资发展有限公司,9.5万元,2017.03
14. 横向:热室通风控制仿真系统,中国核电工程有限公司郑州分公司,40万元,2017.11
15. 纵向:陕西省重点研发计划:深层地源热泵地埋管换热器换热性能研究,2017SF-378, 6万元,2017.08
16. 纵向:西安市科技计划项目,新型无霜空气源热泵热水器理论分析及实验研究,西安市科技局,5万元,2017.01
17. 纵向:西安市科技计划项目,层式通风温、湿度场特性及其节能研究,5万元,2017.12
18. 纵向:西安市科技计划重点项目,地源热泵技术研究与应用示范,30万元,2015.11
19. 横向:天鹅堡小区(四期)绿色建筑评价,西安曲江华侨城投资发展有限公司,33.7万元,2015.02
20. 横向:人体走动对于三种气流组织方式的影响的实验测试,香港城市大学深圳研究院,9万元,2013.05
21. 纵向:陕西省科技厅项目,公共安全及食品药品安全研究,2014K13-01,7万元,2014.07
22. 纵向:陕西省科技厅项目,节能减排技术研究,2014K15-04-02,7万元,2014.07
23. 纵向:西安市建设科技项目,干热岩供热技术研发及示范,3万元2014.7
24. 纵向:碑林区应用技术研发项目:地源热泵地埋管优化布置研究GX1201,4万元,2012.01
25. 纵向:碑林区应用技术研发项目:复叠式多功能空气源热泵热水器的研发GX1202,3万元,2012.07
26. 纵向:西安市科技计划项目,环保节能新技术应用与研发——复合式太阳能热泵技术CX1259①,12万元,2012.07
27. 西安市科技计划项目,环保节能新技术应用与研发——②适用于低温环境下复叠式热泵热水器的研发,8万元,2013.01
28. 横向:天鹅堡小区(三期)绿色建筑评价,西安曲江华侨城投资发展有限公司,38.6万元,2014.03
29. 横向:一种地源热泵地埋管换热器管群的布置方法,南京丰盛新能源科技股份有限公司,4.5万元,2014.03
30. 横向:地源热泵岩土热物性测试方法评价,陕西奥升环境工程有限公司,6万元,2013.09
31. 横向:高温(80℃)热泵热水机设计,自然之源(青岛)环保科技有限公司,10万元,2011.01
32. 纵向:碑林区科技计划项目:西安能源与环境技术公共服务平台建设,20万元,2011.01
33. 横向: 太阳能热水系统优化研究,陕西盛田能源服务有限公司,5万元,2012.05
34. 横向:地源热泵地埋管管群热响应测试,陕西北方制冷技术工程有限公司,5万元,2012.11
35. 横向:温湿度独立控制空调系统方案设计,陕西北方制冷技术工程有限公司,12万元,2012.07
36. 横向课题:地源热泵岩土热物性测试方法评价,中联西北工程设计研究院,15万元,2013.09
37. 纵向:中央高校基本科研业务费,地源热泵地下岩土热物性现场测试理论及模型评价研究,z20100078,5万元,2010.05
38. 横向:生产调度综合楼多联机中央空调系统设计,陕西送变电工程公司,8.5万元,2010.09
39. 横向:西安曲江国际会展中心区供热、供冷总体规划合作,中国建筑西北设计研究院有限公司,3万元,2009.05
40. 横向课题:民用建筑冬季供暖热负荷计算,中联西北工程设计研究院10万元,2009.10
41. 国际合作项目,“侧面中间进气顶部回风通风方式下室内空气品质的实验研究”,2008
42. 国际合作项目,采暖工况下采用层式通风方式的室内空气环境的实验研究,2009
43. 教育部“春晖计划”合作科研项目Z271001,基于低质热源的新型制冷系统研究,2007
44. 国家科技基础性工作专项课题子课题:中国北方及其毗邻地区人类活动规律和人居环境状况及变化调查考察,2007FY110300-7,2008
45. 横向课题:新型页岩烧结多孔保温砌块建筑结构力学及节能性能研究,陕西工业技术研究院,7.3万元,2007.08
46. 横向课题:高效轴流风机开发,大连亿莱森玛机电有限公司,15万元,2007.01
47. 纵向:国家自然科学基金,流体横掠多个波状圆柱流动的理论与实验研究,50506022,9万元,2006.01
48. 纵向:教育部回国留学基金,波浪型圆柱绕流实验与理论研究,2万元,2004.11
49. 纵向:陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,基于可持续发展的建筑能耗评价体系, 2005E217,1万元,2005.01
50. 纵向:西安交通大学科学研究基金项目,制冷与空调系统模糊性能研究,1.8万元,1999.12
1. Zhihua Wang, Fenghao Wang, Mengjie Song, Yechun Lou. Experimental investigation on thermal characteristics of transcritical CO2 heat pump unit combined with thermal energy storage for residential heating. Applied Thermal Engineering, In Press
2. Jun Liu, Fenghao Wang, Wanlong Cai, Zhihua Wang, Qingpeng Wei, Jiewen Deng. Numerical study on the effects of design parameters on the heat transfer performance of coaxial deep borehole heat exchanger. International Journal of Energy Research, 2019(43) 6337-6352.
3. Wanlong Cai, Fenghao Wang, Jun Liu, Zhihua Wang, Zhenjun Ma. Experimental and numerical investigation of heat transfer performance and sustainability of deep borehole heat exchangers coupled with ground source heat pump systems. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 149: 975-986.
4. Xiaojun Zhou, YanfengLiu, Cong Song, Xinke Wang, Fenghao Wang, Jiaping Liu. A novel method to determine the formaldehyde emission characteristic parameters of building materials at multiple temperatures. Building and Environment, 2019, 149: 436-445.
5. Sheng Zhang, Zhang Lin, Zhengtao Ai, Chao Huan, Yong Cheng, Fenghao Wang. Multi-criteria performance optimization for operation of stratum ventilation under heating mode. Applied Energy, 2019, 239: 969-980.
6. Zhihua Wang, Fenghao Wang, Zhenjun Ma, Wenye Lin, Haoshan Ren. Investigation on the feasibility and performance of transcritical CO2 heat pump integrated with thermal energy storage for space heating. Renewable Energy, 2019,134: 496-508.
7. Xiaojun Zhou, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Xinke Wang, Fenghao Wang, Jiaping Liu. Modelling and testing of VOC source suppression effect of building materials modified with adsorbents. Building and Environment, 2019, 154: 122-131.
8. Wang Zhihua, Wang Fenghao, Ma Zhenjun, Song Mengjie, Fan Wenke,Experimental performance analysis and evaluation of a novel frost-free air source heat pump system. Energy and buildings 2018 (175) 69-77.
9. Wang Zhihua, Wang Fenghao, Ma Zhenjun, Bai Mengmeng, Liu Shuai. Experimental investigation and evaluation of the performance of air-source heat pumps for indoor thermal comfort control. Journal of mechanical sicence and technology. 2018 (32) 1437-1447.
10. Huan, Chao, Wang, Fenghao, Wu, Xiaozhou, Lin, Zhang, Ma, Zhenjun, Wang, Zhihua. Development of a nodal model for predicting the vertical temperature profile in a stratum-ventilated room. Energy and buildings 2018 (159) 99-108.
11. Zhihua Wang, Fenghao Wang, Zhenjun Ma,Xiaozhou Wu, Mengjie Song, Dynamic character investigation and optimization of a novel air-source heat pump system, Applied Thermal Engineering 2017 (111) 122–133. (ESI高被引)
12. Zhihua Wang, Fenghao Wang, Jun Liu, Zhenjun Ma, Ershuai Han, Mengjie Song, Field test and numerical investigation on the heat transfer characteristics and optimal design of the heat exchangers of a deep borehole ground source heat pump system, Energy Conversion and Management, 2017 (153) 603–615.
13. Fenghao Wang, Tiezhu Sun, Xiang Huang , Yi Chen, Hongxing Yang, Experimental research on a novel porous ceramic tube type indirect evaporative cooler, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017 (125) 1191–1199.
14. Zhihua Wang, Fenghao Wang, Zhenjun Ma, Mengjie Song, Numerical study on the operating performances of a novel frost-free air-source heat pump unit using three different types of refrigerant,Applied Thermal Engineering 2017 (112) 248–258.
15. Wu Xiaozhou, Fang Lei, Olesen W. Bjarne, Zhao Jianing, Wang Fenghao, Effect of Supply Air Temperature on Air Distribution in a Room with Radiant Heating and Mechanical Ventilation. ASHRAE Transactions, 2017, 123:120-128.
16. Wu Xiaozhou, Liu Yujia, Wang Fenghao, Liu Genlin., Effect of Supply Air Temperature on Thermal Comfort in a Room with Radiant Heating and Mechanical Ventilation. International Journal of Energy Procedia, 2017, 121:206-213.
17. Zhihua Wang, Fenghao Wang, Zhenjun Ma, Xinke Wang, Xiaozhou Wu,Research of heat and moisture transfer influence on the characteristicsof the ground heat pump exchangers in unsaturated soil,Energy and Buildings,2016,130:140–149.
18. Zhihua Wang, Fenghao Wang, Xiaozhou Wu and Chun Tian, Experimental investigation on dynamic performance of air-source heat pump water heater using R134a. International Journal of Exergy, 2016, 19(2):276-294.
19. Wu Xiaozhou, Olesen W. Bjarne, Fang Lei, Zhao Jianing, Wang Fenghao, Indoor Temperatures for Calculating Room Heat Loss and Heating Capacity of Radiant Heating Systems Combined with Mechanical Ventilation Systems. Energy and Buildings. 2016(112)141-148.
20. Lianying Zhang,Jiyuan Zhang,Fenghao Wang,Yuan Wang. Effects of wall masonry layer's thermophysical properties and insulation position on time lag and decrement factor. Indoor & Built Environment, 2016, 25(2).
21. FenghaoWang, ZhihuaWang, Yuxin Zheng, Chao Huan, Performance investigation of a novel frost-free air-source heat pump water heater combined with energy storage and dehumidification. Applied Energy, 2015,139: 212-219. (ESI高被引)
22. Su Huang, Zhenjun Ma, Fenghao Wang, A multi-objective design optimization strategy for vertical ground heat exchangers, Energy and Buildings, 2015,87:233-242.
23. Wu Xiaozhou, Zhao Jianing, Olesen W. Bjarne, Fang Lei, Wang Fenghao. A New Simplified Model to Calculate Surface Temperature and Heat Transfer of Radiant Floor Heating and Cooling Syst-ems. Energy and Buildings. 2015,105:285-293.
24. Xinke Wang, Wei Tao, Ying Xu, Jiangtao Feng, Fenghao Wang. Indoor phthalate concentration and exposure in residential and office buildings in Xi'an, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2014, 87:146-152.
25. ZhihuaWang, Yuxin Zheng, FenghaoWang, ZhangLin, Chao Huan. Experimental Study on Energy Consumption and Hydraulic Stability for Distributed Pumping System. Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering, 2014, 39(10):6883-6894.
26. ZhihuaWang, Yuxin Zheng, FenghaoWang, Xinke Wang, ZhangLin, Jingchao Li. Experimental analysis on a novel frost-free air-source heat pump water heater system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014,70:808-816.
27. Xinke Wang, Wei Tao, Yuxin Lu, Fenghao Wang. A method to identify the point source of indoor gaseous contaminant based on limited on-site steady concentration measurements. Building Simulation, 2013, 6(4):395-402.
28. Fenghao Wang, Chenchen Feng, Xinke Wang. Numerical and experimental evaluation on methods for parameter identification of thermal response tests, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2012,19(3): 816-823.
29. Xinke Wang, Wei Tao, Wang Fenghao. A method to identify the point source of indoor gaseous contaminant based on limited on-site steady concentration measurements, BUILDING SIMULATION,2013, 6:395-402.
30. Xinke Wang, Fenghao Wang, Chunfeng Zhao. Characterizing transportation of indoor gaseous contaminant using the state space method, Building and Environment, 2010, 45, 2048-2159.
31. Wang Fenghao, DongyangWang, XinkeWang, Jianbo Yao. A data analysis method for detecting wall thermal resistance considering wind velocity in-situ,Energy and Buildings 2010;42: 1647-1653.
32. Wang Fenghao, Gedong Jiang, John Zhang Lin, Simulation of Cross-Flow Induced Vibration of Tube Bundle by Surface Vorticity Method, Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China, 2008,2(3):243-248.
33. Wang Fenghao, Gedong Jiang, K. Lam. A Study of Velocity Fields in the near wake of a wavy (varicose) cylinder by LDA,Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2004(15):105-110.
34. Wang Fenghao, Gedong Jiang, K. Lam. Flow Patterns of Cross-Flow Around a Varicose Cylinder,Journal of Visualization,2005,8(1).
35. K. Lam, Wang Fenghao, J. Y. Li, R.M.C.So. Experimental investigation of the mean and fluctuating forces of wavy (varicose) cylinders in a cross-flow,Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2004,19:321-334
36. K. Lam,Wang Fenghao, R.M.C.So. Three-dimensional nature of vortices in the near wake of a wavy cylinder,Journal of Fluids and Structures. 2004;19: 815-833
37. 刘俊、蔡皖龙、王沣浩,深层地源热泵系统实验研究及管井结构优化,工程热物理学报, 2018. (已录用)
38. 蔡皖龙、刘俊、王沣浩,深层地埋管换热器换热性能模拟及稳定性研究,太阳能学报, 2018. (已录用)
39. 李椿,王志华,王建春,王沣浩. 壳管式相变储能换热器性能研究与场协同效应分析. 太阳能学报 2018. (已录用)
40. 李椿,王志华,王沣浩等. 二氧化碳热泵的研究现状与展望. 制冷学报2018,39(5):1-9.
41. 白梦梦,王沣浩,王志华等. 中温水空调系统风机盘管的性能研究. 制冷学报 2018. (已录用)
42. 吴小舟、赵加宁、王沣浩. 基于形状因子的辐射地板传热量计算等效热阻模型. 湖南大学学报, 2016,5(43):1-7.
43. 郇超,王沣浩,吴小舟,林章,王志华,王冠,层式通风房间垂直温度分布预测方法,湖南大学学报,2015,42(5)46-52
44. 吴小舟,赵加宁,王沣浩,室内热环境参数对人体火用损的影响研究,湖南大学学报,2015,42(3)125-131
45. 王志华,王甜,王沣浩,非饱和土壤热导率模型的优化与应用, 制冷学报,2017, 38(3):89-95.
46. 吴小舟, 孙雪丰,王沣浩, 辐射空调房间供暖期室内热环境及通风效率实验研究, 制冷学报,2017, 38(1):40-46.
47. 王志华,王沣浩,郑煜鑫,李晶超,郇超,王志洋. 一种新型无霜空气源热泵热水器实验研究. 制冷学报,2015, 36(1):52-58.
48. 吴小舟,赵加宁,王沣浩,低温辐射地板供暖与供新风室内热环境及通风效率实验研究,暖通空调,2015,9:64-69.
49. 王志华,郑煜鑫,郝吉波,李晶超,王沣浩. R134a 空气源热泵热水器实验研究与性能分析. 制冷学报,2014, 35(3):71-76.
50. 王沣浩,王志华,等,低温环境下空气源热泵的研究现状及展望,制冷学报,2013,34(5):47-54.
1. 王志华,王沣浩,白梦梦. 一种利用回路热管调节车内温度的系统,发明专利,专利号:201610561494X,授权公告日:2019年7月12日
2. 王志华,王沣浩,李椿,许怡博.一种空气源跨临界CO2热泵与多熔点相变蓄热耦合供暖系统,发明专利,专利号:2017102252513,授权公告日:2019年6月11日
3. 王志华,王沣浩,刘亦琳,杨晶焮,陈忠英,马雅楠. 一种厨房烟气余热回收利用系统,发明专利,专利号:2016106293293, 授权公告日:2018年8月10日
4. 王沣浩,田春,连娟丽. 一种复合式土壤源热泵系统及控制方法,发明专利,专利号:201510654582X,授权公告日:2017年8月1日
5. 吴小舟,王沣浩. 一种具有除湿功能的壁挂辐射板及使用该辐射板的辐射空调系统,发明专利,专利号:201310744906X,授权公告日:2016年06月08日
6. 王沣浩,王志华. 一种回收利用压缩机余热的空气源热泵系统,发明专利,专利号:2014 1 03170964,授权公告日:2016年01月13日
7. 王新轲,王沣浩,张鑫. 一种太阳能地源热泵系统优化设计方法,发明专利,专利号:2013103200607,授权公告日:2015年07月01日
8. 王沣浩,王志华. 一种蓄热除湿耦合性无霜空气源热泵热水器,发明专利,专利号:2012105208007,授权公告日:2015年01月07日
9. 王沣浩,王雅楠,一种复合式太阳能热泵系统,发明专利,专利号:201110293491X,授权公告日:2014年8月6日
10. 王沣浩,王新轲,冯琛琛. 一种地源热泵地埋管换热器管群的布置方法,专利号:2011103659017,授权公告日:2013年7月31日
11. 王沣浩,姚建波. 一种围护结构热阻现场检测的测量方法,发明专利,专利号:2010101835289,授权公告日:2012年3月12日
12. 王沣浩,罗昔联,孟祥兆. 一种双面贴附射流的送风方式,发明专利,专利号:2007100183322,授权公告日:2009年2月18日
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