李志刚 |
李志刚,男,1986年11月生,工学博士,西安交通大学能动学院热动力工程系教授,博士生导师。2005年至2013年先后在西安交通大学获得工学学士和工学博士学位。2014年9月至2015年9月美国弗吉尼亚理工暨州立大学工学院机械系高级访问学者。作为主讲教师,教授本科生课程《汽轮机原理》、《分布式能源》,研究生课程《先进汽轮机技术与新型动力循环》、《先进燃气轮机技术》、《Academic English and International Conference Communication of Turbomachinery》;主要从事叶轮机械气动热力学与流体激振控制,先进密封技术与气体轴承、燃气涡轮二次空气系统与热端部件冷却研究;做为项目负责人,主持航空发动机与燃气轮机重大专项课题1项,国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,装备预研教育部联合基金(青年人才)项目1项,国家博士后基金项目(一等资助)1项;做为研究骨干参与国家重点研发计划项目课题1项,航空发动机与燃气轮机重大专项课题1项;在国内外学术刊物上发表第一/通讯作者论文100余篇,其中在透平机械学科著名国际期刊AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power,ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power,ASME Journal of Tribology,ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery发表SCI收录论文32篇,EI收录论文48篇,获国家授权发明专利20项,出版中文专著《热力透平密封技术》1部(3/3)。
[1]液体火箭发动机高保真精细化多场耦合数值仿真与优化设计,北京天兵科技有限公司,2023.03 – 2028.03,280万元
[2]动密封微小通道内气液两相泄漏流动的耦合输运机理与流体激振动力特性研究 (52176042), 国家自然科学基金常规面上项目,2022.01 – 2025.12;58万元
[3]对转涡轮盘腔轮缘密封设计方法研究,中国科学院工程热物理研究所,2023.06 – 2024.06,90万元
[4]超临界二氧化碳动密封流热固耦合机理及设计方法研究(8091B032145),装备预研教育部联合基金(青年人才),2022.01 – 2023.12,50万元
[5]组合式抽气器减振降噪激励特性仿真分析,中国船舶集团有限公司第七〇四研究所,2023.05 – 2023.12,77万元
[6]对转涡轮端壁造型方法和气动特性研究,中国科学院工程热物理研究所,2021.12 – 2022.12,110万元
[8]动密封微小通道内动压效应诱发气流激振的流固耦合机理与增稳抑振研究(51776152),国家自然科学基金常规面上项目,2018.01 – 2021.12,58万元
[9]XX-77 涡轮泵迷宫密封动力特性系数计算,北京航天动力研究所,2021.01 - 2021.12,32万元
[10]XX8氧泵叶轮凸肩密封设计与仿真,西安航天动力研究所,2019.01 - 2019.09, 28万元
[11]旋转阻尼密封内非定常气流激振作用下的密封转子动力特性和阻尼机理研究(51406144),国家自然科学基金青年基金,2014.01 – 2017.12,25万元
[1]西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才支持计划”A类,2023.12 – 2029.12.
[2]《液体火箭发动机间隙泄漏与轴系振动控制技术与预测方法》, 中国航天科技集团第六研究院, 第一届液体动力创新大赛三等奖, 2020.
[3]李军, 晏鑫, 李志刚.《热力透平密封技术》, 西安交通大学出版社, 2017, ISBN 978-7-5605-8193-4.
[4]Zhi Fang, Zhigang Li*, Jun Li. 2023, Numerical Investigation on the Leakage and Rotordynamic Characteristics for a Hole-Pattern Seal in Wet-Gas Conditions [J]. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2023, 145(6): 061003.
[5]Bo Bai, Zhigang Li*, Kaiyuan Zhang, Jun Li, Shuo Mao, Wing F. Ng. 2023, Effects of Hole Blockage on Endwall Film Cooling and Vane Phantom Cooling Performance of a Transonic Turbine Vane[J]. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2023, 145(4): 041001.
[6]Zhihong Jin, Kai Mao, Zhigang Li*, Jun Li. 2023, A Comparison of Static and Rotordynamic Characteristics for Three Types of Impeller Front Seals in a Liquid Oxygen Turbopump [J], ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 145(3): 031025.
[7]Tao Yuan, Zhigang Li*, Jun Li, and Qi Yuan. 2023, Static and Rotordynamic Characteristics for SCO2 Spiral Groove Dry Gas Seal with the Tilted Seal Ring [J]. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 145(1): 011011.
[8]Mingyang Hao, Bo Bai, Yuanyuan Li, Zhigang Li*, Jun Li. 2022, Uncertainty Quantification on the Cooling Performance of a Transonic Turbine Vane With Upstream Endwall Misalignment [J], ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 144(12): 121004.
[9]Bo Bai, Zhigang Li*, Jun Li, Shuo Mao, Wing F. Ng. 2022, Effects of Upstream Step Geometries on Endwall Film Cooling and Phantom Cooling Performances of a Transonic Turbine Vane [J], ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 14(12): 121005. 1948-5085
[10]Bo Bai, Zhigang Li*, Jun Li, Shuo Mao, Wing F. Ng. 2022, Turbine Vane Endwall Film Cooling and Pressure Side Phantom Cooling Performances With Upstream Coolant Flow at Various Injection Angles [J], ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 14(11): 111014.
[11]Yuxuan Dong, Zhigang Li*, Jun Li. 2022, Investigations on the Aerodynamic Performance of a Gas Turbine Exhaust Diffuser With the Modified Shell Profile [J], ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 144(12): 121021.
[12] Zhigang Li, Zhuocong Li, Jun Li*, Zhenping Feng. 2022, Static and Rotordynamic Characteristics for Two Types of Novel Hole-Pattern Seals Operating in Supercritical CO2 Turbomachinery [J], ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 144(7): 071006.
[13]Wensong Xue, Zhi Fang, Zhigang Li*, Jun Li. 2022, Rotordynamic Characteristics of a Novel Labyrinth Seal With Swirl Brakes at Seal Entrance and Cavity [J], ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 144(5): 051017.
[14]Zhi Fang, Zhigang Li*, Jun Li. 2022, Numerical Investigations on Static and Rotordynamic Characteristics for Two Types of Liquid Hole-Pattern Seals With Tilted Cavities [J], ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 144(5): 051008. 1048-9002
[15]Bo Bai, Zhigang Li*, Jun Li, Shuo Mao, Wing F. Ng. 2022, The Effects of Axisymmetric Convergent Contouring and Blowing Ratio on Endwall Film Cooling and Vane Pressure Side Surface Phantom Cooling Performance [J], ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 144(2): 021020.
[16]Zhigang Li#, Bo Bai, Jun Li*, Shuo Mao, Wing F. Ng, Hongzhou Xu, Michael Fox. 2022, Endwall Heat Transfer and Cooling Performance of a Transonic Turbine Vane With Upstream Injection Flow [J], ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 144(4): 041004.
[17]Zhigang Li#, Zhuocong Li, Jun Li*, Zhenping Feng. 2021, Leakage and Rotordynamic Characteristics for Three Types of Annular Gas Seals Operating in Supercritical CO2 Turbomachinery [J], ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 143(10): 101002.
[18]Zhigang Li#, Zhi Fang, Jun Li*, Zhenping Feng. 2021, Static and Rotordynamic Characteristics for Two Types of Novel Mixed Liquid Damper Seals with Hole-Pattern/Pocket-Textured Stator and Helically-Grooved Rotor [J], ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 143(4): 041019
[19]Zhigang Li#, Zhi Fang, Jun Li*. 2020, A Comparison of Static and Rotordynamic Characteristics for Two Types of Liquid Annular Seals With Parallelly Grooved Stator/Rotor [J]. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 142(9): 091012
[20]Zhigang Li#,Zhi Fang, Jun Li*, Zhenping Feng. 2020, Influence of Annular/Pocket Groove On the Static and Rotordynamic Characteristics of Hole-Pattern Seals [J]. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 142(6): 061013.
[21]Zhigang Li#,Zhi Fang, Jun Li*, Zhenping Feng. 2020, Numerical Modeling of Static and Rotordynamic Characteristics for Three Types of Helically Grooved Liquid Annular Seals [J]. ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 142(4): 041001.
[22]Zhigang Li#,Zhi Fang, Jun Li*. 2019, Numerical Investigation on the Leakage and Rotordynamic Characteristics for Three Types of Annular Gas Seals in Wet Gas Conditions [J]. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 141(3): 032504.
[23]Zhigang Li#,Luxuan LIU, Jun Li*, Ridge A. Sibold, Wing F.Ng, Hongzhou Xu, Michael Fox. 2018, Effects of Upstream Geometry on Axisymmetric Converging Vane Endwall Secondary Flow and Heat Transfer at Transonic Conditions [J], ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 140(12): 121008.
[24]Zhigang Li#,Jun Li*, Zhenping Feng. 2018, Numerical Investigation on the Leakage and Static Stability Characteristics of Pocket Damper Seals at High Eccentricity Ratios [J]. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 140(4): 042503.