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刘甫 |
2020.08 - 至今,特聘研究员(青拔),西安交通大学电子与信息学部电子科学与工程学院
2017.03 - 2020.06,博士后研究员,阿尔托大学(芬兰)电子工程学院电子与纳米工程系
2014.12 - 2016.10,博士后研究员,伯明翰大学(英国)物理与天文学院
1. H. Hu, M. Li, J. Hu, F. Liu*, Y. Kang, “A calculation approach for current density distribution evolution of secondary electrons using differential algebra method,” Micron 178, 103592 (2024).
2. Y. Feng, Z. Liu, F. Liu*, J. Yu, S. Liang, F. Li, Y. Zhang, M. Xiao, and Z. Zhang*, “Loss Difference Induced Localization in a Non-Hermitian Honeycomb Photonic Lattice,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 013802 (2023).
3. F. Liu*, D.-H. Kwon, and S. Tretyakov, “Reflectarrays and Metasurface Reflectors as Diffraction Gratings: A tutorial,” IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag. 65, 21 (2023).
4. P. Jayathurathnage, F. Liu*, M. S. Mirmoosa, X. Wang, R. Fleury, and S. A. Tretyakov, “Time-Varying Components for Enhancing Wireless Transfer of Power and Information,” Phys. Rev. Appl. 16, 014017 (2021).
5. F. Liu, T. Xu, S. Wang, Z. H. Hang, and J. Li, “Polarization beam splitting with gauge field metamaterials,” Adv. Opt. Mater. 2019, 1801582 (2019).
6. F. Liu*, B. Chowkwale, P. Jayathurathnage, and S. A. Tretyakov, “Pulsed self-oscillating nonlinear systems for robust wireless power transfer,” Phys. Rev. Appl. 12, 054040 (2019). (Editors’ Suggestion).
7. F. Liu, and J. Li, “Gauge field optics with anisotropic media,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 103902 (2015).
8. F. Liu, Z. Liang, and J. Li, “Manipulating polarization and impedance signature: a reciprocal field transformation approach,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 033901 (2013). (Editors’ Suggestion).