赖欣 |
1. 2020/02-,西安交通大学计算机科学与技术学院,副教授,博士生导师
2. 2015/10-2020/01,西安交通大学管理学院,助理教授
3. 2010/05-2015/09,香港中文大学公共卫生学院,Instructor
4. 2005/09-2010/02,香港城市大学,统计学,研究生/博士
5. 2003/09-2009/12,中国科学技术大学,概率论与数理统计方向,研究生/博士
6. 1999/09-2003/07,中国科学技术大学,金融学,本科/学士
5.香港医院管理局基金,Provision for Statistical Service on Surgical Mortality and Morbidity,2013-2015,第一参与人
6.香港医疗卫生研究基金,An Alternative Approach to Estimating the Public Health Impact of Adverse Meteorological Conditions in Asian Cities with Sub-tropical Climates,2012-2014,参与
1. Lai X, Lian X, Liu L*, Wang J, Liu Y, Chong KC. (2023). Generalized likelihood ratio based risk-adjusted control chart for zero-inflated Poisson process, Quality and Reliability Engineering International 39, 363-381.
2. Wang Y#, Lai X#, Wang J*, Xu Y, Zhang X, Zhu X, Liu Y, Shao Y, Zhang L and Fang W (2022) TMBcat: A multi-endpoint p-value criterion on different discrepancy metrics for superiorly inferring tumor mutation burden thresholds. Front. Immunol. 13: 995180.
3. Lai X, Li X, Liu L, Tsung F*, Lai PBS, Wang J, Zhang X, Zhu X, Liu J. (2021). A risk-adjusted approach to monitoring surgery for survival outcomes based on a weighted score test. Computers & Industrial Engineering 160, 107568.
4. Liu R, Lai X*, Wang J, Zhang X, Zhu X, Lai PBS, Guo C*. (2021). A non-linear ensemble model-based surgical risk calculator for mixed data from multiple surgical fields, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 21, Suppl 2, 88.
5. Lai X, Liu R, Liu L, Wang J, Zhang X, Zhu X, Chong KC. (2021). Residuals based EWMA control charts with risk adjustments for zero-inflated Poisson models. Quality and Reliability Engineering International 38, 283-303.
6. Liu L, Peng Q, Lai X*, Deng Z. (2020). An adaptive nonparametric exponentially weighted moving average control chart with dynamic sampling intervals. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 14, 74-87.
7. Liu J, Lai X*, Wang J, Lai PBS, Zhang X, Zhu X. (2020). A Fast Online Monitoring Approach for Surgical Risks. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 17, 3130-3146.
8. Lai X, Liu L*. (2018). A Simple Test Procedure in Standardizing the Power of Hosmer-Lemeshow Test in Large Data Sets. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 88, 2463-2472.
9. Liu L, Lai X, Zhang J, Tsung, F*. (2018). Online profile monitoring for surgical outcomes using a weighted score test. Journal of Quality Technology 50, 88-97.
10. Yue J, Lai X, Liu L*. (2017). A new VLAD-based control chart for detecting surgical outcomes. Statistics in Medicine 36, 4540-4547.
11. Lai X, Yau, KKW*. (2017). Competing Risk Model with Bivariate Random Effects for Clustered Survival Data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 112, 215-223.