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1. 基于人工智能图像识别技术的3D打印在线监测及反馈控制

2. 具有特异力学性能的机械超材料

3. 机械超材料的模块化设计

4. 基于机器学习的机械超结构智能设计



▪ 2014.09-2018.04 博士,材料科学与工程 清华大学

▪ 2011.09- 2014.04 硕士,机械工程 西安交通大学

▪ 2009.09- 2011.07 中法4+4”公派留学 法国里昂中央理工

▪ 2007.09- 2009.07 学士,机械工程 西安交通大学


▪ 2021.08 至今 特聘研究员,副教授 西安交通大学


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 52003203,机械超材料的模块化设计概念及符号回归实现,2021.1-2023.1230万(主持)

2. 国家重点研发计划课题,2022YFB3806104,多材料融合的超材料3D打印工艺研究,2022.11-2025.10446万(主持)

3. 西安交通大学青年拔尖人才计划 2021.8-2027.8100 万(主持)

4. 陕西省重点研发计划——“两链”融合重点专项揭榜挂帅项目2022.6-2024.12120万(主持)


1. Lingling Wu, Zirui Zhai, Xinguang Zhao, Xiaoyong Tian, Dichen Li, Qianxuan Wang, Weiqi Lin, Hanqing Jiang, Modular Design for Acoustic Metamaterials: Low-Frequency Noise Attenuation. Advanced Functional Materials 32 (13), 2105712 (2022).

2. Lingling Wu*, Yong Wang*, Kuochih Chuang, Fugen Wu, Qianxuan Wang, Weiqi Lin, Hanqing Jiang, A brief review of dynamic mechanical metamaterials for mechanical energy manipulation, Materials Today, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mattod.2020.10.006 (2020).

3. Lingling Wu*, Yong Wang*, Zirui Zhai, Yi Yang, Deepakshyam Krishnaraju, Junqiang Lu, Fugen Wu, Qianxuan Wang, Hanqing Jiang, Mechanical metamaterials for full-band mechanical wave shielding, Applied Materials Today 20, 100671, (2020).

4. Lingling Wu, Xiaoyong Tian, Dichen Li, Ji Zhou. Memorable sounds in mechanical metamaterial field in 2021. Science & Technology Review, 2022, 40(1): 161-167.

5. Lingling Wu*; Lei Liu*; Yong Wang; Zirui Zhai, Houlong Zhuang; Krishnaraju, D.; Qianxuan Wang; Hanqing Jiang. A machine learning-based method to design modular metamaterials. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 100657 (2020).

6. Lingling Wu, Bo Li, Ji Zhou, Isotropic Negative Thermal Expansion Metamaterials. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8(27) 17721-17727. (2016).

7. Lingling Wu, Xiaoqing Xi, Bo Li, Ji Zhou, Multi-Stable Mechanical Structural Materials. Advanced Engineering Materials. 20(2):1700599(2018).

8. Lingling Wu, Xiaoyong Tian, Ming Yin, Dichen Li, Yiping Tang, Three-dimensional liquid flattened Luneburg lens with ultra-wide viewing angle and frequency band. Applied Physics Letters. 103(8), 084102. (2013).

9. Lingling Wu, Xiaoyong Tian, Huifeng Ma, Ming Yin, Dichen Li, Broadband flattened Luneburg lens with ultra-wide angle based on a liquid medium. Applied Physics Letters.102 (7), 074103 (2013)

10. Lingling Wu, Bo Li, Ji Zhou, Enhanced thermal expansion by micro-displacement amplifying mechanical metamaterial, MRS Advances, 3, 8-9, 405-410, Materials Research Society (2018)
