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2001.07-至今 西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院流体工程系教授、博导。生态环境与现代农业工程中心主任、流体机械国家专业实验室副主任。
1998.12—2001.07 天津大学动力工程及工程热物理博士后流动站博士后
1981.12—1998.12 西安建筑科技大学环境工程系,讲师、副教授、教授、博导。其中1997.9-1998.2在日本Nihon University和University of Tsukuba作访问学者。


1. Zhang Yang, Wang Yuan*, Yang Bin, He WenBo. A particle tracking velocimetry algorithm based on the Voronoi diagram. Measurement Science and Technology, 2015, 26: 075302.
2. Jia Pan, Wang Yuan*, Zhang Yang, Yang Bin. Relaxation algorithm-based PTV with dual calculation method and its application in addressing particle saltation. Journal of Visualization, 2015, 18: 71-81. SCI: AZ3NR
3. He WenBo, Wang Yuan*, Gong XiaoYan. Influence of compliance on flow rate waveforms in hydraulic circuits for in vitro modeling the human circulatory system. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2014, 24: 2457-2463. SCI: AQ7NW
4. Zhang Yang, Wang Yuan*, Jia Pan. Measuring the kinetic parameters of saltating sand grains using a high-speed digital camera. Science China G, 2014, 57: 1137-1143. SCI: AG8HO
5. Zhang Yang, Wang Yuan*, Jia Pan. Improving the Delaunay-tessellation particle tracking algorithm in the three-dimensional field. Measurement, 2014, 49: 1-14. SCI: 302BI
6. Zhang Yang, Wang Yuan*, Jia Pan. Investigation of the statistical features of sand creep motion with wind tunnel experiment. Aeolian research, 2014, 12: 1-7. SCI: AE2AX
7. Zhang Yang, Wang Yuan*, Jia Pan. Evolution of downsized crescent-shaped dune in wind tunnel experiment. Science China G, 2014, 57: 143-151. SCI: 278HJ
8. Zhang Yang, Wang Yuan*, He WenBo, Yang Bin. Application of a novel particle tracking algorithm in the flow visualization of an artificial abdominal aortic aneurysm. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2014, 24: 2585-2591. SCI: AQ7NW
9. Li ZhiQiang, Wang Yuan*, Zhang Yang, Wang Li. A random pairing collision model (RPCM) for improving the DEM simulation of particle-bed collisions in aeolian sand transport. Particulate Science and Technology, 2014, 32(1): 86-93. SCI: 260IP
10. Li ZhiQiang, Wang Yuan*, Zhang Yang. A numerical study of particle motion and two-phase interaction in aeolian sand transport using a coupled large eddy simulation – discrete element method. Sedimentology, 2014, 61: 319-332. SCI: 292UM
11. Jia Pan, Wang Yuan*, Zhang Yang. Improvement in the independence of relaxation method based particle tracking velocimetry. Measurement Science & Technology, 2013, 24: 055301. SCI: 126BH
12. Liu Jiang, Wang Yuan*, Yang Bin. Wavelet Packet Analysis of Particle Response to Turbulent Fluctuation. Advanced Powder Technology, 2012, 23(3): 305-314. SCI: 966EC. EI: 20122515126309
13. Meng QingLong, Wang Yuan*. Irradiance Characteristics and optimization design of a Large Scale Solar Simulator. Solar Energy, 2011, 85(9): 1758-1767. SCI: 824WT. EI:  20113314237590
14. Yang Bin, Wang Yuan*, Liu Jiang. PIV measurements of two-phase velocity fields in aeolian sediment transport using fluorescent tracer particles. Measurement, 2011, 44(4): 708-716. SCI: 740CX. EI: 20111013717542
15. Wang Li, Wang Yuan*, Li ZhiQiang, Zhang Yang. Estimation of the vortex shedding frequency of a 2-D building using correlation and the POD methods. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2010, 98(12): 895-902. SCI: 691IL. EI: 20104613384210
16. Wang Yuan*, Wang DaWei, Wang Li, Zhang Yang. Measurement of Sand Creep on a Flat Sand Bed Using a High-speed Digital Camera. Sedimentology, 2009, 56(6): 1705-1712. SCI: 495GG
17. Wang HaoLi*, Wang Yuan. Measurement of water flow rate in microchannels based on the microfluidic particle image velocimetry. Measurement, 2009, 42: 119-126. SCI: 391PF
18. Yang Bin, Wang Yuan*, Zhang Yang. The 3-D spread of saltation sand over a flat bed surface in eolian sand transport. Advanced Powder Technology, 2009, 20(4): 303-309. SCI: 547UH. EI: 20093612289267
19. Meng QingLong, Wang Yuan*, Yan XiuYing. CFD assisted modeling for control system design: a case study. Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 2009, 17(4): 730-742. SCI: 434ZY. EI: 20091111958959
20. Wang DaWei, Wang Yuan*, Yang Bin, Zhang Wei. Statistical Analysis of Sand Grain/Bed Collision Process Recorded by High Speed Digital Camera. Sedimentology, 2008, 55(2): 461-470. SCI: 272WD
21. Zhang Wei, Wang Yuan, Lee Sang-Joon*. Simultaneous PIV and PTV measurements of wind and sand particle velocities. Experiments in fluids, 2008, 45(2): 241-256. SCI: 322JW
22. Zhang Wei, Wang Yuan, Lee Sang-Joon*. Two-phase measurements of wind and saltating sand in an atmospheric boundary layer. Geomorphology, 2007, 88: 109-119. SCI: 244UX. EI: 2007031529196
23. Wang HaoLi*, Wang Yuan. Flow in the microchannel with rough wall: flow pattern and pressure drop. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2007, 17(3): 586-596. SCI: 153KT. EI: 20072110616480
24. Wang HaoLi, Wang Yuan*. Influence of three-dimensional wall roughness on the laminar flow in microtube. Heat and Fluid Flow, 2007, 28(2): 220-228. SCI: 155HI. EI: 200708104373
25. Wang HaoLi, Wang Yuan*. Fully-developed pulsating liquid flows in a three -dimensional wavy wall microtube. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on fluid mechanics, 2007: 674-677. SCI: BHL40
26. Wang HaoLi, Wang Yuan*, Zhang JiaZhong. Influence of ribbon structure rough wall on the Microscale Poiseuille flow. Journal of Fluids Engineering ASME, 2005, 127(11): 1140-1145. SCI: 984DJ. EI: 2005489518280

1. Zhang Yang, Wang Yuan*, Yang Bin, He WenBo. A particle tracking velocimetry algorithm based on the Voronoi diagram. Measurement Science and Technology, 2015, 26: 075302.
2. Jia Pan, Wang Yuan*, Zhang Yang, Yang Bin. Relaxation algorithm-based PTV with dual calculation method and its application in addressing particle saltation. Journal of Visualization, 2015, 18: 71-81. SCI: AZ3NR
3. He WenBo, Wang Yuan*, Gong XiaoYan. Influence of compliance on flow rate waveforms in hydraulic circuits for in vitro modeling the human circulatory system. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2014, 24: 2457-2463. SCI: AQ7NW
4. Zhang Yang, Wang Yuan*, Jia Pan. Measuring the kinetic parameters of saltating sand grains using a high-speed digital camera. Science China G, 2014, 57: 1137-1143. SCI: AG8HO
5. Zhang Yang, Wang Yuan*, Jia Pan. Improving the Delaunay-tessellation particle tracking algorithm in the three-dimensional field. Measurement, 2014, 49: 1-14. SCI: 302BI
6. Zhang Yang, Wang Yuan*, Jia Pan. Investigation of the statistical features of sand creep motion with wind tunnel experiment. Aeolian research, 2014, 12: 1-7. SCI: AE2AX
7. Zhang Yang, Wang Yuan*, Jia Pan. Evolution of downsized crescent-shaped dune in wind tunnel experiment. Science China G, 2014, 57: 143-151. SCI: 278HJ
8. Zhang Yang, Wang Yuan*, He WenBo, Yang Bin. Application of a novel particle tracking algorithm in the flow visualization of an artificial abdominal aortic aneurysm. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2014, 24: 2585-2591. SCI: AQ7NW
9. Li ZhiQiang, Wang Yuan*, Zhang Yang, Wang Li. A random pairing collision model (RPCM) for improving the DEM simulation of particle-bed collisions in aeolian sand transport. Particulate Science and Technology, 2014, 32(1): 86-93. SCI: 260IP
10. Li ZhiQiang, Wang Yuan*, Zhang Yang. A numerical study of particle motion and two-phase interaction in aeolian sand transport using a coupled large eddy simulation – discrete element method. Sedimentology, 2014, 61: 319-332. SCI: 292UM
11. Jia Pan, Wang Yuan*, Zhang Yang. Improvement in the independence of relaxation method based particle tracking velocimetry. Measurement Science & Technology, 2013, 24: 055301. SCI: 126BH
12. Liu Jiang, Wang Yuan*, Yang Bin. Wavelet Packet Analysis of Particle Response to Turbulent Fluctuation. Advanced Powder Technology, 2012, 23(3): 305-314. SCI: 966EC. EI: 20122515126309
13. Meng QingLong, Wang Yuan*. Irradiance Characteristics and optimization design of a Large Scale Solar Simulator. Solar Energy, 2011, 85(9): 1758-1767. SCI: 824WT. EI:  20113314237590
14. Yang Bin, Wang Yuan*, Liu Jiang. PIV measurements of two-phase velocity fields in aeolian sediment transport using fluorescent tracer particles. Measurement, 2011, 44(4): 708-716. SCI: 740CX. EI: 20111013717542
15. Wang Li, Wang Yuan*, Li ZhiQiang, Zhang Yang. Estimation of the vortex shedding frequency of a 2-D building using correlation and the POD methods. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2010, 98(12): 895-902. SCI: 691IL. EI: 20104613384210
16. Wang Yuan*, Wang DaWei, Wang Li, Zhang Yang. Measurement of Sand Creep on a Flat Sand Bed Using a High-speed Digital Camera. Sedimentology, 2009, 56(6): 1705-1712. SCI: 495GG
17. Wang HaoLi*, Wang Yuan. Measurement of water flow rate in microchannels based on the microfluidic particle image velocimetry. Measurement, 2009, 42: 119-126. SCI: 391PF
18. Yang Bin, Wang Yuan*, Zhang Yang. The 3-D spread of saltation sand over a flat bed surface in eolian sand transport. Advanced Powder Technology, 2009, 20(4): 303-309. SCI: 547UH. EI: 20093612289267
19. Meng QingLong, Wang Yuan*, Yan XiuYing. CFD assisted modeling for control system design: a case study. Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 2009, 17(4): 730-742. SCI: 434ZY. EI: 20091111958959
20. Wang DaWei, Wang Yuan*, Yang Bin, Zhang Wei. Statistical Analysis of Sand Grain/Bed Collision Process Recorded by High Speed Digital Camera. Sedimentology, 2008, 55(2): 461-470. SCI: 272WD
21. Zhang Wei, Wang Yuan, Lee Sang-Joon*. Simultaneous PIV and PTV measurements of wind and sand particle velocities. Experiments in fluids, 2008, 45(2): 241-256. SCI: 322JW
22. Zhang Wei, Wang Yuan, Lee Sang-Joon*. Two-phase measurements of wind and saltating sand in an atmospheric boundary layer. Geomorphology, 2007, 88: 109-119. SCI: 244UX. EI: 2007031529196
23. Wang HaoLi*, Wang Yuan. Flow in the microchannel with rough wall: flow pattern and pressure drop. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2007, 17(3): 586-596. SCI: 153KT. EI: 20072110616480
24. Wang HaoLi, Wang Yuan*. Influence of three-dimensional wall roughness on the laminar flow in microtube. Heat and Fluid Flow, 2007, 28(2): 220-228. SCI: 155HI. EI: 200708104373
25. Wang HaoLi, Wang Yuan*. Fully-developed pulsating liquid flows in a three -dimensional wavy wall microtube. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on fluid mechanics, 2007: 674-677. SCI: BHL40
26. Wang HaoLi, Wang Yuan*, Zhang JiaZhong. Influence of ribbon structure rough wall on the Microscale Poiseuille flow. Journal of Fluids Engineering ASME, 2005, 127(11): 1140-1145. SCI: 984DJ. EI: 2005489518280
联系地址:西安交通大学 能源于动力工程学院710049,陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号