周支立 |
1996/09-1998/11 香港科技大学工业工程与工程管理系, 留学,获学术研究型硕士学位(MPhil)
2002/07-2002/09 香港科技大学工业工程与工程管理系, 副研究员(Research Associate)
2010/04-2010/05 法国巴黎中央理工(Ecole Centrale Paris)商学院, 高访(Visiting Professor)
2011/11-2012/02 英国拉夫堡大学商学院, 高访(Visiting Professor)
2015/01-2015/03 香港大学工业与制造系统工程系,高访(Visiting Professor)
2016/05-2016/05香港理工大学海运学系,高访(Visiting Professor)
2017/05-2017/06 美国圣塔克拉拉大学商学院(Santa Clara University),高访(Visiting Professor)
2018/07-2018/07新加坡国立大学工业系统与管理系,高访(Visiting Professor)
1. 项目负责人:金融机构信贷业务中的小微企业信贷营销与风险控制的大数据方法研究(2020/01-2023/12),国家自然科学基金面上项目,48万元,71971168
2. 项目负责人:先进制造系统中复杂生产系统排序问题的研究(2006/01-2008/12),国家自然科学基金面上项目,16.5万元,70671081
3. 项目负责人:典型流水生产系统的物流分析和创新设计(2003/01-2005/12),国家自然科学基金面上项目,14万元,70371037;
4. 项目负责人:先进制造系统中的若干运作管理问题研究(2006/01-2007/12),教育部新世纪优秀人才计划项目,20万,NCET-06-0852
5. 项目负责人:考虑运输计划的单个煤矿生产系统调度研究(2015/01-2016/12),陕西省自然科学基金项目,2万元, 2015JM7369
6. 项目负责人:企业业务流程的分析与创新设计(2003/01-2004/12),西安市科委软科学课题,2万元, R200355
7. 项目负责人:一般流水生产系统的物流分析和创新设计(2002/01-2003/12),陕西省自然科学基金项目,2万元,2002G2
8. 项目负责人:西部开发中西安市制造业供应链分析和创新设计研究(2000/01-2001/12),西安市科委软科学课题,1.5万元,R200032
9. 子课题协调人(交大负责人):面向经济、社会和环境协调发展的现代物流管理研究-子课题:低碳和安全物流运营管理(2014/01-2018/12),国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题,112万元(课题总经费1500万元,子课题总经费280万元,交大课题组112万元),71390333
11. 项目参加人:中国制造战略管理研究(2005/01-2008/12),国家自然科学基金重点项目,90万元,70433003 12. 项目参加人:先进制造模式及管理,国家自然科学基金重大项目-子项目(1999/01-2003/12),100万元,59990470-4
3. 国际重要刊物文章
【1】Yuxiang Yuan, Dong Cheng, Zhili Zhou,A minimum adjustment consensus framework with compromise limits for social network group decision making under incomplete information,Information Sciences,2020,https://doi.org/ 10.1016/ j.ins. 2020.11.014 (2019 IF=5.0)
【2】Yilin Zhang, Haibing Lu, Zhili Zhou, Zhen Yanga, Shengjun Xu,Analysis and optimization of perishable inventory with stocks-sensitive stochastic demand and two-stage pricing: A discrete event simulation study, Journal Of Simulation, 2020,https://doi.org/10.1080/ 17477778.2020.1745703
【3】Dong Cheng, Faxin Cheng, Zhili Zhou, Yong Wu, Reaching a minimum adjustment consensus in social network group decision making, Information Fusion, 2020, vol.59 pp.30-43 (2019 IF=10.7)
【4】Juan Peng, Zhili Zhou, Working Capital Optimization in a Supply Chain Perspective, European Journal of Operational Research, 2019,Vol.277, pp.846-856
【5】Ning Ma, Ya Liu, Zhili Zhou,Two heuristics for the capacitated multi-period cutting stock problem with pattern setup cost, Computers & Operations Research, 2019, Vol.109, pp.218-229
【6】Xue Bai, Kwai-Sang Chin, Zhili Zhou, Bi-objective model for location planning of electric vehicle charging station with GPS trajectory data, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2019, Vol.128, pp.591-604
【7】Da Huo, Bo Kou, Zhili Zhou,Ming Lv, A machine learning model to classify aortic dissection patients in the early diagnosis phone, Scientific Reports ,2019, No.2701 (2019 IF=4.122)
【8】Dong Cheng, Zhili Zhou , Faxin Cheng, Yanfang Zhou, Yujing Xie, Modeling the minimum cost consensus problem in an asymmetic costs context, European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, Vol.270, pp.1122-1137
【9】Dong Cheng, Zhili Zhou, Faxin Cheng, Juan Wang, Deriving heterogeneous experts Weights from in complete linguistic preference relations based on uninorm consistency, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2018, Vol.150,pp.150-165 (2018 IF=4.39)
【10】Lin Ma, Xi Zhao, Zhili Zhou, Yuanyuan Liu, A new aspect on P2P online default prediction using meta-level phone usage data in China, Decision support systems, 2018, Vol.111, pp.60-71
【11】Ning Ma, Ya Liu, Zhili Zhou, Chengbin Chu, Combined Cutting Stock and Lot-sizing Problem with Pattern Setup, Computers & Operations Research, 2018, Vol.95, pp.44-55
【12】Xue Bai, Zhili Zhou, Kwai Sang Chin, Evaluating lane reservation problems by carbon emission approach, Transporation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, Vol.53, pp.178-pp.192
【13】Cheng Dong, Cheng Faxin, Zhou Zhili, Group Prioritisation with unknown expert weights in incomplete linguistic context, International Journal of Systems Science, 2017 , Vol.48, No. 12, pp.2633-2643
【14】Tingying Wu, Feng Chu,Zhen Yang, Zhili Zhou, Lagrangean Relaxation and Hybrid Simulated Annealing Tabu Search Producedure For A Two - echelon Capacitated Facility Location Problem With Plant Size Selection. International Journal of Production Research, 2017, Vol.55, No.9, pp2540-pp2555
【15】Xiao-Yuan Wang, Zhili Zhou, Ping Ji, Ji-Bo Wang, Parallel Machine Scheduling with Simple Liner Job Deteriortion and Non-simultaneous Machine Available Times, Computer & Industrial Engineering, 2014, Vol.74, pp.88-91
【16】Yu Xiao, Louis Y.Y. Lu, John S. Liud, Zhili Zhou, Knowledge Diffusion Path Analysis of Data Quality Literature: A Main Path Analysis, Journal of Informetrice, 2014, Vol.8, No.3, pp.594-605
【17】Song Jiu, Zhili Zhou, Jiyin Liu, The equipment maintenance scheduling problem in a coal production system, International Journal of Production Research, 2013, Vol.51, No.17, pp.5309-5336
【18】Xiao-Yuan Wang, Zhili Zhou, Xi Zhang, Ping Ji, Ji-Bo Wang,Several flow shop scheduling problems with truncated position-based learning effect, Computers & Operations Research, 2013, Vol.40, No.12, pp. 2906–2929
【19】Zhili Zhou, LingLi, Optimal cyclic single crane scheduling for two parallel train oil can repairing lines, Computers & Operations Research, 2012, Vol.39, No.8, pp.1850–1856
【20】Yan Zhang, Zhili Zhou, Jiyin Liu, The production scheduling problem in a multi-page invoice printing system, Computers & Operations Research, 2010, Vol.37, No.10, pp.1814–1821
【21】Zhili Zhou, Ling Li,A solution for cyclic scheduling of multi-hoists without overlapping, Annals of Operations Research,2009, Vol.168, No.1, pp.5–21
【22】Zhili Zhou, Jiyin Liu, A heuristic algorithm for the two-hoist cyclic scheduling problem with overlapping hoist coverage ranges, IIE Transactions, 2008, Vol.40, No.8, pp.782–794
【23】Jiyin Liu, Lina Wu and Zhili Zhou, A time-varying lot size method for the economic lot scheduling problem with shelf life considerations, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2008, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.337-355
【24】Zhili Zhou, Ling Li, Single hoist cyclic scheduling with multiple tanks: a material handling solution, Computers & Operations Research, 2003, Vol.30, pp.811–819
【25】Jiyin Liu, Yun Jiang and Zhili Zhou, Cyclic scheduling of a single hoist in extended electroplating lines: a comprehensive integer programming solution, IIE Transactions, 2002, Vol.34, pp.905–914
【27】马宁,周支立,刘雅,考虑生产计划的多周期切割问题优化研究,运筹与管理,2018 年,第27卷第10 期
【45】周支立,刘家学,翟斌,基于目标分解的业务流程的分析与改进,管理工程学报,2004 年,第4期
【50】周支立,李怀祖,抓钩排序问题综述,,工业工程与管理,2001 年,第4 期