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贾骏雄 |
1. Junxiong Jia, Yanni Wu, Peijun Li, Deyu Meng, Variational inverting network for statistical inverse problems of partial differential equations, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 24, 1--60, 2023.
2. Haiqi Zhao, Jinghuai Gao, Junxiong Jia, A general method for extracting the amplitude spectrum of the seismic wavelet from the seismic traces, Inverse Problems, 39(6), 065015, 2023.
3. Junxiong Jia, Peijun Li, Deyu Meng, Stein variational gradient descent on infinite-dimensional space and applications to statistical inverse problems, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 60(4), 2225-2252, 2022.
4. Junxiong Jia, Qian Zhao, Zongben Xu, Deyu Meng, Yee Leung, Variational Bayes' approach for functions and applications to some inverse problems, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43(1), A355-A383, 2021.
5. Junxiong Jia, Jigen Peng, Jinghuai Gao, Posterior contraction for empirical Bayesian approach to inverse problems under non-diagonal assumption, Inverse Problems & Imaging,15(2), 201-228, 2021.
6. Junxiong Jia, Bangyu Wu, Jigen Peng, Jinghuai Gao, Recursive linearization method for inverse medium scattering problems with complex mixture Gaussian error learning, Inverse Problems, 35(7), 075003, 2019.
7. Yuanxiang Zhang, Junxiong Jia, Liang Yan, Bayesian approach to a nonlinear inverse problem for time-space fractional diffusion equation, Inverse Problems, 34 (12), 125002, 2018.
8. Junxiong Jia, Shigang Yue, Jigen Peng, Jinghuai Gao, Infinite-dimensional Bayesian approach for inverse scattering problems of a fractional Helmholtz equation, Journal of Functional Analysis, 275(9), 2299--2332, 2018.
9. Junxiong Jia, Jigen Peng, Jinghuai Gao and Yujiao Li, Backward problem for a time-space fractional diffusion equation, Inverse Problems & Imaging, 12 (2), 773--799, 2018.
10. Junxiong Jia, Jigen Peng, Jiaqing Yang, Harnack's inequality for a space-time fractional diffusion equation and applications to an inverse source problem, Journal of Differential Equations, 262 (8), 4415--4450, 2017.
11. Kexue Li, Jigen Peng and Junxiong Jia, Explosive solutions of parabolic stochastic partial differential equations with Levy noise, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems--Series A, 37(10), 5105--5125, 2017.
12. Hermano Frid, Junxiong Jia, Ronghua Pan, Global smooth solutions in R-3 to short wave-long wave interactions systems for viscous magnetohydrodynamic fluids, Journal of Differential Equations, 262 (7), 4129--4173, 2017.
13. Junxiong Jia, Jigen Peng and Jinghuai Gao, Bayesian approach to inverse problems for functions with a variable index Besov prior, Inverse Problems, 32 (8), 085006, 2016.
14. Junxiong Jia, Ronghua Pan, On isentropic approximations in compressible euler equations, Journal of Scientific Computing, 64 (3), 745--760, 2015.
15. Kexue Li, Jigen Peng, Junxiong Jia, Cauchy problems for fractional differential equations with Riemann–Liouville fractional derivatives, Journal of Functional Analysis, 263 (2), 476--510, 2012.
1.2020年入选 陕西高校第四批“青年杰出人才支持计划”
2.2018年入选 西安交通大学第四届“十大学术新人”
3.2017年获得 陕西省优秀博士学位论文奖
4.2017年获得 陕西省数学会青年教师优秀论文一等奖