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李博 |
2008 – 2012 博士 西安交通大学 测试计量技术与仪器 导师:陈花玲
2009 – 2010 公派留学联合培养 哈佛大学固体力学 导师:锁志刚
2002 – 2006 学士 东南大学 仪器科学与工程
2014.04 – 2016.12 西安交通大学 讲师/博士后
2013 .01 – 2014 .01 新加坡国立大学 博士后
时间 |
来源 |
名称 |
编号 |
2018.01-2019.12 |
国防科工局,基础科研项目 |
仿生******研究 |
********* |
2018.01-2020.12 |
国家自然科学基金委,共融机器人基础理论与关键技术研究重大研究计划 |
具有化学及结构变色双机理的电活性材料调控的机器人伪装隐身技术研究 |
91748124 |
2018.01-2020.12 |
无人机特种技术国防科技重点实验室,装备预研特种实验室基金 |
无人机自适应变形智能柔性蒙皮机构技术 |
61423010301 |
1.Li B, Chang L, Wang Y. Modeling of Dielectric Gel Using Multi-physics Coupling Theory. Soft Actuators. Springer, Singapore, 2019: 561-580.
2.Li B, Chen H, Chen G. Modeling of Dielectric Elastomer Actuator. Soft Actuators. Springer, Singapore, 2019: 547-560.
3. 介电弹性体智能材料力电耦合性能及其应用,科学出版社,2017
1.Chong-Jing Cao, Tom Hill, Andrew Conn, Bo Li, Xing Gao. Nonlinear Dynamics of a Magnetically Coupled Dielectric Elastomer Actuator. Physical Review Applied 12.4 (2019): 044033.
2.Langquan Shui , Yilun Liu, Bo Li*, Chao Tang, Xi Chen, Mechanisms of electromechanical wrinkling for highly stretched substrate-free dielectric elastic membrane. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 122 (2019): 520-537.
3.Pengfei Zhao, Bo Li* Zhenhua Tang, Yang Gao, Hualing Chen. Stretchable photonic crystals with periodic cylinder shaped air holes for improving mechanochromic performance. Smart Materials and Structures (2019).
4.Pengfei Zhao, Hualing Chen, Bo Li, Hongmiao Tian. Stretchable electrochromic devices enabled via shape memory alloy composites (SMAC) for dynamic camouflage. Optical Materials 94 (2019): 378-386.
5.Zhuoyuan Li, Meiping Sheng, Minqing Wang, Pengfei Dong, Bo Li, Hualing Chen. Stacked Dielectric Elastomer Actuator (SDEA): Casting Process, Modeling and Active Vibration Isolation. Smart Materials & Structures 27 (2018): 7.
6.Chao Tang, Bo Li*, Chenbang Zou, Hualing Chen. Voltage-Induced Wrinkle Performance in a Hydrogel by Dielectric Elastomer Actuation. Polymers 10.7(2018):697.
7.Chao Tang, Bo Li*, Hongbing Fang, Hualing Chen*. A speedy, amphibian, robotic cube: Resonance actuation by a dielectric elastomer. Sensors & Actuators A Physical 270(2018):1–7
8.Xuejing Liu, Shuhai Jia, Bo Li*, Yu Xing, Hui Ma, Junjie Sheng, Hualing Chen. An electromechanical model for the estimation of breakdown voltage in stretchable dielectric elastomer. IEEE Transaction on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 24, 5(2017): 3099-3112
9.Chao Tang, Bo Li*, Wenjie Sun, Zhiqiang Li, Hualing Chen. Identification and characterization of the out-of-plane resonance in a dielectric elastomer to drive an agile robotic cube. Journal of Applied Physics 122.16(2017):165104.
10.Bo Li, Hualing Chen, Dichen Li. EFFECT OF SOLVENT DIFFUSION ON REACTIVE CHROMOTROPIC POLYELECTROLYTE GEL. International Journal of Applied Mechanics 8. 6 (2016): 1640008
11.Bo Li, Longfei Chang, Kinji Asaka, Hualing Chen, Dichen Li, A multi-physical model of actuation response in dielectric gels. Smart Materials and Structures 25.12 (2016): 125032.
12.Lei Liu, Bo Li*, Wenjie Sun, Hualing Chen, Dichen Li, Viscoelastic effect and creep elimination of dielectric elastomers in adversarial resonance. Journal of Applied Physics 120.16 (2016): 164502.
13.Bo Li, Junshi Zhang, Hualing Chen, Dichen Li, Voltage-induced pinnacle response in the dynamics of dielectric elastomer. Physical Review E, 93.5 (2016): 052506.
14.Chi Zhang, Wenjie Sun, Hualing Chen, Lei Liu, Bo Li, Dichen Li, Electromechanical deformation of conical dielectric elastomer actuator with hydrogel electrodes. Journal of Applied Physics 119 (2016): 094108.
15. Bo Li, Xuejing Liu, Junshi Zhang, Phase Characterization of Cucumber Growth: A Chemical Gel Model. International Journal of Polymer Science 2016 (2016): 8286245.
16.Zhang, Junshi, Bo Li, Hualing Chen, and Qibing Pei. Dissipative performance of dielectric elastomers under various voltage waveforms. Soft Matter 12 (2016): 2348-2356.
17.Bo Li, Xuejing Liu, Lei Liu, Hualing Chen, Voltage-induced crumpling of a dielectric membrane, EPL(EuroPhysic Letters), 112.5 (2015): 56004.
18.Liu, Xuejing, Bo Li*, Hualing Chen, Shuhai Jia, and Jinxiong Zhou. Voltage‐induced wrinkling behavior of dielectric elastomer. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 14 (2016): 133.
19.Lei Liu, Hualing Chen, Bo Li, Yanjie Wang, Dichen Li. Thermal and strain-stiffening effects on the electromechanical breakdown strength of dielectric elastomers. Applied Physics Letters, 107(2015), 062906.
20.Junshi Zhang, Hualing Chen, Bo Li, McCoul David, Qiping Pei, Coupled nonlinear oscillation and stability evolution of viscoelastic dielectric elastomers. Soft matter 11.38 (2015): 7483-7493. BACK COVER
21.Lei Liu, Hualing Chen, Bo Li, Junshi Zhang, Chi Zhang. Experimental investigation on electromechanical deformation of dielectric elastomers under different temperatures. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 5(2015): 155-159.
22.Bo Li, Lei Liu, Junshi Zhang, Hualing Chen, Shuhai Jia, Dichen Li, Modeling of dielectric elastomer as electromechanical resonator, Journal of Applied Physcis, 116, 124509 (2014)
23.Bo Li, Zijie Zhao, Electromechanical deformation of dielectric elastomer in two types of pre-stretch, EuroPhysics Letters, 106 (2014), 67009
24.Junshi Zhang, Liling Tang, Bo Li, Yanjing Wang, Hualing Chen, Modeling of the dynamic characteristic of viscoelastic dielectric elastomer actuators subject to different conditions of mechanical load, Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 8 (2015): 084902.
25.Chi Zhang, Hualing Chen, Bo Li, Yanjie Wang, Investigation on static and dynamic performance of a hinge configuration with integrated dielectric elastomers, Journal of Applied Polymer Science,132, 11 (2015).
26.Junshi Zhang, Hualing Chen, Liling Tang, Bo Li, Junjie Sheng, Lei Liu. Modelling of spring roll actuators based on viscoelastic dielectric elastomers." Applied Physics A, 1 (2015): 1-11.
27.Junjie Sheng, Hualing Chen, Bo Li, Yongquan Wang, Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of a dielectric elastomer membrane undergoing in-plane deformation, Smart Materials and Structures, 23 (2014) 045010.