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黄军辉 |
先后主持及参与科研项目16项,其中国家973 计划1项、国家重点研发计划1项、国家自然基金4项,西安市重大科技创新平台建设项目1项,企业及其他项目9项。近5年来主要承担课题如下:
[8]国家自然科学基金青年基金课题,基于多次反射偏振相位法的高分辨率和高精度滚转角测量技术研究,2015.01.01- 2017.12.31,No: 61405156,25万,主持。
[10]国家自然科学基金课题,大尺寸复杂曲面高效高精度轮廓测量关键问题研究, 2014.1-2017.12,No: 61377104,80万,核心骨干。
[1] Zhaoshuai Qi, Zhao Wang*, Junhui Huang, Chao Xing, Qiongqiong Duan, Jianmin Gao. Micro-Frequency Shifting Projection Technique for Inter-Reflection Removal, Optics Express, 27(20): 28293-28312 (2019). (SCI; EI; IF:3.307)
[2] Qi Jingya, Wang Zhao*, Huang Junhui, Wang Qing, Gao Jianmin. Heterodyne interferometer with two parallel-polarized input beams for high-resolution roll angle measurement[J]. Optics Express, 27(10): 13820-13830 (2019). (SCI: IA0BB; EI: 20192106955453; IF:3.307)
[3] Jingya Qi, Zhao Wang*, Junhui Huang, and Jianmin Gao. Resolution-enhanced heterodyne laser interferometer with differential configuration for roll angle measurement [J]. Optics Express, 26(8): 9634-9644 (2018). (SCI: GD2NT; EI:20181705038982; IF:3.307)
[4] Zhaoshuai Qi, Zhao Wang*, Junhui Huang, Chao Xing, and Jianmin Gao. Invalid-point removal based on epipolar constraint in the structured-light method[J]. Optics & Lasers in Engineering, 2018, 105:173-181. (SCI: FZ1MI, EI: 20180704781442, IF: 3.388)
[5] Zhaoshuai Qi, Zhao Wang*, Junhui Huang, Chao Xing, and Jianmin Gao. Highlight removal based on the regional-projection fringe projection method[J]. Optical Engineering, 2018, 57(4): 041404. (SCI: GJ5QA; EI: 20180504698356; IF: 0.993)
[6] Yun Liu*, Zhao Wang*, Junhui Huang. Recent Progress on Aberration Compensation and Coherent Noise Suppression in Digital Holography[J]. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2018, 8(3): 444. (SCI: GA5JI; EI; IF: 1.689)
[7] Junhui Huang*, Yingchun Yuan*, Zhao Wang, Zhaoshuai Qi, Chao Xing, Jianmin Gao. A global-to-local registration and error evaluation method of blade profile lines based on parameter priority[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 94(9-12): 3829-3839, 2018.(SCI: FW8NM; EI: 20173904213924; IF: 2.209)
[8] Zhaoshuai Qi, Zhao Wang, Junhui Huang, Chao Xing and Jianmin Gao. Error of image saturation in the structured-light method[J]. Applied Optics, Vol. 57, Issue 1, pp. A181-A188 (2018). (SCI:FQ8LN; EI:20180104602916; IF: 1.650)
[9] Junhui Huang*, Zhao Wang, Jianmin Gao, Hongze Qi and Jingya Qi. A high-precision measurement of small roll angular displacements based on AOMs and its error impact analysis[J]. Meas. Sci. Technol. 28(10): 105204 (8pp). (SCI: FH6KH; EI: 20173904217326; IF: 1.585)
[10] Junhui Huang*, Zhao Wang*, Jianmin Gao, Youping Huang, David Peter Towers. High-Precision Registration of Point Clouds Based on Sphere Feature Constraints[J]. Sensors, 17(1): 72, 2017. (SCI: EJ2DV;EI: 20170103223085;IF: 2.677)
[11] Zhaoshuai Qi, Zhao Wang*, Junhui Huang, Qi Xue, Jianmin Gao. Improving the quality of stripes in structured-light three-dimensional profile measurement[J]. Optical Engineering 56(3): 031208, 2016.(SCI: EP2IS;EI: 20163602768713;IF: 1.082)
[12] Yun Liu, Zhao Wang, Junhui Huang*, Jianmin Gao, Jiansu Li, Yang Zhang, and Xumeng Li. Coherent noise reduction of reconstruction of digital holographic microscopy using laterally shifting hologram aperture[J]. Optical Engineering 55(12), 121725.(SCI: EO0FE; EI: 20163602768713; IF: 1.082)
[13] Junhui Huang*, Qi Xue*, Zhao Wang, Jianmin Gao. Analysis and Compensation for Lateral Chromatic Aberration in a Color Coding Structured Light 3D Measurement System[J]. Sensors, 16(9): 1426, 2016. (SCI: DZ0KN; EI: 20163702792689; IF:2.677)
[14] Junhui Huang*, Zhao Wang*, Jianmin Gao, Bao Yu. Modeling and Analysis of Phase Fluctuation in a High-Precision Roll Angle Measurement Based on a Heterodyne Interferometer[J]. Sensors, 16(8): 1214, 2016.(SCI:DU6KJ; EI: 20163302704972; IF:2.677)
[15] Jiansu Li, Zhao Wang, Junhui Huang*, Yun Liu, Jianmin Gao. Optimization of the object function matrix to improve the reconstruction speed and quality in compressive holography[J]. Optics Communications, 395(15): 34-44, 2016. (SCI: EV2QP; EI: 20161502211968; IF:1.588)
[16] Jingya Qi*, Zhao Wang, Junhui Huang*, Bao Yu, Jianmin Gao, Silvano Donati. Enhancing the sensitivity of roll-angle measurement with a novel interferometric configuration based on waveplates and folding mirror[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments 87(3): 036106, 2016.(SCI: DI7WS; EI: 20161202127684; IF: 1.515)
[17] Qi Xue*, Zhao Wang, Junhui Huang, Jianmin Gao and Zhaoshuai Qi. A two-level space-time color-coding method for 3D measurements using structured light[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 26(11): 115204 (12pp), 2015. (SCI: CY3ZU; EI: 20154501503986; IF: 1.492)
[18] Qi Xue, Zhao Wang, Junhui Huang*, Jianmin Gao. Improving the measuring accuracy of structured light measurement system[J]. Optical Engineering, 53(11):1-9, 2014. (SCI:AM0XB; EI: 20141717605270; IF: 0.954)
[19] 何曾范,黄军辉*,王昭,方熊琪,邢超,郝俊杰,高建民.结构光系统含平面距离约束平差标定及加权集成测量模型[J].西安交通大学学报, 54(2): 9pp, 2020.
[20] Jingya Qi, Zhao Wang*, Junhui Huang, Jianmin Gao. Laser heterodyne interferometer for simultaneous measurement of displacement, and roll-angle based on the acousto-optic modulators [C]. Proc. SPIE - Optical Micro- and Nanometrology VII 2018, 10678, 1067806 (2018). (EI: 20183305683043)
[21] Jingya Qi; Zhao Wang*; Junhui Huang; Bao Yu; Jianmin Gao. A field calibration method to eliminate the error caused by relative tilt on roll angle measurement [C]. Proc. SPIE- Conference on Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications IV held as part of SPIE/COS Photonics Asia Conference, Beijing, 2016, 10023, 100230B. (EI: 20170603327526)
[22] 齐静雅, 王昭, 黄军辉*, 余宝, 高建民. 机床导轨滚转角测量误差分析[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 50(9): 31-35, 2016.(EI: 20163802829250)
[23] 齐召帅, 王昭*, 黄军辉, 薛琦, 高建民. 基于神经网络的结构光系统标定[J]. 光子学报, 45(5): 0512002, 2016. (EI: 20162402489950)
[24] 余宝, 王昭*, 黄军辉, 齐静雅, 李朝晖, 郭俊杰. 机床滚转角高精度测量中的频偏现象研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 50(3): 101-105, 2016.(EI: 20161602262429)
[25] Junhui Huang*, Zhao Wang, Jianmin Gao and Weihua Bao. A High-precision Registration Method Based on Auxiliary Sphere Targets[C]. The International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), Wollongong, NSW, Australia, November 25-27, 2014. (EI: 20150700523191)
[26] 李朝辉,王昭,黄军辉,齐静雅,余宝,郭俊杰. 直角棱镜的保偏反射膜设计及分析[J]. 中国激光, 42(3):0316002, 2015.(EI: 20151700790294)
[27] 李朝辉, 王昭*, 黄军辉, 汤善治, 郭俊杰. 滚转角测量中直角棱镜相位损失及解决方法[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2014, 48(9): 112-116. 2014.(EI: 201441087354)
[28] 黄军辉, 王昭*, 薛琦, 高建民. 基于有理函数式镜头畸变模型的摄像机标定[J]. 中国激光, 2014, 41(5): 0508001-1-7. May, 2014, IF=1.969 (EI: 20142217774684)