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YEO Sok Yee (杨淑燕)  






2009/09 - 2016/05,中国台湾,成功大学建筑学系,建筑学,建筑学博士

2012/06与2012/11 - 2013/03,日本,京都大学生存圈研究所,生存圈构造机能分野,海外研究生

2005/10 - 2006/09,英国,约克大学考古学系,历史建筑保存学,文学硕士 

1998/07 - 2002/06,新加坡,新加坡国立大学理学院,生物学,理学学士



2019/01 - 迄今,中国,西安交通大学,人居环境与建筑工程学院建筑学系,特聘研究员(全职)

2016/06 - 2018/12,中国台湾,成功大学,规划与设计学院建筑学系,博士后研究员(全职)

2009/09 - 2016/05,中国台湾,成功大学,规划与设计学院建筑学系,研究助理(兼职)

2007/11 - 2009/08,中国台湾,钟心怡建筑师事务所,古迹研究员(全职)

2007/09 - 2007/10,新加坡,莲山双林寺,资料典藏顾问(专案项目)

2007/01 - 2007/08,新加坡,古迹保留局,实习人员(临时职位)

2002/05 - 2005/08,新加坡,莲山双林寺,修复工程专案人员(全职)

2000/11 - 2002/04,新加坡,莲山双林寺,修复工程行政助理(兼职)



1.   (中国台湾) 文化资产局第四期研发群组研究案,PG10703-0158,传统叠斗式木构造耐震分析与补强加固技术研究,2018.03-2018.12,新台币88.8万元,已结题,参与

2.    (中国台湾) 文化资产局第三期研发群组研究案,RG10612-0328,台湾传统叠斗式木构造屋架面外与面内方向受力行为研究,2017.03-2017.12,新台币117.6万元,已结题,参与

3.    (中国台湾) 文化资产局第二期研发群组研究案,RG10507-0026,台湾传统叠斗式木构造点金柱柱梁接点双轴弯矩行为之研究,2016.02-2016.12,新台币119.2万元,已结题,参与

4.    (中国台湾) 文化资产局第一期研发群组研究案,RG10412-0268,台湾传统叠斗式木构造之木柱节点结构行为研究 ,2015.03-2015.12,新台币135.7万元,已结题,参与 

5.    个人短期跨国研究计划,新加坡陈延谦高级学位奖学金 (人文) 及中国台湾成功大学跨国双向研修奖学金,台湾传统叠斗式木构架之座斗组结构行为研究,2012.11-2013.03,新币1万元以及新台币12.75万元,已结题,主持

6.    (中国台湾) “国科会”专题研究计划,NSC101-2221-E-006-258,屋顶载重对台湾传统叠斗式木构造栋架结构行为影响研究,2012.08-2013.10,新台币92.6万元, 已结题,参与

7.    (中国台湾) “国科会”专题研究计划,NSC100-2221-E-006-225,传统叠斗式木构架座斗组动态结构行为研究,2011.08-2012.10,新台币92.6万元, 已结题,参与

8.   中国台湾成功大学与日本京都大学生存圈研究所国际合作项目,经由足尺试验探讨台湾传统叠斗式木构架之整体力学行为,2010.01-2010.12,新台币35.9万元, 已结题,参与

9.    (中国台湾) 2010年建築研究所古迹暨历史建筑保存修复与活用科技计划之協同研究计划2,台湾传统建筑木构造結构安全评估-結构评估与安全检测篇,2010.03-2010.12,新台币95万元, 已结题,参与

10.  (中国台湾) 2009年建築研究所古迹暨历史建筑保存修复与活用科技计划之協同研究计划1,木构造生命週期评估之研究–以传统庙宇为例,2009.03-2009.12,新台币91.5万元, 已结题,参与


1.    新加坡双林寺传统木构架之前期现况检测与调查项目(调查对象为新加坡两栋国家古迹建筑 - 大雄宝殿与天王殿);执行中(2019 – 迄今 ; 主持)

2.    许汉珍司阜传统叠斗式木栋架传习教案(规划设计、落篙)及榫卯模型製作;结案(2018年,参与)

3.    台南市历史建筑原龙崎庄长官舍调查研究与修复再利用计划;结案(2018年,参与)

4.    高雄港站北号志楼现况调查与修复再利用规划;结案(2017年,参与)

5.    高雄市历史建筑「高雄火车站」修复及再利用计划;结案(2016-2017,参与)

6.    高雄市美浓区白马名家宋屋学堂调查研究计划;结案(2016,参与)

7.    成功大学新园招待所(旧校长宿舍)现况调查研究暨再利用计划;结案(2015,参与)

8.    高雄市定古迹蒋介石行馆调查研究及修复计划;结案(2009年,参与)

9.    2009 高雄市定古迹旗后天后宫调查研究及修復计划;结案(2009年,参与)

10. 新竹县历史建筑湖口眷村装甲新村(乙村)修复及再利用计划;结案(2009年,参与)

11. 云林张廖家庙--崇远堂修复先期调查研究计划;结案(2008年,参与)

12. 新竹市文化资产管理维护暨防救灾研习计划–以市定古迹辛志平校长故居为例;结案(2008年,参与)

13. 基隆要塞司令部校官眷舍调查研究计划;结案(2008年,参与)

14. 新竹县县定古迹大山背乐善堂修复计划;结案(2008年,参与)


Book chapters

1.   Sok Yee Yeo, Yu-Lin Chung, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Min-Fu Hsu, Akihisa Kitamori, Takuro Mori, Hiroshi Isoda (In-press). Shear Resistance Performance of Traditional Timber Beam-Column Connections Reinforced by Self-tapping Screws. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

2.   Yeo Sok Yee, Ho Weng Hin, Tan Kar Lin (2019). Timber structures. In: Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) eds. URA-ICOMOS Conservation Technical Handbook series: Volume 4 – Structure [online]. 1st ed. Singapore: URA. pp. 39-53. [Viewed 1 September 2019]. Available from: https://www.ura.gov.sg/-/media/Corporate/Guidelines/Conservation/Best-Practices/Volume-4-Structure.pdf?la=en

3.   S. Y. Yeo, M. F. Hsu, K. Komatsu, W. S. Chang (2013). Dynamic characteristics of Taiwanese traditional Dieh-Dou timber structures. Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture XIII, ed. Brebbia, C.A., 481-490. Southampton: WIT Press. DOI:doi.org/10.2495/STR130401

Journal articles 

1.    Sok Yee Yeo, Min-Fu Hsu, Kohei Komatsu, Yu-Lin Chung, Wen-Shao Chang. 2018. Structural behaviour of traditional Dieh-Dou timber main frame. Special issue on “Existing Timber Structures”, International Journal of Architectural Heritage 12 (4):555–577. DOI:doi.org/10.1080/15583058.2018.1442518(SCIE

2.    郭禎涵,鍾育霖,楊淑燕,葉玉祥,徐明福,2018,傳統疊斗式木構造接頭抗彎行為研究,《文化資產保存学刊》,43期,頁19-34,文化部文化資產局,台中。 

3.    Sok Yee Yeo, Yu-Lin Chung, Min-Fu Hsu (2017). Structural behaviour of Taiwanese traditional Dieh-Dou timber beam-column connection. Journal of Cultural Heritage Conservation, 39: 7-21.

4.    Sok Yee Yeo, Kohei Komatsu, Min-Fu Hsu, Zeli Que (2016). Mechanical model for complex brackets system of the Taiwanese traditional Dieh-Dou timber structures. Advances in Structural Engineering, 19(1):65-85. DOI:doi.org/10.1177/1369433215618269(SCIE

5.    Sok Yee Yeo, Min-Fu Hsu, Kohei Komatsu, Yu-Lin Chung, Wen-Shao Chang (2016). Shaking table test of the Taiwanese Traditional Dieh-Dou Timber Frame, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 10(5): 539–557. DOI:doi.org/10.1080/15583058.2015.1009574(SCIE

6.    S.Y. Yeo, M.F. Hsu, W.S. Chang, J.L. Chen (2011). Life Cycle Assessment of Timber Components in Taiwan Traditional Temples. Procedia Engineering, 14: 2683-2691. DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2011.07.337

Conference articles

1.    Sok-Yee Yeo, Hsuan-I Hung, Yu-Lin Chung, Min-Fu Hsu (2019). A preliminary numerical analysis study on the oriental historic timber-frame buildings. The 2nd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics (CompWood 2019). Växjö, Sweden, 17-19 June 2019. 

2.    Sok Yee Yeo, Yu-Chih Huang, Yu-Lin Chung, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Min-Fu Hsu (2018). Out-of-plane Behaviour of the Taiwanese Traditional Complex Bracket Systems. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE). Seoul, Korea, 20-23 August 2018.

3.    Yu-Lin Chung, Yu-Chih Huang, Sok Yee Yeo, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Min-Fu Hsu (2018). Seismic behaviour of the traditional Dieh-Dou type Timber roof frame when subjected to in-plane shaking. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE). Seoul, Korea, 20-23 August 2018.

4.    Sok Yee Yeo, Yu-Lin Chung, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Min-Fu Hsu, Akihisa Kitamori, Takuro Mori, Hiroshi Isoda (2017). Shear Resistance Performance of Traditional Timber Beam-Column Connections Reinforced by Self-tapping Screws. International Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture (EAAC). Tianjin, China, 13-17 October 2017.(Recipient for ‘Excellent Paper Award for Young Scholars’ at EAAC 2017

5.    Yu-Lin Chung, Sok Yee Yeo, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Wen-Shao Chang, Min-Fu Hsu (2017). Flexible performance of traditional timber joints with various joint. Timber Structures 2017: the 1st International Conference on Timber Structures and Engineering. New Forest, UK, 13-15 June 2017.

6.    Yeo, S.-Y., Kitamori, A., Aoyama, T., Chung, Y.-L., Mori, T., Hsu, M.-F., Komatsu, K., Isoda, H. (2016) Lateral shear performance of traditional Taiwanese timber column with half and full-penetrating beams. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE). Vienna, Austria, 22-25 August 2016.

7.    Kitamori, A., Yeo, S.-Y., Aoyama, T., Chung, Y.-L., Mori, T., Hsu, M.-F., Komatsu, K., Isoda, H. (2016). Experimental study on restoring force of Japanese traditional column combined with tie beam and bearing block. The 14th World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE). Vienna, Austria, 22-25 August 2016.

8.    Sok Yee Yeo, Min-Fu Hsu, Kohei Komatsu, Yu-Lin Chung, Wen-Shao Chang (2014). Damage behavior of Taiwanese Traditional Dieh-Dou Timber Frame. In: Proceedings of World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE). Quebec city, Canada, 10-14 August 2014.

9.    小松幸平、北守顕久、中島昌一、藤田和彦、小松賢司、Yeo Sok Yee (2014). 全ネジスクリュー斜め打ちによる集成材のせん断性能向上効果. In: JWRS (Japan Wood Research Society), 64th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Matsuyama, Japan, 13-15 March 2014. Ehime: JWRS.

10.  S. Y. Yeo, M. F. Hsu, K. Komatsu, W. S. Chang (2013). Dynamic characteristics of Taiwanese traditional Dieh-Dou timber structures. In: WIT Transactions on the Built Environment (131): 481-490, The 13th International Conference on Structural Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture (STREMAH 2013); New Forest, UK, 25-27 June 2013. Southampton: WIT. 

11.  Yeo Sok Yee, Kohei Komatsu, Hsu Min-Fu, Chang Wen-Shao, Takehiro Wakita, Yasuo Kataoka (2013). A Preliminary Study on the Structural Stiffness of Taiwanese Traditional Dieh-Dou Asymmetric Timber Frame. In: Proceedings of the JWRS (Japan Wood Research Society), The 63th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Morioka, Japan, 27-29 March 2013. Iwate: JWRS.

12.  Yeo Sok Yee, Chang Wen-Shao, Hsu Min-Fu, Kohei Komatsu (2011). The structural behaviour of timber frame under various roof weights - using Taiwanese traditional Die-Dou timber frame as case study. In: Proceedings of the East Asian Architectural Culture International Conference (EAAC), 12-14 May 2011. Singapore: NUS.

13.  S. Y. Yeo, M. F. Hsu, W. S. Chang & J. L. Chen (2011). Life Cycle Assessment of Timber Components in Taiwan Traditional Temples. The Twelfth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, (EASEC), 26-28 January 2011, Hong Kong SAR, China.

14.  Sok Yee Yeo, Wen-Shao Chang, Min-Fu Hsu (2010). A Preliminary Research on the Life Cycle of Historic Timber Building in Taiwan – using eight traditional temples as a case study. In: Proceedings of the JWRS (Japan Wood Research Society), 60th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, 17-19 March 2010. Miyazaki: JWRS.

15.  徐明福、张纹韶、杨淑燕、商博渊,2009,木构造古迹或历史建筑生命周期评估之研究 - 以台南市金华府为例,古迹暨历史建筑保存科技研讨会,2009年10月16日,台北,中国台湾。
