李铮 |
Volvo Educational and Research Foundation Centre of Excellence in Bus Rapid Transit
Valuation of service reliability and crowding under risk and uncertainty
Investigating choice behaviours within alternative behavioural theoretic frameworks
Measuring and valuing trip time variability
Investigation of tollroad characteristics and accuracy of demand forecasts
Li Z, Hensher DA and Rose JM 2010 ‘Willingness to pay for travel time reliability in passenger transport: A review and some new empirical evidence’, Transportation Research E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol.46:3, pp. 384-403. 【SSCI&SCIE, JCR1区, 影响因子4.253】
Li Z and Hensher DA 2011 ‘Prospect theoretic contributions in understanding traveller behaviour: a Review and some comments’, Transport Reviews, vol. 31:1, 97-115.
Li Z and Hensher DA 2012 ‘Accommodating Risk Attitudes in Freight Transport Behaviour Research’, Transport Reviews, vol.32:2, pp.221-239. 【SSCI, JCR1区, 影响因子6.648】
Li Z, Tirachini A and Hensher DA 2012 ‘Embedding risk attitudes in a scheduling model: Application to the study of commuting departure time’, Transportation Science, vol.46:2, pp. 170-188. 【SSCI &SCI, JCR1区, 影响因子3.310】
Li Z (2018) ‘Unobserved and observed heterogeneity in risk attitudes: Implications for valuing travel time savings and travel time variability’, Transportation Research E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol.112, pp. 12-18. 【SSCI&SCIE, JCR1区, 影响因子4.253】