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2001.9—2005.7   西安交通大学电气学院,获电气工程工学学士学位;

2005.9—2010.12  西安交通大学电气学院,获电气工程工学博士学位;

2011.1—2013.12  西安交通大学电气工程学院讲师;

2014.1—至今     西安交通大学电气工程学院副教授;

2015.1—至今     电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室固定研究人员;

2016.9—2018.2   美国麻省理工学院访问学者.


1、国家自然科学基金面上项目:空间环境大电流滚动电接触涂层长期服役劣化机制与合金体系设计研究, 2016-01-01到2019-12-31,81.6万元,负责人







科研获奖:获国家技术发明二等奖(排名3),获2015年陕西省技术发明一等奖(排名3),第十五届中国专利优秀奖(排名1),2012年教育部自然科学一等奖(排名6)。申请人博士学位论文获 “全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名奖”和“陕西省优秀博士学位论文奖”。获陕西省特支计划青年拔尖人才,陕西省科技新星,陕西省杰出青年人才支持计划。


[1] Yang Fei, Wu Yi, Rong Mingzhe, et al., Low-voltage circuit breaker arcs - simulation and measurements [J], JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 2013, 46: 273001. (SCI: 170ME) (Invited Topical Review)

[2] Yang F, Rong MZ, Wu Y, et al., Numerical analysis of the influence of splitter-plate erosion on an air arc in the quenching chamber of a low-voltage circuit breaker [J]. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 2010, 43: 434011. (SCI: 665RQ)

[3] Fei Yang, Zhexin Chen, Yi Wu, et al., Two-Temperature Transport Coefficients of SF6-N2 Plasma [J], PHYSICS of PLASMA, , 2015, 22: 103508. (SCI)

[4] Junxing Chen, *Fei Yang, Kaiyu Luo, et al., Experimental investigation on the electrical contact behavior of rolling contact connector [J], Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015, 86: 125110. (SCI)

[5] Mingliang Wu, *Fei Yang, Mingzhe Rong, et al., Numerical study of turbulence-influence mechanism on arc characteristics in an air direct current circuit breaker [J], PHYSICS of PLASMA, 2016, 23: 042306. (SCI)

[6] Fei Yang, Zhan Zhao, Yifan Liu, et al., Electromagnetic-Mechanical Characteristics Study of a High-Speed Electromagnetic Launcher [J], IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, (2016,accepted, SCI)

[7] Yi Wu, Zhexin Chen, *Fei Yang, et al., Two-Temperature Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of SF6-Cu Plasmas [J], JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 2015, 48: 415205. (SCI) 

[8] Rong MZ, Sun H, *Yang F, Wu Y, et al., Influence of O2 on the dielectric properties of CO2 at the elevated temperatures [J], PHYSICS OF PLASMA, 2014, 21: 112117. (SCI: AU5JZ)

[9] Yang F, Rong MZ, Wu Y, et al., Numerical Analysis of Arc Characteristics of Splitting Process Considering Ferromagnetic Plate in Low-Voltage Arc Chamber[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 2010, 38(11): 3219-3225. (SCI: 678PB)

[10] Yang F, Rong MZ, Wu Y, et al., Simulation of Arc Splitting Process Considering Splitter-Plate Erosion [J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 2011, 39(11): 2862-2863. (SCI: 884CV)

[11] Yang Fei, Rong Mingzhe, Wu Yi, et al., Numerical simulation on eddy-current effects in arc splitting process, Plasma Science & Technolog, 2012, 14(11): 974-979, (SCI: 045WA)

[12] Yang Fei, Ma Ruiguang, Wu Yi, et al., Numerical study on arc plasma behavior during arc commutation process in direct current circuit breaker, Plasma Science & Technology, 2012, 14(2): 167-171, (SCI: 899BQ)

[13] Yang Fei, Rong Mingzhe, Wu Yi, et al., Numerical and experimental study of air arc splitting process considering splitter plate erosion, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2011, 60(5): 055208. (SCI: 772ND)

[14] Rong MZ, Yang F, Wu Y, et al., Simulation of Arc Characteristics in Miniature Circuit Breaker[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 2010, 38(9): 2306-2311. (SCI: 668EX)

[15] Ren ZG, Wu ML, *Yang F, Yang, Z, Zhang JP, Numerical Study of the Arc Behavior in an Air DC Circuit Breaker Considering Turbulence[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 2014, 42(10): 2712-2713. (SCI: AS9FK)

[16] Wu Y, Rong MZ, *Yang F, et al., Numerical Study of Arc Behavior in Miniature Circuit Breaker[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 2011, 39(11): 2858-2859. (SCI: 884CV)

[17] Ma R, Rong M, *Yang F, et al., Investigation on Arc Behavior During Arc Motion in Air DC Circuit Breaker[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 2013, 41(9): 2551-2560. (SCI: 220BS)

[18] Wu Y, He HL, Hu ZY, *Yang F, Rong MZ, Li Y, Analysis of a New High-Speed DC Switch Repulsion Mechanism[J]. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, 2011, E94C(9): 1409-1415. (SCI: 817UM)
