李苏植 |
迄今已在核心期刊上发表论文近20篇,包括 Nature,Nature Commun, Nano Lett,Adv Funct Mater,Int J Plast,Acta Mater,Phys Rev B, Appl Phys Lett, Sci Rep。研究工作被Nature的News & Views,NPG Asia Materials的Research Highlight等专栏报道。部分成果作为项目主要内容,获得2010年“中国高校十大科技进展”。
[1] S. Li, Q. Li*, R. W. Carpick*, P. Gumbsch, X.-Z. Liu, X. Ding, J. Sun and J. Li*, “The evolving quality of frictional contact with graphene”, Nature, 539, 541-546 (2016).
[2] Y. Yang, S. Li*, X. Ding*, J. Sun and E. K. H. Salje*, “Interface driven pseudo-elasticity in a-Fe nanowires”, Advanced Functional Materials, 26, 760-767 (2016).
[3] S. Li, X. Ding*, J. Li*, X. Ren, J. Sun and E. Ma*, “High-efficiency mechanical energy storage and retrieval using interfaces in nanowires”, Nano Letters, 10, 1774-1779 (2010).
[4] S. Li, Y. Li, Y.-C. Lo, T. Neeraj*, R. Srinivasan, X. Ding, J. Sun, L. Qi, P. Gumbsch and Ju Li*, “The interaction of dislocations and hydrogen-vacancy complexes and its importance for deformation-induced proto nano-voids formation in a-Fe”, International Journal of Plasticity, 74, 175-191 (2015).
[5] S. Li*, E. K. H. Salje, J. Sun and X. Ding*, “Large recovery of six-fold twinned nanowires of a-Fe”, Acta Materialia, 125, 296-302 (2017).
[6] S. Li, X. Ding*, J. Ren*, X. Moya, J. Li, J. Sun and E. K. H. Salje*, “Strain-controlled thermal conductivity in ferroic twinned films”, Scientific Reports, 4, 6375 (2014).
[7] S. Li, X. Ding*, J. Deng, T. Lookman*, J. Li, X. Ren, J. Sun, and A. Saxena, “Superelasticity in bcc nanowires by a reversible twinning mechanism”, Physical Review B, 82, 205435 (2010).
[8] S. Li, X. Ding*, J. Li*, X. Ren, J. Sun, E. Ma* and T. Lookman, “Inverse martensitic transformation in Zr nanowires”, Physical Review B, 81, 245433 (2010).
[9] D. X, S. Li, M. Li, Z. Wang, P. Gumbsch, J. Sun, E. Ma, J. Li* and Z. Shan*, “Hydrogenated vacancies lock dislocations in aluminium”, Nature Communications, 7, 13341 (2016)
[10] Q. Ding, S. Li, L.-Q. Chen*, X. Han, Z. Zhang, Q. Yu*, J. Li*, “Re segregation at interfacial dislocation network in a nickel-based superalloy”, Acta Materialia, 154, 137-146 (2018).