张生 |
The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law编辑,Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law 评审委员会成员(2012-2016)
1 著作
(1) “丝绸之路经济带”贸易投资便利化法律问题研究,副主编,法律出版社,2018年。(即将出版)
(2) 国际投资仲裁中的条约解释研究,独著,法律出版社,2016年9月。
2 章节
(1) Sheng Zhang, Sheng Zhang, China and the Investment Treaty Regime: Rule Taker or Rule Maker?, in Mahdev Mohan and Chester Brown (eds.), The Asian Turn in Foreign Investment, Cambridge University Press, 2018 (Forthcoming)
(2) 张生,外国投资和外国投资者,韩立余主编:国际投资法,中国人民大学出版社,2018年。
(3) 张生,加拿大能源投资法律规制研究,刘琛主编:2016加拿大政策发展报告,外语教学与研究出版社,2017年。
(4) 张生,我国主权财富基金海外能源投资的法律问题,单文华主编:中国对外能源投资的国际法保护: 基于实证和区域的制度研究,清华大学出版社,2014年。
(5) 张生,非洲的能源投资法律环境,单文华主编:中国对外能源投资的国际法保护: 基于实证和区域的制度研究,清华大学出版社,2014年。
(6) Wenhua Shan and Sheng Zhang, the Potential EU-China BIT: Issues and Implications, in EU and Investment Agreements: Open Questions and Remaining Challenges, Marc Bungenberg, August Reinisch and Christian Tietje(ed), NOMOS and Hart Publishing, March 2013.
3 论文
(1) 张生,国际投资仲裁中的紧急仲裁员制度:适用及困境,西安交通大学学报(社会科学版),2018年第4期。
(2) 张生,国际投资条约体系下外交保护的空间,中外法学,2017,29(4):1091-1101.
(3) Sheng Zhang, Legislative Development in China in 2015, Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 2016, 4(2): 347-370.
(4) 张生,国际投资法制框架下的缔约国解释研究,现代法学,2015, 37(6):163-172。
(5) 张生,欧盟国际投资仲裁财政责任划分条例评析,武大国际法评论,2015,18(2):250-267。
(6) Sheng Zhang and Peng Wang, Legislative Development in China in 2014, Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 2015, 3(2):408-429.
(7) 张生,国际投资仲裁法制发展的反思与抉择——评卡尔•萨望和斐德瑞卡•奥尔蒂诺的《完善国际投资法律和政策体制:未来路径选择》,国际法研究,2015(1): 110-117。
(8) Sheng Zhang, Legislative Development in China in 2013, Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 2014, 2(2):401-418.
(9) Wenhua Shan and Sheng Zhang, Market Access Provisions in the Potential EU Model BIT: Toward a ‘Global Model BIT 2.0’?, Journal of World Investment and Trade, 2014, 15(3): 422-453. (通讯作者)
(10) 张生,国际投资仲裁中条约解释方面的问题及其完善对策,国际经济法学刊,2014,21(4):130-166。
(11) Sheng Zhang, The China-United States BIT Negotiations: A Chinese Perspective, Columbia FDI Perspective, No.112, January 2014.
(12) Sheng Zhang, Legislative Development in China in 2012, Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 2013, 1(2): 381-408.
(13) 单文华,张生,美国投资条约新范本及其可接受性问题研究,现代法学,2013,35(5):149-160。
(14) Sheng Zhang, Energy Charter Treaty and China: Member or Bystander?, Journal of World Investment & Trade, 2012, 13(4): 597-617.
(15) Wenhua Shan, Norah Gallagher and Sheng Zhang, National Treatment for Foreign Investment in China: A Changing Landscape, ICSID Review,2012, 27(1): 120-144.
(16) Wenhua Shan and Sheng Zhang, FDI in China and the Role of Law: An Empirical Approach, Journal of World Investment & Trade, 2011, 12(4):457-486.
(17) Wenhua Shan and Sheng Zhang, The Treaty of Lisbon: Half Way toward a Common Investment Policy, European Journal of International Law, 2010, 21(4): 1049-1073.
(18) Wenhua Shan, Norah Gallagher and Sheng Zhang, Bilateral Investment Treaty Overview—China and Commentaries on 120 BITs, Oxford University Press Online Publication(investmentclaims.com), OUP reference:IC-TOV6 (2008)