娄燕山 |
结构轻量化。2007年9月-2012年8月 韩国科学技术研究院博士
2013年11月-2014年7月 迪肯大学副研究员
2014年9月-2015年8月 德国多特蒙德工业大学洪堡学者
2016年7月-2018年6月 迪肯大学研究员
2018年7月-至今 西安交通大学 教授
[1] 01/11/2013 – 31/12/2015基于非关联流动理论的高级本构模型和失效模型在LS-DYNA和PAM-STAMP软件中的实施;
AutoCRC LTD,通用霍顿汽车
[2]01/09/2014 – 31/08/2015用于板材体积成形的金属塑性以及韧性断裂的各向异性:实验,数值计算和分析建模;德国洪堡基金,多特蒙德大学塑性成形与结构轻量化技术研究所
1.Yanshan Lou, Jeong Whan Yoon*, Hoon Huh, 2014. Modeling of shear ductile fracture considering a changeable cut-off value for the stress triaxiality. International Journal of Plasticity54, 56-80. IF: 5.702; ESI Highly Cited paper
2.Jeong Whan Yoon*, Yanshan Lou*, Jong Hun Yoon, Michael V. Glazoff, 2014. Asymmetric yield function based on stress invariants for pressure sensitive metals. International Journal of Plasticity 56, 184-202. IF: 5.702
3.Yanshan Lou, Jeong Whan Yoon*, 2017. Anisotropic ductile fracture criterion based on linear transformation. International Journal of Plasticity 93, 3-25. IF: 5.702
4.Yanshan Lou, Jeong Whan Yoon*, 2018. Anisotropic yield function based on stress invariants for BCC and FCC metals and its extension to ductile fracture criterion. International Journal of Plasticity101, 125-155.IF: 5.702
5.Namsu Park, Hoon Huh, Sungjun Lim, Yanshan Lou, Yeon Sik Kang, Min Hong Seo. Fracture-based forming limit criteria for anisotropic materials in sheet metal forming. International Journal of Plasticity96, 1-35. IF: 5.702
6.Yanshan Lou, Hoon Huh*, Sungjun Lim, Keunhwan Pack, 2012. New Ductile Fracture Criterion for Prediction of Fracture Forming Limit Diagrams of Sheet Metal. International Journal of Solids and Structures 49, 3605-3615. IF: 2.760; ESI Highly Cited paper
7.Yanshan Lou, Hoon Huh*, 2013. Extension of a shear-controlled ductile fracture model considering the stress triaxiality and the Lode Parameter. International Journal of Solids and Structures 50, 447-455. IF: 2.760
8.Yanshan Lou, Lin Chen, Till Clausmeyer, A. Erman Tekkaya, Jeong Whan Yoon, 2016. Modeling of ductile fracture from shear to balanced biaxial tension for sheet metals. International Journal of Solids and Structures 112, 169-184. IF: 2.760
9.Yanshan Lou, Hoon Huh*, 2013. Prediction of ductile fracture for advanced high strength steel with a new criterion: experiments and simulation. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 213, 1284-1302. IF: 3.147
10.Yanshan Lou, Hoon Huh*, Jeong Whan Yoon, 2013. Consideration of strength differential effect in sheet metals with symmetric yield function. International Journal of Mechanical Science 66, 214-223. IF: 2.884
11.Yanshan Lou, Jeong Whan Yoon*, Hoon Huh, Qi Chao, Jung-Han Song, 2018. Correlation of the maximum shear stress with micromechanisms of ductile fracture for metals with high strength-to-weight ratio. International Journal of Mechanical Science doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2018.03.025
12.Yanshan Lou, Hoon Huh*, 2013. Evaluation of ductile fracture criteria in a general three-dimensional stress state considering the stress triaxiality and the Lode parameter. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 26, 642-658. IF: 0.736