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2003年获华中科技大学热能与动力工程和经济法双学位,同年保送至西安交通大学流体机械及工程专业师从祁大同教授。2006月2月和2010年12月分别获硕士和博士学位,期间于2006年3月-2007年7月在中冶赛迪工程技术有限公司动力设计部工作。2011年4月和2014年1月分别受聘为流体机械及工程系讲师和副教授职称。2015年8月-2016年7月受英国Newton Fund及国家留学基金委的联合资助在英国University of Southampton访问,2017年4月-2019年3月在Rolls-Royce UTC in Gas Turbine Noise, University of Southampton开展航空发动机噪声研究工作。主要从事气动力学和气动声学方面的研究,尤其是流体机械节能降噪技术。




2015年中国产学研合作创新成果一等奖(第2完成人). 透平压缩机降噪技术研究. 国科奖社证字第0191号.


祁大同,李景银,闻苏平,秦国良,毛义军. 离心压缩机原理. 机械工业出版社, 2018.



[1]Mao Yijun*, Hu Zhiwei, Xu Chen, Ghorbaniasl Ghader. Vector aeroacoustics for a uniform mean flow: acoustic velocity and vortical velocity. AIAA Journal. 2018, 56(7): 2782-2793.

[2]Xu Chen, Mao Yijun*, Hu Zhiwei, Ghorbaniasl Ghader. Vector aeroacoustics for a uniform mean flow: acoustic intensity and acoustic power. AIAA Journal. 201856(7): 2794-2805.

[3]Mao Yijun*, Hu Zhiwei. Acoustic analogy for multiphase or multicomponent flow. ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. 2018: 140(2): 021006.

[4]Zhang Qunlin, Mao Yijun*, Qi Datong. Analytical modelling of the vibro-acoustic response of a double-walled cylindrical shell with micro-perforation excited by turbulent boundary layer pressure fluctuations. ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics.2018, 140(2): 021012.

[5]Zhou Huihui, Mao Yijun*, Zhang Qunlin, Zhao Cun, Qi Datong, Diao Quan. Vibro-acoustics of a pipeline centrifugal Compressor, Part I, experimental study. Applied Acoustics. 2018, 131:112-128.

[6]Zhang Qunlin, Mao Yijun*, Zhou Huihui. Vibro-acoustics of a pipeline centrifugal Compressor, Part II, control with the micro-perforated panel. Applied Acoustics. 2018, 132: 152-166.


[7]Mao Yijun*, Hu Zhiwei, Gu Yuanyuan. Efficient method to predict rotor noise scattered by an axisymmetric body. AIAA Journal. 2017, 55(10): 3458-3466.

[8]Mao Yijun*, Hu Zhiwei. Convective vector wave equation of aeroacoustics. Procedia IUTAM. 2017,20:81-88.

[9]Xu Chen, Mao Yijun*, Hu Zhiwei. Tonal and broadband noise control of an axial flow fan with metal foams: design and experimental validation. Applied Acoustics. 2017, 127:346-353.

[10]Zhang Qunlin, Mao Yijun*, Qi Datong. Effect of perforation on the sound transmission through a double-walled cylindrical shell. Jounal of Sound and Vibration. 2017, 410: 344-363.


[11]Mao Yijun*, Tang Hongtao, Xu Chen. Vector wave equation of aeroacoustics and acoustic velocity formulations for quadrupole source. AIAA Journal. 2016, 54(6):1922-1931.

[12]Mao Yijun*, Gu Yuanyuan, Xu Chen. Validation of frequency-domain method to compute noise radiated from rotating source and scattered by surface. AIAA Journal. 2016, 54(4): 1188-1197.

[13]Mao Yijun*, Xu Chen. Accelerated method for predicting acoustic far field and acoustic power of rotating source. AIAA Journal. 2016, 54(2): 603-615.

[14]Mao Yijun*, Xu Chen. Analytical acoustic power spectrum formulations for rotating monopole and dipole point sources. ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. 2016, 138(2): 021009.

[15]Xu Chen, Mao Yijun*. Passive control of centrifugal fan noise by employing open-cell metal foam. Applied Acoustics. 2016, 103: 10-19.

[16]Xu Chen, Mao Yijun*. Experimental investigation of metal foam for controlling centrifugal fan noise. Applied Acoustics. 2016, 104: 182-192.

[17]Wen Xuanfeng, Mao Yijun*, Yang Xin, Qi Datong. Design method of the volute profile of a squirrel cage fan with space limitation. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery. 2016, 138(8): 081001.

[18]Zhou Huihui, Mao Yijun*, Diao Quan, Lu Fu’an, Zhang Qunlin. Numerical analysis of the vibration and noise induced by the unsteady flow in a centrifugal compressor. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A, Journal of Power and Energy. 2016, 230(6): 554-569.

[19]Han Fenghui, Mao Yijun*, Tan Jiajian. Influences of flow loss and inlet distortions from radial inlet on the performance of centrifugal compressor stage. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2016, 30(10): 4591-4599.


[20]Mao Yijun*, Cai Jiancheng, Gu Yuanyuan, Qi Datong. Direct evaluation of acoustic intensity vector field around impedance scattering body. AIAA Journal. 2015, 53(5): 1362-1371.

[21]Mao Yijun*, Zhang Qunlin, Xu Chen, Qi Datong. Two types of frequency-domain acoustic-velocity formulations for rotating thickness and loading sources. AIAA Journal. 2015, 53(3): 713-722.

[22]Mao Yijun*, Xu Chen, Qi Datong. Computation of instantaneous and time-averaged active acoustic intensity field around rotating source. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2015, 337: 95-115.

[23]Maoyijun*, Xu Chen, Qi Datong. Analytical solution for sound radiated from the rotating point source in uniform subsonic axial flow. Applied Acoustics. 2015, 92(5): 6-11.

[24]Zhang Qunlin, Mao Yijun*, Qi Datong, Gu Yuanyuan. An improved series expansion method to accelerate the multi-frequency acoustic radiation prediction. Journal of Computational Acoustics. 2015, 23(1): 1450015.

[25]Han Fenghui, Mao Yijun*, Tan Jiajian, Zhao Cun, Zhang Yiyun. Flow measurement and simulation of a radial inlet for centrifugal compressor. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A, Journal of Power and Energy. 2015. 229(4): 367-380.
