金辉 |
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上基金,51776169,孔尺度视角下焦炭颗粒-超临界水界面反应的热质传递特性研究,2018/1-2021/12,61万元,执行中,主持。
[2] 西安交通大学青年跟踪支持类人才项目,2017010308,超临界水煤气化过程中多孔颗粒内相界面热质传递机理,2017/1-2019/12,15万元,执行中,主持。
[3] 国家重点研发计划/大型油气田及煤层开发科技重大专项,2016ZX05058003-008、海上稠油超临界水气化多元热流体热采新工艺及其应用探索研究、2016/1-2020/12,130.78万元,执行中,主持。
[4] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51306145,超临界水-颗粒流态化分布特性及转变规律,2014/01-2016/12,25万元,已结题,主持。
[5] 陕西省科技厅科技统筹创新工程计划工业攻关项目,2013K11-12,超临界水煤制氢气化炉流化床分布板开发,2013/01-2015/12,10万元,已结题,主持。
[6] 陕西煤业化工集团有限责任公司横向课题,20130111,红柳林煤的超临界水气化制氢验证评价试验,2013/1~2013/8,25万元,已结题,主持
[7] 教育部博士点青年基金项目,20120201120064,多相催化剂颗粒在煤的超临界水流化床制氢反应器中的相分布特性研究,2013/01-2015/12,4万元,已结题,主持。
[1] 金辉,工程热物理学会吴仲华奖励基金会,吴仲华优秀学生奖,2011年
[2] 郭烈锦、吕友军、金辉、陈敬炜、张西民、赵亮、曹长青,太阳能聚焦供热的热化学分解超临界水和生物质制氢基础研究,陕西省科学技术一等奖,2014年
[1] 郭烈锦、朱超、金辉、曹长青、冯慧芳、孙静丽、欧治松,发明专利,连续式超临界水套管反应器气化有机物的方法和装置,申请号:201610570302.1,公开号:106147865A
[2] 郭烈锦、朱超、金辉、王润宇、魏雯雯、王立、寇家静,发明专利,一种连续式超临界水固定床催化气化有机物的方法和装置,申请号:201610570394.3,公开号:106190313A
[3] 郭烈锦、程泽宁、金辉、刘单珂、朱超、徐加陵、张西民,发明专利,一种超临界水气化炉中残渣在线排出装置及方法,申请号:201610570689.0,公开号:106190314A
[4] 郭烈锦、程泽宁、金辉、徐加陵、欧国标、朱超,发明专利,一种可实现残渣富集的超临界水气化炉装置,申请号:201610570687.1,公开号:106244238A
[5] 郭烈锦、程泽宁、金辉、苏迪、张西民、徐加陵,发明专利,一种连续式超临界水气化兰炭末系统及方法,申请号:201610570368.0,公开号:106190331A
[6] 郭烈锦、王润宇、金辉、朱超、张德明、欧国标,发明专利,一种超临界水高效气化无烟煤的装置及工作方法,申请号:201610570304.0,公开号:106047419A
[7] 郭烈锦、王润宇、金辉、朱超、任一飞、罗奎,发明专利,一种基于超临界水气化的氢气在线分离装置及方法,申请号:201610570305.5,公开号:106219487A
[8] 郭烈锦、任长胜、朱超、金辉、欧国标、罗奎,发明专利,一种基于高压水的双流体喷嘴,申请号:201610570315.9,公开号:106040467A
[9] 郭烈锦、任长胜、金辉、朱超、王乐、伊磊,发明专利,一种基于高压水的双流体内混式喷嘴,申请号:201610570366.1,公开号:106082122A
[10] 郭烈锦、任长胜、金辉、任一飞、张西民、朱超,发明专利,一种基于高压水的双流体外混式喷嘴,申请号:201610570301.7,公开号:106111377A
[11] 郭烈锦、张德明、金辉、朱超、吕友军、王润宇,发明专利,一种准东煤的连续式超临界水气化炉,申请号:201610570367.6,公开号:106190312A
[12] 郭烈锦、金辉、朱超、曹长青、吕友军、张西民,发明专利,一种残液再循环的煤的超临界水气化制氢装置及方法,申请号:201610570395.8,公开号:106276788A
[13] 周守为、郭烈锦、李清平、金辉、付强、张凤久、刘永飞、吕鑫,发明专利,多源多元热流体发生系统及方法,申请号:201611252802.7,公开号:106640007A
[14] 郭烈锦、伊磊、侯瑞琴、欧阳晓平、金辉、朱超,发明专利,超临界水气化偏二甲肼废液的方法,ZL 201510058072.6
[15] 郭烈锦、刘单珂、金辉、欧国标、吕友军、魏雯雯,实用新型专利,一种超临界水条件下的高温高压法兰密封结构,ZL 201620762376.0
[1] Jin H, Chen B, Zhao X, Cao C. Molecular dynamic simulation on hydrogen production by catalytic gasification of key intermediates of biomass in supercritical water. Journal of Energy Resources Technology. 2017;140:041801.
[2] Jin H, Chen Y, Ge Z, Liu S, Ren C, Guo L. Hydrogen production by Zhundong coal gasification in supercritical water. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2015;40:16096-103.
[3] Jin H, Fan C, Guo L, Liu S, Cao C, Wang R. Experimental study on hydrogen production by lignite gasification in supercritical water fluidized bed reactor using external recycle of liquid residual. Energy Conversion and Management. 2017;145:214-9.
[4] Jin H, Fan C, Wei W, Zhang D, Sun J, Cao C. Evolution of Pore Structure and Produced Gases of Zhundong Coal Particle during Gasification in Supercritical Water. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 2018;136:102-9.
[5] Jin H, Guo L, Guo J, Ge Z, Cao C, Lu Y. Study on gasification kinetics of hydrogen production from lignite in supercritical water. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2015;40:7523-9.
[6] Jin H, Guo S, Guo L, Cao C. A Mathematical Model and Numerical Investigation for Glycerol Gasification in Supercritical Water with a Tubular Reactor. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 2016;107:526-33.
[7] Jin H, Liu S, Wei W, Zhang D, Cheng Z, Guo L. Experimental Investigation on Hydrogen Production by Anthracene Gasification in Supercritical Water. Energy & Fuels. 2015;29:6342-6.
[8] Jin H, Lu Y, Guo L, Cao C, Zhang X. Hydrogen production by partial oxidative gasification of biomass and its model compounds in supercritical water. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2010;35:3001-10.
[9] Jin H, Lu Y, Guo L, Zhang X, Pei A. Hydrogen Production by Supercritical Water Gasification of Biomass with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalyst. Advances in Condensed Matter Physics. 2014:160565.
[10] Jin H, Lu Y, Liao B, Guo L, Zhang X. Hydrogen production by coal gasification in supercritical water with a fluidized bed reactor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2010;35:7151-60.
[11] Jin H, Wang C, Fan C, Guo L, Cao C, Cao W. Experimental investigation on the influence of the pyrolysis operating parameters upon the char reaction activity in supercritical water gasification. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2018;https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.12.106.
[12] Jin H, Wu Y, Guo L, Su X. Molecular dynamic investigation on hydrogen production by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon gasification in supercritical water. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2016;41:3837-43.
[13] Jin H, Wu Y, Zhu C, Guo L, Huang J. Molecular dynamic investigation on hydrogen production by furfural gasification in supercritical water. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2016;41:16064-9.
[14] Jin H, Wu Z, Guo L, Su X. Numerical Investigation on the Two Phase Flow Behaviors in Supercritical Water Fluidized Bed with Swirling Flow Distributor. Heat Transfer Engineering. 2017.
[15] Jin H, Wu ZQ, Su XH, Guo LJ, Song XX. Interfacial surface investigation of super-critical water gasification of corn cob. Thermal Science. 2016;20:S895-S901.
[16] Jin H, Zhao X, Guo L, Zhu C, Cao C, Wu Z. Experimental investigation on methanation reaction based on coal gasification in supercritical water. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017;42:4636-41.
[17] Jin H, Zhao X, Guo L, Zhu C, Wei W. Experimental investigation on gasification kinetic model of char particle in supercritical water. Energy & Fuels. 2015;29:8053–7.
[18] Jin H, Zhao X, Guo S, Cao C, Guo L. Investigation on linear description of the char conversion for the process of supercritical water gasification of Yimin lignite. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2016;41:16070-6.
[19] Jin H, Zhao X, Su X, Zhu C, Cao C, Guo L. Supercritical water synthesis of bimetallic catalyst and its application in hydrogen production by furfural gasification in supercritical water. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017;42:4943-50.
[20] Jin H, Zhao X, Wu Z, Cao C, Guo L. Supercritical water synthesis of nano-particle catalyst on TiO2 and its application in supercritical water gasification of biomass. Journal of Experimental Nanoscience. 2016;12:72-82.
[21] Wu Z, Jin H, Ren Y, Guo L. Investigation on drag coefficient of super critical water cross-flow past cylinder biomass particle at low reynolds numbers. Thermal Science. 2018; S2: S383 - S389
[22] Wu Z, Jin H, Ou G, Guo L, Cao C. Three-dimensional numerical study on flow dynamics characteristics in supercritical water fluidized bed with consideration of real particle size distribution by computational particle fluid dynamics method. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2018;10:1687814018779871.