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1. 1994年09月至1997年07月在西北工业大学教改班学习获学士学位;

2. 1997年09月至2000年04月在西北工业大学自动控制专业学习获硕士学位,研究方向控制理论与工程;

3. 2000年04月至2002年07月在大唐电信任软件工程师职务;

4. 2002年07月至2007年09月在新加坡国立大学电子与计算机工程专业学习获博士学位,研究方向电子与计算机工程;

5. 2006年06月至2008年07月在新加坡国立大学电子与计算机工程系任Research Fellow职务;

6. 2008年11月至2009年07月在新加坡西门子任软件工程师职务;

7. 2010年01月至2014年01月在西安交通大学电信学院自动化系综合自动化所任讲师职务;

8. 2014年01月至今在西安交通大学电信学院自动化系综合自动化所任副教授职务。


1. 基于压缩感知的无源雷达信号级目标联合检测与跟踪方法研究,项目来源:国家自然科学基金项目,项目编号:61573276,承担角色:负责人,起始时间:2016-1,项目类别,纵向项目。

2. 基于压缩感知的全息成像研究,承担角色:负责人,起始时间:2015-5,项目类别,横向项目。

3. 基于压缩感知的实孔径成像雷达角度超分辨技术,项目编号:CAST创新基金项目,承担角色:负责人,起始时间:2014-8,项目类别,横向项目。


5. 无线体域网关键技术研究(极低功耗验证),项目来源:国家科技重大专项,项目编号:2013ZX03005007,承担角色:参与,起始时间:2013-1,项目类别,纵向项目。

6. 非结构化环境下的智能感知基础理论与关键技术,项目来源:973项目,项目编号:2013CB329405,承担角色:参与,起始时间:2013-1,项目类别,纵向项目。

7. 基于粒子滤波的目标跟踪新算法研究,项目来源:国家教育部项目,项目编号:12回国基金04,承担角色:负责人,起始时间:2012-3,项目类别,纵向项目。

8. 基于证据理论-粒子滤波的多机动目标联合检测与跟踪算法研究,项目来源:国家自然科学基金项目,项目编号:61104051,承担角色:负责人,起始时间:2012-1,项目类别,纵向项目。



Liu J, Mallick M., Lian F, and Huang K. A Novel Compressed Sensing-Based Algorithm for Space-Time Signal Processing Using Airborne Radars, Ch. 6, in Compressive Sensing of Earth Observations, C. H. Chen, Ed. CRC Press, pp. 131–151, June 2017.

2. SCI期刊论文

[1] *Liu J, Huang K, Zhang G. An Efficient Distributed Compressed Sensing Algorithm for Decentralized Sensor Network. Sensors, 2017, 17(4).

[2] *Jing Liu, Guoxian Zhang, Kai Zhao, and Xiaoyu Jiang. Compressive holography algorithm for the objects composed of point sources. Applied Optics, 2017, 56(3).

[3] *Jing Liu, Feng Lian, Mahendra Mallick, Distributed Compressed Sensing Based Joint Detection and Tracking for Multistatic Radar System, Information Sciences, 2016, 369(C):100-118

[4] Ma D, Lian F, Liu J. Sequential Monte Carlo implementation of cardinality balanced multi-target multi-Bernoulli filter for extended target tracking. IET Radar Sonar & Navigation, 2016, 10(2):272-277.

[5] *Jing, Liu;Mahendra Mallick;Feng Lian;Chongzhao Han;MingXing Sheng;Xianghua Yao. General similar sensing matrix pursuit: An efficient and rigorous reconstruction algorithm to cope with deterministic sensing matrix with high coherence, Signal Processing, vol. 114, pp 150-163, 2015.

[6] Lian F, Liu J, Mallick M, et al. Joint detection and estimation error bounds for an unresolved target-group using single or multiple sensors. Digital Signal Processing, 2015, 36(C):26-38.

[7] Lian F, Liu J, Han C. Error bound for joint detection and estimation of multiple targets with random finite set state and observation. Signal Processing, 2015, 117(C):247-257.

[8] *Liu, Jing; Mallick, Mahendra; Han, ChongZhao; Yao, XiangHua; Lian, Feng. Similar sensing matrix pursuit: An efficient reconstruction algorithm to cope with deterministic sensing matrix, Signal Processing, vol. 95, pp 101-110, 2014/2. 

[9] *Liu, Jing; Han, ChongZhao; Yao, XiangHua; Lian, Feng. A Novel Coherence Reduction Method in Compressed Sensing for DOA Estimation. JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, vol. 1, pp 1-9, 2013.

[10] *Liu Jing; Han ChongZhao; Yao XiangHua; Lian Feng. Splitting Matching Pursuit Method for Reconstructing Sparse Signal in Compressed Sensing. JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, vol. 1, pp 1-8, 2013. 

[11] *Liu, Jing; Han, Chongzhao; Yao, Xianghua; Lian, Feng. Compressed sensing based track before detect algorithm for airborne radars, Progress in Electromagnetics Research-pier, vol. 138, pp 433-451, 2013. 

[12] *Jing, Liu. Noise driven compressed sensing method for space time signal processing, IEICE Electronics Express, 10(4), pp 1-12, 2013.

[13] *Jing L.; Yu H.; Feng L.; ChongZhao H. Evidence theory-based mixture particle filter for joint detection and tracking of multiple targets, IET Radar Sonar and Navigation, 6(7), pp 649-658, 2012/8.

[14] *Liu Jing; Han ChongZhao; Lian Feng; Hu Yu. Multiple Maneuvering Target Tracking by Improved Particle Filter Based on Multiscan JPDA, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012(1), pp 1-25, 2012.

[15] Lian Feng; Han Chongzhao; Liu Weifeng; Liu Jing; Sun Jian. Unified cardinalized probability hypothesis density filters for extended targets and unresolved targets. Signal Processing, 92(7), pp 1729-1744, 2012/7.

[16] Lian Feng; Han ChongZhao; Liu WeiFeng; Liu Jing; Yuan XiangHui. Joint spatial registration and multi-target tracking using an extended PM-CPHD filter, Science China-Information Sciences, 55(3), pp 501-511, 2012/3.

[17] Lian Feng; Han Chongzhao; Liu Jing; Chen Hui

Convergence Results for the Gaussian Mixture Implementation of the Extended-Target PHD Filter and Its Extended Kalman Filtering Approximation Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1(1), 2012.

[18] *Jing, L.; ChongZhao, H.; Vadakkepat, P.Process noise identification based particle filter: an efficient method to track highly manoeuvring targets, IET Signal Processing, 5(6), pp 538-546, 2011/9.

[19] *Jing, Liu; Vadakkepat, Prahlad. Interacting MCMC particle filter for tracking maneuvering target, Digital Signal Processing, 20(2), pp 561-574, 2010/3.

[20] Vadakkepat, Prahlad; Lim, Peter; De Silva, Liyanage C.; Jing, Liu; Ling, Li Li. Multimodal approach to human-face detection and tracking, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 55(3), pp 1385-1393, 2008/3.

[21] Vadakkepat, Prahlad; Liu, Jing. Improved particle filter in sensor fusion for tracking randomly moving object, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 55(5), pp 1823-1832, 2006/10.


[1] 刘静*,盛明星,宋大伟等.基于分布式压缩感知的联合检测与跟踪算.控制与决策,2017,32(2):239-246.DOI:10.13195/j.kzyjc.2015.1505.

[2] 刘静*,李小超,祝开建等.基于分布式压缩感知的遥感图像融合算法[J].电子与信息学报,2017,.DOI:10.11999/JEIT161393.

[3] 刘静*,盛明星,宋大伟等.雷达高分辨率紧凑感知矩阵追踪算.电子与信息学报,2016,38(8):1950-1955.DOI:10.11999/JEIT151135.
