陶唐飞 |
2001.9-2006.6 西安交通大学电信学院控制科学与工程专业攻读博士学位;
1997.9-2000.4 西安交通大学机械学院机械工程专业攻读硕士学位;
1993.9-1997.7 西安交通大学机械学院锻压工业及设备专业攻读学士学位。
2000.4-2006.6 西安交通大学机械学院 工程及计算机图学教研室;
2006.7 至今 西安交通大学机械学院智能检测与仪器研究所;
2007.7-2008.7 韩国成均馆大学智能机器人及机电一体化系统实验室,博士后。
1. Tao Tangfei;Ja Choon Koo;Hyouk Ryeol Choi. Improved Block Matching Approach for Fast Disparity Estimation, Journal of System Engineering and Electronics,2009.12, Vol.20, No.6. (SCI:538KL,EI: 20085211805443);
2. Tan, Haihui ; Xu, Guanghua; Tao, Tangfei; Zhang, Sicong; Luo, Ailing,Investigation on the ultrasonic propagation mechanism and its application on air-source heat pump defrosting[J], Applied Thermal Engineering,V.107, 2016 (IF:3.043,SCI: DV3BB,20162802583965);
3. Haihui Tan, Guanghua Xu,, Tangfei Tao, Xiaoqi Sun, Wudong Yao. Experimental investigation on the defrosting performance of a finned-tube evaporator using intermittent ultrasonic vibration [J]. Applied Energy, V.158, 2015 (IF:5.613的SCI一区论文,SCi:CW3GU,权威期刊);
4. Jiang Kuosheng, Xu Guanghua, Tao Tangfei, Liang Lin. Rolling Bearing Quality Evaluation based on a Morphological Filter and a Kolmogorov Complexity Measure[J].International Journal of Precsion Engineering and Manufaturing.2015,Vol. 16, No. 3.( SCI:CD2QI);
5. 谭海辉,陶唐飞,徐光华,万翔,张鑫. 翅片管式蒸发器超声波除霜理论与技术研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报. 2015,Vol.49, No.09. (EI: 20154201411258);
6. Haihui Tan,Tangfei Tao,Guanghua Xu, Sicong Zhang, Dingyuan Wang, Xiangui Luo. Experimental study on defrosting mechanism of intermittent ultrasonic resonance for a finned-tube evaporator [J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, V.52, 2014 (SCI: 862WE, EI: 20114614528191);
7. Tangfei Tao, Guanghua Xu, et.al. A Segmentation Method for Titanium Alloy Metallographic Image Based on Texture Directivity and Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix[C]. 27th International Congress of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering (Comadem 2014), Australia;
8. Jiang Kuosheng, Xu Guanghua, Tao Tangfei, Liang Lin, et.al. A simple and reliable sensor for accurate measurement of angular speed for low speed rotating machinery [J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, V.85, No.1,2014 (SCI: AA6OI, EI: 20140617275332).
9. 徐光华 王定远 陶唐飞 罗爱玲 张四聪. 基于间歇式加载工作的空气源热泵超声波共振除霜方法.授权号:ZL2011104021906, 2014-07-23;
10.徐光华 姜阔胜 梁霖 陶唐飞 张四聪 罗爱玲. 一种基于形态学滤波和复杂度测度的轴承定量诊断方法.授权号:ZL2012105091258, 2015-07-08。