梁庆宣 |
1. Design and manufacture of low-frequency acoustic absorption metamaterials with enhanced coupling characteristic. Virtual and Physical Prototyping,2024;
2. 多层级异质异构吸波超材料功能化设计及熔融沉积3D 打印,机械工程学报,2024.
3. Ultrabroadband metastructure absorber with angular stability for conformal applications, Materials Today Physics,2023.
4. An ultrabroadband metamaterial absorber based on remarkable magnetic coupling via constructing conductive composite resonators and magnetic gradient gyroid structure, Virtual and Physical Prototyping,2023;
5. A 4D‐Printed Electromagnetic Cloaking and Illusion Function Convertible Metasurface, Advanced Materials Technologies,2023
6. Ultrathin Underwater Sound-Absorbing Metasurface by Coupling Local Resonance with Cavity Resonance, Physical Review Applied,2022.
7.Higher stiffness hierarchical embedded strengthening honeycomb metastructure with small negative Poisson’s ratio reduction, Thin-walled Structures,2022
8. A wide-angle broadband electromagnetic absorbing metastructure using 3D printing technology, Material & Design,2021.
9. 超表面异质结构的熔融沉积复合成形工艺及其电磁伪装性能研究,机械工程学报,2022.
10. 3D Printing of a Thermally Programmable Conformal Metasurface,Advanced Materials Technologies,2022