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鲍军鹏,男,1974年出生,博士。西安交通大学电信学院计算机系副教授。1994年本科毕业于华东交通大学电力牵引与传动控制专业。2000年在西安交通大学电信学院计算机系计算机软件与理论专业获得工学硕士学位。2004年在西安交通大学电信学院计算机系计算机科学与技术专业获得工学博士学位。2006年4月至2007年3月底受英国皇家学会资助在英国赫特福德大学(University of Hertfordshire)作访问学者,研究文本语义相似性。2007年7月起任职副教授至今。










1.J.P. Bao and R.Y. Yuan. A wavelet-based feature vector model for DNA clustering. Genetics and Molecular Research. 2015, 14 (4): 19163-19172. DOI: 10.4238/2015.December.29.26(SCI检索:DF8DN,WOS:000371587400197,IF=0.775)

2.Bao, Junpeng; Cao, Qian; Zhang, Yuepeng; Zeng, Jun; Zhang, De; RIMM: A novel map matching model with rotational invariance. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics 2015 (DSAA 2015). France, Paris, 19-21 Oct. 2015. pp.1-7, DOI:10.1109/DSAA.2015.7344891(EI检索:20161602255196)

3.Junpeng Bao, Ruiyu Yuan and Zhe Bao. An Improved Alignment-free Model for DNA Sequence Similarity Metric. BMC Bioinformatics. 2014, 15:321. doi:10.1186/1471-2105-15-321(SCI检索:AQ3NW,IF=2.672, WOS:000342701800001)

4.Junpeng Bao, Yuepeng Zhang, Wenqing Wang, Jun Zeng, De Zhang, Ruiyu Yuan. DX-IFD: An Intelligent Force Deployment System. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovation (AIAI2014). Sep. 19-21, 2014, Rhodes island, Greece, pp. 298–306. (EI检索:20150400456133)

5.Jie Su, Junpeng Bao, A Wavelet Transform Based Protein Sequence Similarity Model. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences. 2013, 7(3):1103-1110 (SCI检索:124KA,IF=0.508,WOS:000317461000030)

6.Wei Hu, Junpeng Bao, The Outlier Interval Detection Algorithms on Astronautical Time Series Data. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. vol. 2013, Article ID 979035, 6 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/979035 (SCI检索:116PG,IF=1.383, WOS:000316894000001)

7.鲍军鹏,宋楠,陶斌. 依赖知识的服务组合算法. 西安交通大学学报. 2013, 47(8):1-6(EI检索:20133916790261)

8.Jie Su, Junpeng Bao, Measuring UML Model Similarity. In proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends 2012(ICSOFT2012). July 24-27,2012, Rome, Italy. pp. 319-323. (EI检索:20124615674264)

9.Junpeng Bao, Bin Tao, Jie Su, Hui He. Data Mining Service Architecture: An Exploration On Self-organizing Software. In proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends 2012(ICSOFT2012). July 24-27,2012, Rome, Italy. pp. 463-467. (EI检索:20124615674286)

10.Jie Su and Junpeng Bao, A Wavelet Transform Based Structural Similarity Model for Semi-structured Texts. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, March 1-2, 2012, Macau, China. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2012, Vol. 135, pp. 159-167 (SCI检索:BCH14, EI检索:20121714971615)

11.Junpeng Bao, Yong Qi, Di Hou and Hui He. A Text Copy Detection System Based On Complex Event Processing Architecture. In proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Towards a Service-based Internet, ServiceWave 2010 Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, Vol. 6569, pp.203-207 (EI检索:20114314456891)

12.JunPeng Bao, Caroline Lyon, Peter Lane. Copy detection in Chinese documents using Ferret. LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION. 2006, 40 (3-4): 357-365. (SCI检索: 224SS, IF=0.283)

13.Bao JP, Shen JY, Liu HY, Liu XD. A fast document copy detection model. Soft Computing. 2006, 10 (1):41-46, (SCI检索:976WH, IF=0.984)

14.Bao Jun-Peng, Shen Jun-Yi, Liu Xiao-Dong, Liu Hai-Yan. The Heavy Frequency Vector Based Text Clustering. International Journal on Business Intelligence and Data Mining. 2005, 1(1):42-53.

15.Bao Jun-Peng, Shen Jun-Yi, Liu Xiao-Dong, Liu Hai-Yan, Zhang Xiao-Di. Semantic Sequence Kin: A Method of Document Copy Detection. In Proceedings of the Advances In Knowledge Discovery And Data Mining. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI). 2004, 3056:529-538 (SCI检索:BAF29; EI检索: 04468461409)

16.Bao Jun-Peng, Shen Jun-Yi, Liu Xiao-Dong, Liu Hai-Yan,Xiao-Di Zhang. Finding Plagiarism Based on Common Semantic Sequence Model. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Web-Age Information Management (WAIM) 2004. Q. Li, G. Wang and L. Feng (Eds). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). 2004, 3129: 640-645 (SCI检索:BAK53,被他人引用1次)


18.鲍军鹏,沈钧毅,刘晓东,宋擒豹,自然语言文档复制检测研究综述,软件学报, 2003,14(10):1753-1760(EI检索: 04118060677)

19.JunPeng Bao, Caroline Lyon, Peter Lane. A text annotation method based on semantic sequences. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-7), Jan 10-12, 2007, Tilburg, the Netherlands. pp:296-300, 2007

20.Jun-Peng Bao, James Malcolm. Text similarity in academic conference papers. Proceedings of the 2nd International Plagiarism Conference 2006, 19–21 June 2006, the Sage Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, UK

21.Jun-Peng Bao, Jun-Yi Shen, Xiao-Dong Liu, Qin-Bao Song. A New Text Feature Extraction Model And Its Application In Document Copy Detection. In Proceedings of the second International conference on machine learning and cybernetics 2003, (ICMLC2003), Xi’an 2-5 Nov. 2003, pp:82-87(EI检索: 04128070989)

22.Jun-Peng Bao, Jun-Yi Shen, Xiao-Dong Liu, Hai-Yan Liu. Quick Asymmetric Text Similarity Measures. In Proceedings of the second International conference on machine learning and cybernetics 2003, (ICMLC2003), Xi’an 2-5 Nov. 2003 pp:374-379(EI检索: 04128071044)

23.鲍军鹏,李劼鹏,刘晓东,沈钧毅,用数据挖掘方法扩充知识库的研究及应用,小型微型计算机系统,2004, 25(4):621-624

24.鲍军鹏,沈钧毅,刘晓东,一个基于网格的文本复制检测系统,微电子学与计算机,2004, 21(9):7-10





1.鲍军鹏. 一种利用计算机系统检测电子文本剽窃的方法. 专利号:ZL03134562.X, 授权公告日:2006年3月8日

2.鲍军鹏, 冯中慧. 一种检测及定位电子文本内容剽窃的方法. 专利号:ZL200810232309.8, 授权公告日:2011年5月18日

3.鲍军鹏, 邓一兵, 赵仲孟. 一种实时故障处理流程自动导航方法和装置. 专利号:ZL200910021729.6, 授权公告日:2011年8月31日

4.鲍军鹏, 苏杰. 一种基于小波变换的半结构化文本结构复制检测的方法. 专利号:ZL201110316054.5, 授权公告日:2013年7月31日

5.鲍军鹏, 赵静. 一种自动去除时序数据野值点的方法. 专利号:ZL201110317014.2, 授权公告日:2014年6月4日

6.鲍军鹏,张昭. 一种跨语言的电子文本剽窃检测系统及其检测方法.专利号:ZL 2014100623271, 授权公告日:2017年2月15日



