谢恩 |
2013/7 - 至今, 西安交通大学,管理学院,教授
2011/7 - 2014/7,西安交通大学腾飞人才计划特聘教授
2008/9 - 2011/7,西安交通大学,管理学院,副教授
2004/9 - 2008/9,西安交通大学,管理学院,讲师
2014/9-2015/9 美国南加州大学马歇尔商学院访问学者
2013/2~2013/5 香港大学商学院资深研究助理
2012/3-2012/5 美国麻省理工斯隆管理学院高级访问学者
Journal Publications
1) Stevens, C., Xie, E., & Peng, M., 2015. Toward a legitimacy-based view of political risk: The case of google and yahoo in China. Strategic Management Journal, in press, online published
2) Gao, G., Xie, E.*, & Zhou, K. 2014. How does technological diversity in supplier network drive buyer innovation? Relational process and contingencies. Journal of Operations Management, in press, online published.
3) Lebedev, S., Peng, M., Xie, E., & Stevens, C. 2014. Mergers and acquisitions in and out of emerging economies. Journal of World Business, in press, online published.
4) Su, Z., Peng, M., & Xie, E. 2014. A Strategy tripod perspective on knowledge creation capability. British Journal of Management, in press, online published
5) Zhou, K., Zhang, Q., Sheng, S., Xie, E.*, & Bao, Y. 2014. Are relational ties always good for knowledge acquisition? Buyer–supplier exchanges in China. Journal of Operations Management, 32(3): 88-98
6) Xie, E., Peng, M., & Zhao, W. 2013. Uncertainties, resources, and supplier selection in an emerging economies. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1219-1242.
7) Su, Z., Xie, E., Liu, H., & Sun, W. 2013. Profiting from product innovation: the impact of legal, marketing, and technological capabilities in different environmental conditions. Marketing Letters, 24: 261-276.
8) Li, Y., Xie, E.*, Teo, H., & Peng, M., 2010. Formal control and social control in domestic and international buyer-supplier relationships, Journal of Operations Management, 28, 333-344.
9) Xie, E., Li, Y., Su, Z., & Teo, H. 2010. The determinants of local suppliers trust towards foreign buyers: evidence from Sino-Foreign cooperation, Management International Review, 5: 585-611.
10) Peng, M., Li, Y., Xie, E., & Su. Z. 2010. CEO duality, organizational slack, and firm performance in China, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 27(4): 611-624.
11) Su Z., Xie E., Wang D., & Li Y. 2010. Impacts of environmental uncertainty and firm’s capabilities on R&D investment: evidence from China, Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 12(3): 269-282
12) Su, Z., Xie, E., Wang, D., & Li, Y. 2009. Entrepreneurial strategy making, resources, and firm performance: evidence from China. Small Business Economics, 36(2): 235-247.
13) Su, Z., Xie, E., & Li, Y. 2011. Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance in new ventures and established Firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 49(4): 558-577.
14) Su, Z., Xie E., & Li, Y. 2009,Organizational slack and firm performance during institutional transitions, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 26, 75-91.
15) Tan, C., Teo H., Xie, E., & Li, Y. 2009. Designing sniping agents. Annals of Operations Research, 168: 291-305
16) Xie, E., Teo, H., & Wan, W. 2006. Volunteering personal information on the Internet: Effects of reputation, privacy notice, and reward. Marketing Letters, (17), 61-74.
Conference Presentations
1) Inertia, imitation, and partner selection in emerging and mature product markets, Xie, E., Liang, J., 2014. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August, Chicago, U.S.
2) Exploratory partner selection: the role of inertia and market Uncertainty. Xie, E., Liang, J., 2013. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August, Orlando, U.S.
3) Performance feedbacks, munificence, and multinational expansion of emerging-market firms. Huang Y. Zhuang, G., Xie, E., 2013, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August, Orlando, U.S.
4) Effective supplier-network governance: supplier selection strategies and control mechanisms, Xie, En, Li, Yuan, 2008, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August, Anaheim, U.S.A.
5) Contractual and relational governance mechanisms in China, Xie, En, Prahinski, C., Li, Yuan, Teo, H., 2008, 19th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), May, La Jolla, U.S.
6) The determinants of inter-firm trust in Sino-Foreign cooperation, Xie, En, Li, Yuan, Teo, Hock-Hai, 2006, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August, Atlanta, U.S.