大竹 淑惠 |
(1) Research and development for accelerator-driven compact neutron sources towards practical use; (2) Neutron optics, imaging and diffraction experiments; (3) Research on neutron EDM; (4) Fundamental quantum physics.
1980/4-1984/3 早稻田大学 物理系 本科
1984/4-1986/3 早稻田大学 理工学研究科 硕士
1986/4-1989/3 早稻田大学 理工学研究科 博士
1989/4-1990/3 日本国立茨城技术大学 助理教授
1990/4-1996/3 日本国立茨城技术大学 副教授
1993/5-1995/2 京都大学 博士后
1995/3-1995/8 法国Grenoble, Institute Laue-Langevin 访问学者
1996/4-1998/3 日本理化学研究所 研究员
1998/3-2013/4 日本理化学研究所 上级研究员
2011/4-2013/3 日本理化学研究所 先进计测技术开发实验室副主任
2013/4 至今 日本理化学研究所 中子技术开发实验室主任
2015/6 至今 西安交通大学 能动学院核科学与技术学院 客座教授/博士生导师
High priority Cooperative. Research Programs performed by Japan Atomic Energy Agency and the University of. Tokyo from 2008-2010 (\5,000,000-/y)
High priority Cooperative. Research Programs performed by Japan Atomic Energy Agency and the University of. Tokyo from 2011-2013 (\5,000,000-/y)
Photon and Quantum Basic Research Coordinated Development Program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan 2013-2017 (80,000,000/year*5)
Council for Science, Technology and Innovation(CSTI), Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program(SIP) 2014-2018 (5,000,000/y *5)
High priority Cooperative. Research Programs performed by Japan Atomic Energy Agency and the University of. Tokyo from 2008-2010 (\5,000,000-/y)
High priority Cooperative. Research Programs performed by Japan Atomic Energy Agency and the University of. Tokyo from 2011-2013 (\5,000,000-/y)
Photon and Quantum Basic Research Coordinated Development Program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan 2013-2017 (80,000,000/year*5)
Council for Science, Technology and Innovation(CSTI), Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program(SIP) 2014-2018 (5,000,000/y *5)