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任鹏举 |
[21] Pengchen Zong, Tian Xia, Haoran Zhao, Jianming Tong, Zehua Li, Wenzhe Zhao, Nanning Zheng and Pengju Ren*, “PIT: Processing-In-Transmission with Fine-Grained Data Manipulation Networks” IEEE Transactions on Computers. (Accepted).
[20] Yongqiang Ma, Badong Chen, Pengju Ren*, Nanning Zheng, Giacomo Indiveri, and Elisa Donati “EMG-based gestures classification using a mixed-signal neuromorphic processing system” IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. 2020 10(4): 578-587.
[19] Lujuan Dang , Badong Chen , Shiyuan Wang , Wentao Ma and Pengju Ren, "Robust Power System State Estimation with Minimum Error Entropy Unscented Kalman Filter" IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement. 2020 69(1): 8797-8808.
[18] Xi Liu, Zhigang Ren, Hongqiang Lyu, Zhihong Jiang, Pengju Ren and Badong Chen*. “Linear and Nonlinear Regression Based Maximum Correntropy Extended Kalman Filtering”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems.(Accepted).
[17] Hang Wang, Hongbin Sun, Xuchong Zhang, Qiubo Chen, Pengju Ren, Xiaogang Wu, Shouyi Yin, Zhiqiang Jiang, Xiang Li, Daqiang Han, Shiquan Yu, Shaojun Wei, Nanning Zheng*, “A 4Kx2K@60fps Multifunctional Video Display Processor for High Perceptual Image Quality”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I,2020 67(2): 451-463.
[16] Tao Yang, Yadong Wei, Zhijun Tu, Haolun Zeng, Michel A.Kinsy, Nanning Zheng and Pengju Ren*,“Design Space Exploration of Neural Network Activation Function Circuits”,IEEE Transactions on Computer-aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 2019 38(10): 1974-1978.
[15] Ding Xiaotong, Xu Pei, Ren Pengju. Design of FPGA-Based Convolutional Neural Network Model [J]. Aero Weaponry, 2019, 26(2): 15-20.
[14] Yicong He, Fei Wang,Shiyuan Wang, Pengju Ren,Badong Chen*,“Maximum Total Correntropy Diffusion Adaptation over Networks with Noisy Links”, IEEE Transactions on Circuit and Systems II. 2019 66(2): 307-311.
[13] Yongqiang Ma, Ziru Wang, Siyu Yu, Badong Chen, Nanning Zheng and Pengju Ren*. “A Novel Spiking Neural Network of Receptive Field Encoding with Groups of Neurons Decision”, Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering. 2018 19(1):139-150.
[12] Yongqiang Ma, Hao Wu, Mengjiao Zhu, Pengju Ren, Badong Chen and Nanning Zheng*, "Reconstruct Visual Image from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Spiking Neuron Model". IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. 2018 10(3): 624-636.
[11] Nanning Zheng*, Ziyi Liu, Pengju Ren, Yongqiang Ma, Shitao Chen, Siyu Yu, Jianru Xue, Badong Chen, Feiyue Wang "Hybrid-augmented intelligence: collaboration and cognition" Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering. 2017 18(2):153-179.
[10] Pengju Ren*, Xin Zhang, Hongwei Bi, Hongbin Sun and Nanning Zheng “Towards an Efficient Multiview Display Processing Architecture for 3DTV” IEEE Transactions on Circuit and Systems II. 2017 64(6): 705-709.
[9] Pengju Ren*,Badong Chen, Zejian Yuan and Nanning Zheng, “Toward robust visual cognition through brain-inspied computing , A Sponsored Supplement to Science, vol. Brain-Inspired intelligent robotics: The intersection of robotics and neuroscience, 2016:16-20.
[8] Pengju Ren*, Michel A.Kinsy and Nanning Zheng “Fault-Aware Load-Balancing Routing for 2D-Mesh and Torus On-Chip Network Topologies” IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2016, 65(3), 873-887.
[7] Pengju Ren*, Xiaowei Ren, Sudhanshu Sane, Michel A. Kinsy and Nanning Zheng “A Deadlock-Free and Connectivity-Guaranteed Methodology for Achieving Fault-tolerance in On-chip Networks” IEEE transactions on Computers, 2016, 65(2): 353-366.
[6] 郑南宁*、任鹏举、陈霸东、吴昊,“类脑(受脑启发的)计算的问题与视觉认知”,中国自动化学会通讯,第37卷,第2期(总第185期),pp16-37.
[5] Wei Liu, Nanning Zheng, Zejian Yuan, Pengju Ren*, Tao Wang “Robust monocular SLAM towards motion disturbance” Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014 59(17): 2050-2056.
[4] Dong Wang*, Pengju Ren, Leibo Liu “A high-throughput fixed-point divider for FPGAs”, IEICE Electronics Express, 2013 10(4): 1-8.
[3] Pengju Ren, Mieszko lis, Myong Hyon Cho, Keun Sup Shim, Christopher W. Fletcher, Omer Khan, Nanning Zheng and Srinivas Devadas*,"HORNET: a cycle-level mulitcore simulator" IEEE Transactions on Computer-aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2012 31(6): 890-903.
[2] Hongbin Sun, Pengju Ren, Tong Zhang, Tao Li, Nanning Zheng* “Architecting High-Performance Energy-Efficient Soft Error Resilient Cache under 3D Integration Technology” Microprocessors and Microsystems-Embedded Hardware Design, 2011 35(4):371-381.
[1] Chenyang Ge*, Nanning Zheng and Pengju Ren, “VLSI design of the image scaling IP core with the mixed interpolation algorithm.” Journal of XiDian University. 2010 37(1): 158-162.
[26] Haoran Zhao, Tian Xia, Chenyang Li, Wenzhe Zhao, Nanning Zheng and Pengju Ren*, “Exploring Better Speculation and Data Locality in Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Intel Xeon” The 38th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2020, pp, 601-609.
[25] Zhiwei Dong, Guoxuan Li, Yue Liao, Fei Wang, Pengju Ren and ChenQian, “CentripetalNet:Pursuing High-quality Keypoint Pairs for Object Detection”,IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020, pp10519-10528.
[24] Tian Xia, Pengchen Zong, Haoran Zhao, Jianming Tong, Wenzhe Zhao, Nanning Zheng and Pengju Ren* “COCOA: Content-Oriented Configurable Architecture based on Highly-Adaptive Data Transmission Networks” The 30th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI),2020, pp 253-258.
[23] Yongqiang Ma, Elisa Donati, Giacomo Indiveri, Badong Chen, Pengju Ren and Nanning Zheng “Neuromorphic Implementation of a Recurrent Neural Network for EMG Classification” 2nd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems, 2020, pp 69-73.
[22] Jiayan Yang, Zhiwei Dong and Pengju Ren*, “Scene Graph Generation for Relation Recognition” 2019 Chinese Automation Congress.
[21] Zirui Zhao, Yijun Mao, Yan Ding, Pengju Ren* and Nanning Zheng, “Visual-Based Semantic SLAM with Landmarks for Large-Scale Outdoor Environment”, The 2nd China Symposium on Cognitive Computing and Hybrid Intelligence.2019.
[20] Hang Wang, Hongbin Sun, Xuchong Zhang, Qiubo Chen, Pengju Ren, Xiaogang Wu, Shouyi Yin, Zhiqiang Jiang, Xiang Li, Daqiang Han, Shiquan Yu, Shaojun Wei, Nanning Zheng*,“A 4K×2K@60fps Multi-format Multi-function Display Processor for High Perceptual Quality”, 2018 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, APCCAS 2018: 427-430.
[19] Zishuo Zheng, Yadong Wei, Zhixu Zhao, Xindi Wu, Zhengcheng Li and Pengju Ren*, “Multitask Learning with Enhanced Modules”, IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP).2018.
[18] Yadong Wei, Zishuo Zheng, Zhixu Zhao, and Pengju Ren*“Activations Quantization for Compact Neural Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP).2018.
[17] Ziru Wang, Yongqiang Ma, Zhiwei Dong, Nanning Zheng and Pengju Ren* “Spiking Locality-Sensitive Hash: Spiking Computation with Phase Encoding Method” 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8.
[16] Pengju Ren*, Michel A. Kinsy, Mengjiao Zhu and Nanning Zheng "Towards Connectivity-Guaranteed Power-gating Large-scale On-chip Networks", The 7'th International Green and Sustainable computing conference (IGSC, formerly known as IGCC), Nov 7-9, 2016.
[15] Qihang Yu, Yongqiang Ma, Badong Chen, Nanning Zheng and Pengju Ren* “A Reconfigurable Parallel FPGA Accelerator for the Adapt-Then-Combine Diffusion LMS Algorithm” appear to 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems (ISCAS), May. 2016.
[14] Xiaowei Ren, Qihan Yang, Badong Chen, Nanning Zheng and Pengju Ren* “A Reconfigurable Parallel FPGA Accelerator for the Kernel Affine Projection Algorithm” 2015 IEEE International Conference on Digitial Signal Processing (DSP), July. 2015, 906-910.
[13] Pengju Ren*, Chenxi Yang, Kang Hu and Nanning Zheng “DC2: A Distributed Cut-Components Detection Algorithm for Large-scale On-Chip Networks” The 52st Annual ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC'52), 2015.
[12] Xiaotong Ding, Chenxi Yang, Xiaowei Ren and Pengju Ren* “Bandwidth-Based Application-Aware Multipat Routing for NoCs”, International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Applications (CISIA), June 28-29, 2015, pp 29-35.
[11] Chenxi Yang, Xiaotong Ding, Xiaowei Ren and Pengju Ren* “An Intermediate Node based Deterministic Fault Tolerant Routing in 2D Mesh”, International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Applications (CISIA), June 28-29, 2015, pp 483-488.
[10] Jiangyu, Geng liu, Xin Zhang and Pengju Ren* “A High Efficient Hardware Architecture for Multiview 3DTV” Proceedings of 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, (ASP-DAC), Jan19-22, 2015, pp 22-23.
[9] Xiaowei Ren, Qihang Yu, Badong Chen, Nanning Zheng and Pengju Ren* “A Real-time Permutation Entropy Computation for EEG Signals” Proceedings of 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, (ASP-DAC), Jan19-22, 2015, pp 20-21.
[8] Xiaowei Ren, Qihang Yu, Badong Chen, Nanning Zheng and Pengju Ren* “A 128-way FPGA Platform for the Acceleration of KLMS Algorithm” Proceedings of 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, (ASP-DAC), Jan19-22, 2015, pp18-19.
[7] Xiaowei Ren, Pengju Ren*, Badong Cheng, J.principe, Nanning Zheng “A Reconfigurable Parallel Acceleration Platform for Evaluation of Permutation Entropy” 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Aug26-30, 2014 pp 5735-5738.
[6] Pengju Ren*, Qingxin Meng, Xiaowei Ren, Nanning Zheng “Fault-tolerant Routing for On-chip Network Without Using Virtual Channel”, Proceeding of the 51st Annual ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC'51), June1-6, 2014, pp1-6.
[5] Xiaowei Ren, Pengju Ren*, Badong Chen, Tai min and Nanning Zheng “Hardware Implementation of KLMS Algorithm using FPGA” 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), July 6-11, 2014, pp: 2276-2281.
[4] Qianmin Li, Chenyang Ge*, Pengju Ren, Huimin Yao, “Depth Map Generation from Geometry and Motion” International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP), Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 8878, 2013.
[3] Mieszko Lis, Pengju Ren, Keun Sup Shim, Myong Hyon Cho, Omer Khan, Srinivas Devadas* “Scalable, Accurate multicore Simulation in the 1000-core era” , IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software(ISPASS), April, 2011 pp175-185.
[2] Dong Wang*, Nanning Zheng, Pengju Ren “A New Ringing Detection Based Adaptive Video Scaler with Parallel Memory Architecture” (ICIEA2008) IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Application.
[1] Hongbin Sun*, Nanning Zheng, Chenyang Ge, Dong Wang and Pengju Ren “An Efficient Motion Adaptive De-interlacing and Its VLSI Architecture Design” (ISVLSI’08) IEEE Annual Symp. on VLSI.