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刘海湖 |
2007.10-2011.1 英国Strathclyde大学机械工程系 博士
2004.9-2007.6 西安交通大学流体机械及工程系 硕士
2000.9-2004.6 西安交通大学流体机械及工程系 学士
2017.4至今 西安交通大学流体机械及工程系 教授、博导
2014.10-2017.3 西安交通大学流体机械及工程系 副教授2013.9-2014.9 英国Strathclyde大学机械及航空工程系 讲师2011.3-2013.8 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校土木及环境工程系 博士后
国家自然科学基金青年、面上和国际合作交流项目。1. Yan Ba, Ningning Wang, Haihu Liu*, Qiang Li, Guoqiang He, 2018, “Regularized lattice Boltzmann model for immiscible two-phase flows with power-law rheology”, Physical Review E, 97:033307.
2. Haihu Liu, Yan Ba, Lei Wu, Zhen Li, Guang Xi, Yonghao Zhang, 2018, “A hybrid lattice Boltzmann and finite difference method for droplet dynamics with insoluble surfactants”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 837:381-412.
3. Zhiyuan Xu, Haihu Liu*, Albert J Valocchi, 2017, “Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Immiscible Two-Phase Flow with Capillary Valve Effect in Porous Media”, Water Resources Research, 53(5):3770-3790.
4. Ningning Wang, Haihu Liu*, Chuhua Zhang, 2017, “Deformation and Breakup of a Confined Droplet in Shear Flows with Power-Law Rheology”, Journal of Rheology, 61(4):741-758.
5. Youneng Tang, Haihu Liu*, 2017, “Modeling Multidimensional and Multispecies Biofilms in Porous Media”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 114(8):1679-1687.
6. Haihu Liu, Lei Wu, Yan Ba, Guang Xi, 2017, “A lattice Boltzmann method for axisymmetric thermocapillary flows”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 104:337–350.
7. Haihu Liu, Lei Wu, Yan Ba, Guang Xi, Yonghao Zhang, 2016, "A lattice Boltzmann method for axisymmetric multicomponent flows with high viscosity ratio", Journal of Computational Physics, 327:873-893.
8. Haihu Liu, Qinjun Kang, Christopher R. Leonardi, Sebastian Schmieschek, Ariel Narvaez, Bruce D. Jones, John R. Williams, Albert J. Valocchi, Jens Harting, 2016, “Multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Simulations for Porous Media Applications”, Computational Geosciences, 20(4):777–805.
9. Haihu Liu, Yaping Ju, Ningning Wang, Guang Xi, 2015, “Lattice Boltzmann modeling of contact angle and its hysteresis in two-phase flow with large viscosity difference”, Physical Review E, 92, 033306.
10. Haihu Liu, Yonghao Zhang, 2015, “Modeling Thermocapillary Migration of a Microfluidic Droplet on a Solid Surface”, Journal of Computational Physics, 280:37–53.
11. Haihu Liu, Yonghao Zhang, Albert J. Valocchi, 2015, “Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Immiscible Fluid Displacement in Porous Media: Homogeneous Versus Heterogeneous Pore Network”, Physics of Fluids, 27(5):052103.
12. Haihu Liu, Albert J. Valocchi, Yonghao Zhang, Qinjun Kang, 2014, “Lattice Boltzmann Phase Field Modeling Thermocapillary Flows in a Confined Microchannel”, Journal of Computational Physics, 256:334-356.
13. Haihu Liu, Albert J. Valocchi, Charles J. Werth, Qinjun Kang, Mart Oostrom, 2014, “Pore-Scale Simulation of Liquid CO2 Displacement of Water Using a Two-Phase Lattice Boltzmann Model”, Advances in Water Resources, 73:144-158.
14. Haihu Liu, Albert J. Valocchi, Qinjun Kang, Charles J. Werth, 2013, “Pore-Scale Simulations of Gas Displacing Liquid in a Homogeneous Pore Network Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method”, Transport in Porous Media, 99:555-580.
15. Youneng Tang, Albert J. Valocchi, Charles J. Werth, Haihu Liu*, 2013, “An Improved Pore-Scale Biofilm Model and Comparison with a Microfluidic Flow Cell Experiment”, Water Resources Research, 49(2):8370-8382.
16. Haihu Liu, Albert J. Valocchi, Yonghao Zhang, Qinjun Kang, 2013, “A Phase-Field-Based Lattice-Boltzmann Finite-Difference Model for Simulating Thermocapillary Flows”, Physical Review E, 87:013010.
17. Haihu Liu, Albert J. Valocchi, Qinjun Kang, 2012, “Three-Dimensional Lattice Boltzmann Model for Immiscible Two-Phase Flow Simulations”, Physical Review E, 85:046309.
18. Haihu Liu, Yonghao Zhang, Albert J. Valocchi, 2012, “Modeling and Simulation of Thermocapillary Flows Using Lattice Boltzmann Method”, Journal of Computational Physics, 231(12):4433-4453.
19. Haihu Liu, Yonghao Zhang, 2011, “Droplet Formation in Microfluidic Cross-junctions”, Physics of Fluids, 23(8):082101.
20. Haihu Liu, Yonghao Zhang, 2010, “Phase-field Modeling Droplet Dynamics with Soluble Surfactants”, Journal of Computational Physics, 229(24):9166-9187.