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2013.02-2014.02  Brookhaven National Lab(BNL), 访问学者.
2010.01 -至今,西安交通大学,能动学院核科学与技术系,副教授
1997.08-2009.12 西北核技术研究所 反应堆研究室  助理研究员
1. 陕西省自然基金:2015JM1033,射频功率硅锗异质结双极晶体管质子、重离子辐射损伤机理研究,2015.01-2016.12.  2万元,主持.
2. 横向项目,3211001397,Si MCZ辐射探测器位移损伤特性测量与模拟,2014.04-2016.04,12万元、主持.
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11175139、Si SOI微剂量阵列探测器物理设计关键问题研究  2012/01-2015/12 、78万元、在研、主持
4. XX预研基金项目,91XXX、嵌入式XXXXX研究、2012/06-2014/06、 30万元、已结题、主持.
5. 中央高校基本科研基金项目,xjj2011059、反应堆核事故放射性物质大气弥散浓度、剂量时空分布理论模拟及环境放射性实验测量、2011/.05-2013/05、10万元,已结题,主持.
6. 横向项目,20110663(合同号)、嵌入式片上系统α粒子辐照软失效测量分析、2011/08 - 2011/12、9.6万元、主持.
[1] Xiongcen#, Liu Shuhuan, Li Yonghong, Tang Du, Zhang Jinxin, Du Xuecheng, He Chaohui*. Hot carrier effects on the bipolar transistors' response to the electromegnetic interference,Microelectronics Reliability. 55: 514–519,2015. (SCI收录期刊)
[2] Shuhuan Liu#*,Zheng Li, D. Bassignana, Wei Chen, David Lynn, Hao Xu , Shaorui Li, Hao Yi.  Laser Test Studies on the Single-sided Dual-Column 3D Stripixel Silicon Detector. Nuclear  Instrument  and Method in Physics Research A.( revised,under review,SCI收录期刊)
[3]Shuhuan Liu#*,Xiaoqiang Guo, Xinbiao Jiang,Da Li, Dongsheng Lin,Hui Zhou, Beibei Shao.Radiation effects comparison of SiGe HBTs irradiated by reactor neutron-gamma and 60Co gamma rays(poster). 10th International Conference on Radiation effects on Semiconductor materials, Detectors and Devices.Oct.8-10, Firenze,Itlay,2014.
[4] Shuhuan Liu#*, Zheng Li,Yanjiao Liu, Ming Lei,Yonghong Li, Du Tang, Xiaobo Liu, Biao Long, Yao Zhang, Yuan Yuan, Cen Xiong, Guohe Zhang, Yaolin Zhao,Chaohui He , Wei Chen.  Primary Design and Numerical Simulation Studies on 3D Si SOI Microdosimeter. 10th International Conference on Radiation effects on Semiconductor materials, Detectors and Devices.Oct.8-10, Firenze,Itlay,2014.
[5] Shuhuan Liu#*,Xuecheng Du,Yao Zhang,Xiaozhi Du, Du Xin, Yonghong Li, Chaohui He, Hang Zang, Cen Xiong, Du Tang, Wei Chen , Hui Zhou, Zheng Li. Primary Experimental Radiation Effects Results of 28nm Configuration System-on-Chip. 10th International Conference on Radiation effects on Semiconductor materials, Detectors and Devices.Oct.8-10, Firenze,Itlay,2014.
[6] Shuhuan Liu#*, Da Li,Wei Chen , Yonghong Li,Cen Xiong, Zheng Li. Experimental and Numerical Simulation Studies on Total Ionizing Dose Effects of SiGe HBTs Induced by γ Irradiation. 10th International Conference on Radiation effects on Semiconductor materials, Detectors and Devices.Oct.8-10, Firenze,Itlay,2014. [7] XIONG Cen#, Liu Shuhuan,Li Yonghong, TANG Du,He Chaohui*. A Wavelet-Based Method for Automatic Location of Peaks in Gamma-Ray Spectra. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 672-674: 1911-1919,2014.
[8] Zheng Li#*, D.Bassignana, Wei Chen, Shuhuan Liu, David Lynn, G.Pellegrini. Recent results of the 3D-stripixel Si detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A765 :103 –108 ,2014.( SCI收录期刊)
[9] A.Montalbano#*, D.Bassignana, Z.Li, S.Liu, D.Lynn, G.Pellegrini, D.Tsybychev. A systematic study of BNL's 3D-Trench Electrode detectors Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 765:23–28, 2014 ( SCI收录期刊)
[10] 龙彪#, 魏微,刘书焕*,王铮,贺朝会. 基于电流模式的硅像素探测器前端读出ASIC设计. 核电子学与探测技术,34(7):837-841, 2014.
[11] Du Xuecheng#, Liu Shuhuan*, He Chaohui, Xin Du,Yonghong Li,Yao Zhang,Wei Chen,Xinzan Liu,Dongsheng He. Single Event Effects Testing of Xilinx Zynq-7010 SoC with 239Pu Alpha Irradiation. Advances in Mechatronics and Control Engineering, 2014,678:268-273,(EI收录期刊)
[12] Liu Shuhuan#*, Zhang Xin, Wang Sanbing, Zhao Yaolin, He Chaohui, Wu Yuelei, Chen Wei. PRIMARY SIMULATION THE YIELD OF 14C PRODUCED IN PWR DURING NORMAL OPERATION. Proceedings of the 2013 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering(ICONE21), July 29- August 2, 2013, Chengdu, China.(EI: 20142317797342)
[13]MingLei#*,Shu-HuanLiu,Chao-HuiHe, CenXiong. GEANT4 Simulations Response of Cylindrical Silicon-on-Insulator Microdosimeter Array Detector for Neutrons Detection. Proceedings of the 2013 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering(ICONE21), July 29- August 2, 2013, Chengdu, China.(EI: 20142317796900)
[14] Du Xin#, Liu Shuhuan*, Zhang Jihong, Chen Changqi, Ren Xiaotang. Studies on the responses of CR-39 detector to C3+, O3+ and proton irradiations. Proceedings of the 2013 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering(ICONE21), July 29- August 2, 2013, Chengdu, China.(EI: 20142317796921)
[15] 曾君#,翟良,刘书焕*,汪洋. EPR堆芯严重事故下安全壳内γ辐射水平MCNP模拟与分析. 原子能科学技术,47(5):789-793,2013(EI:2013161645)
[16] Shuhuan Liu#*. Electron energy deposition and ionization density in atmosphere Induced by 90Sr-90Y decay beta rays simulated with Geant4. 2012 IEEE Symposium on Radiation Measurement and Applications, May 14-17,Oakland, California,2012
[17] 唐杜#*,刘书焕,李永宏,贺朝会.基于SOI工艺的圆柱型PIN微剂量探测器电荷收集特性数值模拟与分析.信息与电子工程. 10(5):616-620, 2012.
[18] 李达,江新标,刘书焕,全林,苗亮亮. 组织等效电离室性能模拟分析. 原子能科学技术,44(4): 469-473,2010.(EI:20102413003903)
[19] 王祖军#*, 刘书焕, 唐本奇, 陈伟 ,黄绍艳, 肖志刚, 张勇, 刘敏波.1MeV中子辐照SiGe HBT 器件的数值模拟. 核电子学与探测技术,30(3):321-327,2010.
[20] Shuhuan Liu#*, Xinbiao Jiang, Yunhong Zhong,Qingyu Yu, Wenshou Zhang,Kai Wang,Jun Yang, Yinglin Wang. Parameters Measurement for the Thermal Neutron Beam in the Thermal Column Hole of Xi'an Pulse Reactor. Science in China Series E:Technological Sciences. 53(5): 1219-1224, 2010(SCI收录期刊).
[21] Shu-Huan Liu#*, Xin-Biao Jiang, Nan-Nan Liu, Guang-Ning Zhu, Da Li, Ji-Hong Zhang, Qing-Yu Yu.Measurement and Calculation the Parameters of the Irradiation Field for the Fast Neutron Device in Xi'an Pulse Reactor. Nuclear Instrument and Method in Physics Research A. 2008, 593(3):361-366(SCI:347DL)
[22] Liu Shuhuan#*, Chen Da, A Jingye. Unfolding the measured neutron spectra in irradiation chamber on UzrH reactor with iterative method. Nuclear Science and Techniques,2007,18(2):77-81 (SCI:289KG)
[23] Shuhuan Liu#*, Dongsheng Lin, Xiaoqiang Guo, et. al. Degradation of SiGe HBT with reactor pulse neutron and gamma rays irradiation. Nuclear Instrument and Method in Physics Research A. 2006, 569(3): 810-814.(SCI:121SC).