侯健 |
1998.9-2002.7 长安大学 土木工程 学士
2002.9-2005.3 西安建筑科技大学 结构工程 硕士
2005.3-2008.7 同济大学 结构工程 博士
2008.8-2013.12 西安交通大学 土木工程系 讲师
2013.12-2023.12 西安交通大学 土木工程系 副教授
2017.2-2018.2 澳大利亚莫纳什大学 土木工程系 访问学者
2022.10-2023.10 西安交通大学校园规划与基本建设管理中心 副主任
2024.1 - 今 西安交通大学 土木工程系 教授
6)复合材料杆塔设计关键技术研究及应用—铁塔有限元仿真分析, 企业委托横向项目,项目编号:20181006,经费19.8万元,主持;
12)钢管混凝土框架—带缝钢板剪力墙结构的显式动力有限元分析,企业委托横向课题,项目编号:51100039 ,经费1.8万元,主持;
23)Jian Hou *, Yiyang Lu, Jian'an Wang *, Kaihang Yu. Calculation Model of Compaction Coefficient of Soil among SP−PSC Pile Group on Collapsible Loess Foundation,Applied Sciences, 2023, 13:4003,1-16. (SCI)
22)Li Song, Hubing Liu , Lei Xu *, Jian Hou, Zhiwu Yu. Dynamic performance of CRTS III ballastless track structure under the train load and temperature,Structures,2023,53:408-420. (SCI)
21)Hubing Liu, Li Song *, Lei Xu, Jian Hou, Zhiwu Yu. Stochastic analysis and dynamic reliability of the heavy-haul train–bridge system based on direct probability integral method,Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics,2023,74:103510. (SCI)
20) Jian Hou, Li Song *. Ultimate limit design of strengthened steel columns by mortar-filled FRP tubes,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2021,6676267:1-9. (SCI)
19)Li Song *, Jin-liang Liu, Chen-xing Cui, Zhi-wu Yu, Zhi-wei Fan, Jian Hou *. Carbonation Process of Reinforced Concrete Beams under the Combined Effects of Fatigue Damage and Environmental Factors,Applied Sciences,2020,10,3981:1-24. (SCI)
18)Li Song, Zhiwei Fan, Jian Hou *. Experimental and Analytical Investigation of the Fatigue Flexural Behavior of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams,International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials,2019,13,24:1-14. (SCI)
17)Fu Jia Luo, Yu Bai *, Jian Hou, Yuan Huang. Progressive collapse analysis and structural robustness of steel-framed modular buildings,Engineering Failure Analysis,2019,104:643-656. (SCI)
16)Jian Hou *, Xin Nie, Lei Zhang, Yuan Huang *, Yu Bai. Ultimate limit design of composite beams with modular GFRP deck and steel girder, Engineering Structures,2018,176:337-348. (SCI)
15)Li Song, Jian Hou *. Fatigue assessment model of corroded RC beams strengthened with prestressed CFRP sheets,International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials,2017,11,2:247-259. (SCI)
14) Jian Hou, Li Song*. Progressive collapse resistance of RC frames under a side column removal scenario: the mechanism explained. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s40069-016-0134-y (SCI)
13) Jian Hou, Li Song *, Huanhuan Liu. Testing and analysis on progressive collapse-resistance behavior of RC frame substructures under a side column removal scenario. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), 2015,10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000873. (SCI)
12) Jian Hou *, Li Song, Huanhuan Liu. Progressive collapse of RC frame structures after a centre column loss. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/jmacr.15.00160 (SCI)
11) Jian Hou, Li Song *. Numerical Investigation on Stress Concentration of Tension Steel Bars with One or Two Corrosion Pits. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/413737 (SCI)
10) Li Song *, Jian Hou, Zhiwu Yu. Fatigue and post-fatigue monotonic behaviour of partially prestressed concrete beams. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2015,http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/macr.14.00388 (SCI)
9) Jian Hou *, Zheng Yang. Simplified models of progressive collapse response and progressive collapse-resisting capacity curve of RC beam-column sub-structures. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE). 2014,10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000492. 04014008: 1-7. (SCI)
8)Xianglin Gu *, Xiaolin Wang, Xiaojing Yin, Feng Lin, Jian Hou. Collapse simulation of reinforced concrete moment frames considering impact actions among blocks,Engineering Structures, 2014,65:30-41. (SCI)
7) Jian Hou, Zheng Yang*. Analysis of delaminations occurring during different rupture tests of X70 pipeline steels. Disaster Advances,2013,6(S1):102-6. (SCI)
6) Jian Hou, Zheng Yang *, Chongdu Cho, Zhiqian Wang. Stress and Strain Concentrations in Finite-Thickness Rings under Diametrically Opposite External Loads. Disaster Advances,2012,5(4):1534-40. (SCI)
5) Jian Hou *, Zheng Yang. Analysis of extension of semi-elliptical surface crack in a bending plate based on experiment and finite element simulation. Disaster Advances,2012,5(4):786-90. (SCI)
4) Jian Hou *, Zheng Yang, Mi Zhou. Impact Action between Concrete Blocks in Collapse Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures. Advanced Science Letters,2011,4(3):986-95. (SCI)
3) Zheng Yang *, Jian Hou, Quanliang Liu, Chongdu Cho. Stress and strain concentrations for the filleted shafts in tension. Advanced Science Letters,2011,4(8-10):2631-36. (SCI)
2)侯健, 顾祥林*, 林峰. 混凝土块体碰撞过程中的动能损耗. 同济大学学报,2008,36(7):880-884. (EI)
1)侯健, 林峰, 顾祥林*. 描述混凝土块体间碰撞性能的冲量模型. 振动与冲击,2007,26(10):1-5. (EI) 联系方式