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陈肇隆 |
陈院士30年多来在肝脏移植领域创立多项中国台湾、亚洲及全球的肝脏移植纪录,并在活体肝移植维持全球最高的存活率之ㄧ。1994完成中国台湾首例儿童活体肝移植, 1997完成全球首例未输血活体肝移植,1999完成中国台湾首例成人活体肝移植,2002完成华人首例活体双肝移植,2006全球首创例行显微胆道重建,2013完成中国台湾首例第2单段肝移植,2018达成1800例肝脏移植手术。2006在American Journal of Transplantation发表活体肝移植治疗胆道闭锁症,五年存活率98%、2008在Transplantation发表活体肝移植治疗肝癌,五年存活率90%,都是文献上最高的存活率。30多年来不断突破与精进的纪录,奠定肝脏移植的国际学术地位。
陈院士对活体肝移植的技术与策略发展出多项创新与改良,获得领先世界水平的成绩,发表SCI学术论文500多篇,并担任American Journal of Transplantation副主编及Annals of Surgery等一流学术期刊编委,获邀在国际及海外医学会议演讲300余场,同时进行相关之基础研究,带动相关医疗科技之发展,培训国内外肝脏移植医师360余名,对增进全民健康、提升医疗水平有卓越贡献。
1. Chen CL*, Kabiling C, Concejero AM. Why does living donor liver transplantation flourish in Asia? (Perspective) Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 10:746-751, 2013.
2. Chen CL*, de Villa VH. Split liver transplantation. (Review) Asian J Surg. 25: 285-290, 2002.
3. Chen CL*, Wang KL, Lee MC, et al. Liver transplantation for Wilson's disease -- Report of the first successful liver transplant in Taiwan. Japanese Journal of Transplantation. 22:178-184, 1987.
4. Chen CL *, Cheng YF, Huang V, et al. P4 stump approach for intraoperative portal vein stenting in pediatric living donor liver transplantation: An innovative technique for a challenging problem. Ann Surg. 267(3):e42-e44, 2018.
5. Chen CL*, Chen YS, de Villa VH, et al. Minimal blood loss living donor hepatectomy. Transplantation. 69: 2580-2586, 2000.
6. de Villa VH, Chen CL*, Chen YS, et al. Right lobe living donor liver transplantation – addressing the middle hepatic vein controversy. Ann Surg. 238: 275-282, 2003.
7. Chen CL*, Concejero A, Wang CC, et al. Living donor liver transplantation for biliary atresia: A single center experience with first 100 cases. Am J Transplant. 6:2672-2679, 2006.
8. Lin CC, Chen CL*, Concejero AM, et al. Active immunization to prevent de novo hepatitis B virus infection in pediatric live donor liver recipients. Am J Transplant. 7: 195-200, 2007.
9. Concejero A, Chen CL*, Wang CC, et al. Living donor liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma:
A single-center experience in Taiwan. Transplantation. 85: 398-406, 2008.
10. Lin TS, Chen CL*, Concejero AM, et al. Early and long-term results of routine microsurgical biliary reconstruction in living donor liver transplantation. Liver Transpl. 19:207–214, 2013.
11. Nakano T., Goto S., Lai C.Y., Hsu L.W., Kao Y.H., Lin Y.C., Kawamoto S., Chiang K.C., Ohmori N., Goto T., Sato S., Jawan B., Cheng Y.F., Ono K., Chen C.L.*: Experimental and clinical significance of antinuclear antibodies in liver transplantation. Transplantation. 83: 1122-1125, 2007.
12. Nakano T., Cheng Y.F., Lai C.Y., Hsu L.W., Chang Y.C., Deng J.Y., Huang Y.Z., Honda H., Chen K.D., Wang C.C., Chiu K.W., Jawan B., Eng H.L., Goto S., Chen C.L.*: Impact of artificial sunlight therapy on the progress of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats. J Hepatol. 55(2):415-425, 2011.
13. Nakano T.*, Goto S., Lai C.Y., Hsu L.W., Tseng H.P., Chen K.D., Chiu K.W., Wang C.C., Cheng Y.F., Chen C.L. * Induction of antinuclear antibodies by de novo autoimmune hepatitis regulates alloimmune responses in rat liver transplantation.Clin Dev Immunol. 413928, 2013.