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柯良军,西安交通大学电信学院自动化系教授、博士生导师。2008年获西安交通大学工学博士学位。2011年10至2012年10月在英国University of Essex访问学习。研究方向为机器学习与智能计算,尤其是无人智能系统与城市交通系统的建模与优化。在IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics, Omega, European Journal of Operational Research等重要刊物发表论文30余篇,其中SCI检索论文20余篇,出版学术专著1部。担任《IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation》、《IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics》、《 European Journal of Operational Research》、CEC等国际重要期刊和会议的审稿人。先后主持国家自然科学基金等10余项科研课题。

1.Liangjun Ke. A brain storm optimization approach for the cumulative capacitated vehicle routing problem, Memetic Computing, 2018

2.Dongbin Jiao, Liangjun Ke, Weibo Yang, Jing Li:
An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm Based Dynamic Clustering Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks. Wireless Personal Communications 97(3): 4697-4727 (2017)

3.Tianjiao Zhang, Liangjun Ke, Jing Li, Jisheng Li, Jingqi Huang, Zexi Li: Metaheuristics for the tabu clustered traveling salesman problem. Computers & OR 89: 1-12 (2018)

4.Jing Li, Liangjun Ke, Gangqiang Ye, Tianjiao Zhang:
Ant colony optimisation for the routing problem in the constellation network with node satellite constraint. IJBIC 10(4): 267-274 (2017)

5.Liangjun Ke, P Zhai, J Li, F TS Chan, Pareto mimic algorithm: an approach to the team orienteering problem. Omega, 2015.

6.Liangjun Ke, et al., Proportion based robust optimization and team orienteering problem with interval data. European Journal of Operational Research. 2013, 226(1): 19-31.

7.Liangjun Ke, Qingfu Zhang, Roberto Battiti, Hybidization of decomposition and local search for multiobjective optimization. IEEE transactions on Cybernetics, 2014, 44(10): 1808-1820.

8.Liangjun Ke, Qingfu Zhang, Roberto Battiti, Multiobjective combinatorial optimization by using decomposition and ant colony. IEEE transactions on Cybernetics, 2013, 43(6): 1845-1859.

9.Liangjun Ke, Zuren Feng. A two-phase metaheuristic for the cumulative capacitated vehicle routing problem. Computers & Operations Research. 2013, 40(2): 633-638.

10.Liangjun Ke, et al., Cooperating branch-and-price and metaheuristic for the team orienteering problem with time windows, IEEE CEC 2014, Beijing.
