祝继华 |
2023.01-至 今,西安交通大学,教授
[1] Jinqian Chen, Jihua Zhu*, Qinghai Zheng, Zhongyu Li, Zhiqiang Tian. Watch Your Head: Assembling Projection Heads to Save the Reliability of Federated Models. The 35th AAAI Conf. on Artificial Intelligence(AAAI), 2024
[2] Yifei Wang, Jihua Zhu*, Yiyang Zhou, Wenbiao Zhou, Zhiqiang Tian. Contrastive Label Enhancement. The 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2023: 4353-4361.
[3] Jinqian Chen, Jihua Zhu*, Qinghai Zheng. Towards Fast and Stable Federated Learning: Confronting Heterogeneity via Knowledge Anchor. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM). 2023: 8697-8706.
[4] Qinghai Zheng, Jihua Zhu*, Haoyu Tang. Label Information Bottleneck for Label Enhancement. Proc. of the IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023: 7497-7506.
[5] Haoyu Tang, Jihua Zhu*, Qinghai Zheng, et al. Label enhancement with sample correlations via low-rank representation. The 34th AAAI Conf. on Artificial Intelligence(AAAI), 2020, 5932-5939.
[6] Jihua Zhu, Rui Guo,Zhongyu Li. Registration of multi-view point sets under the perspective of expectation-maximization. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 2020, 29, 176-189.(CCF A).
[7] Jihua Zhu, Xuxiao Bu, Yujiao He, et al. Joint reason generation and rating prediction for explainable recommendation. IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2023, 35 (5), 4940-4953.
[8] Jihua Zhu, Jiaxi Mu, Chaobo Yan, Di Wang, Zhongyu Li. 3DMNDT: 3D multi-view registration method based on the normal distributions transform. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2024, 21(1): 488-501.
[9] Yifan xie,Jihua Zhu*, Shiqi Li, Naiwen Hu, Pengcheng Shi. HECPG: hyperbolic embedding and confident patch-guided network for point cloud matching. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024, 62:1-12.
[10] Qinghai Zheng, Jihua Zhu*,, Haoyu Tang, Xinyuan Liu, Zhongyu Li. Generalized label enhancement with sample correlations. IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2023, 35 (1), 482-495.
[11] 李睿钰, 祝继华*,刘新媛. 考虑标记间协作的标记分布学习. 软件学报, 2022,33(2):539-554.
[12] 曹容玮, 祝继华*,张长青. 双加权多视角子空间聚类方法. 软件学报, 2022,33(2):585-597.
[13] 王艺霏,祝继华*,周熠炀,刘新媛. 联合深度森林与异质集成的标记分布学习方法. 软件学报,2024.